Angeline paused when she saw the coils of clouds visible from behind the window of David's private jet which she used as transportation to return from Hawaii to her hometown.

The girl could only sigh heavily, not because she had to leave Hawaii, but that she had to go home alone while David had something to take care of first.

Elly will pick up Angeline at the airport when she arrives.

Although David had told Angeline about his all-dark past accompanied by bullets and blood, he had never told Angeline about his final goal before he actually left the Underworld for good and spent the rest of his life with Angeline completely.

Even though David now has someone he will take care of until the end of his life, David still can't be calm if he hasn't finished off all the people who have betrayed his adoptive father, the big mafia boss Hendrick Brasco until there is nothing left.

Once he kills them all, David plans to leave the mafia world that has been ingrained in his life, sell his multi-national company and live in a comfortable place with Angeline and her family. Even though David has not yet decided where they will live later, anywhere does not matter as long as he can provide a comfortable and safe place for his little family in the future.

David's decision was very unanimous about that. He does not want to spend less time with his family because he has to carry out his duties as the sole owner of the company which ranks first on the list of ten companies with the largest net profits in the world.

He will only include all the wealth he has hoarded over the years as an inheritance. He did not want his child to be spoiled with wealth from birth, David felt that it was bad for the mental formation of children.

Maybe the discussion on that matter could still be postponed, because what he now had to think about was how to make David able to make all of that dream happen.

Of course it will be far from easy.

The people David faced today were not the enemies he had been facing all this time.

Isaac Dominic, a very reliable person behind the scenes. His guerilla thinking was completely the opposite of David's, who always plunged himself into the battlefield. A man highly skilled at strategy and wiles, what a troublesome enemy.

Benedict Rivaro, someone who has insane physical strength. The man who could always stand up to Hendrick Brasco in hand-to-hand combat. A person who was never afraid to be at the forefront of any battlefield, never failed to break through the opponent's defenses. David cannot fight Benedict with just strength, considering that until now David has never won even when it comes to hand-to-hand combat with his adoptive father, the big mafia boss Hendrick Brasco.

And Steve Stiffler. A mix of agility and speed. Not only physical, but also mental strength and mindset. Someone who becomes an ace in every battle that the legendary mafia syndicate Hendrick Brasco has gone through. The one who became the main massacre and also the ruthless executor. There really will be no end when discussing his combat abilities both in close, medium, and far range.

Someone who has David's style and combat mindset. Has the same level of accuracy and dexterity as David.

Steve was like a shadow to David, fighting him was like fighting another side to David himself.

Although the thing that sets them apart is that Steve is still a lonely wolf, whereas David is no longer a lonely wolf, but he already has someone who accompanies him walk a dark, bloody path.

Angeline, her existence is a huge difference to David and Steve.

With these three people who have terrifying abilities, it is certainly not an easy fight for David.

The obstacle David faced with Ainsley was a heart problem. With Ainsley who David already considered as the younger sister he never had before in his life, made David a little hesitant. Although only a little, but it could endanger David later.

Moreover, in the presence of another enemy named Catherine.

David didn't know exactly what she is capable of. But with the submission of the three great former generals of the legendary mafia syndicate Hendrick Brasco who dominated the Underworld at that time before him, Catherine must be someone who is highly respected in the Underworld.

David still can't trust Isaac Dominic, Benedict Rivaro, even Steve Stiffler. The three people who have topped the list of David's targets for revenge can bow before her, even to the point of forming an alliance just to fight him alone.

Catherine can't be underestimated. Apart from Catherine's past as an elite member of the special forces named S.W.A.T, her ability to trap David, break into the security system at his apartment without leaving a trace, and her courage in blowing up a sports arena, is not something an ordinary mafia can do.

If the mafia was actually formed and trained on the streets, Catherine was formed from special training for an elite troop.

That clear fundamental difference made Catherine truly a very dangerous person.

David even got into trouble with only three people, now added another one with terrifying abilities.

Angeline rose from her chair, walked out of David's luxury private jet and found a woman standing waiting for her at the exit of one of the airport portals.

"Was your vacation enjoyable?" asked Elly, who was now walking beside Angeline to where Elly parked her car, putting one arm around Angeline's neck.

Angeline turned her head. "Of course, looks like you should get me kidnapped more often so I can ask David to take me to another romantic place."

"Are you crazy? It's lucky David didn't cut my neck for letting you get kidnapped by a bunch of idiots like Croydon. Once again I put you in danger, maybe next time I'll end up being a fucking dog food."

Angeline sat beside the steering seat Elly sat on and fastened her seat belt, pulling it over her shoulder. Angeline's chest that looks so protruding from the wrapping of the seat belt on her body makes Elly swallow her saliva before shaking her head to wake her from daydreaming wild fantasies about his own boss's wife.

Angeline let out a tired sigh. "Don't worry, I won't let David do anything bad to you. He won't dare as long as I don't let him."

"So David is the kind of husband who's afraid of his wife? I just can't help thinking."

Angeline developed a proud smile. "No. David just loves me too much. And I'm grateful for that too."

Elly turned her car out of the airport area and onto the highway after passing through the portal. "Considering he can fight a gangster like Croydon alone, I did not think that behind his cruel figure he could love his wife so much. Especially after knowing that he is one of the mafia who most people say is too scary. Hey, tell me how you two met each other!".

"David saved me from a tragic incident. I don't want to talk about it, it hurts too much." said Angeline, staring out the car window.

Elly just curled her lips as if to say 'oh' without making a sound. David saved Angeline at a crucial moment, was sweet to her, didn't even think twice about putting his life on the front lines to protect Angeline. In her mind, Elly became jealous of Angeline who could find a husband as perfect as David.

Young, rich, handsome, brave, strong and affectionate.

David was just too perfect for men his age today.

Elly could only be happy with what Angeline had.

"Well, if you are satisfied with your vacation in Hawaii, starting tomorrow I will double your training." said Elly suddenly which made Angeline immediately round her eyes perfectly, while Elly laughed with satisfaction.

It turns out that Elly is also a terrible figure.