Chapter 56 - Reus Coronam (Crown Of Sin)

Slammm! ...

Without the slightest warning, David grabbed the innkeeper's head and slammed him against the table in front of him, leaving several shards of broken beer glass stuck in his face. Even the innkeeper had now lost his left eye thanks to the shattered beer glass.

David was still grabbing the innkeeper by the hair and holding the poor man's face against the table. "I'm not in the mood to serve rotten fish like you filthy fuckers. Just give me what I want while I still ask politely."

The people surrounding David exchanged glances. Someone screamed as he pulled a knife out of under his thick jacket and attempted to stab David's naked back.

David, realizing this, turned around and grabbed the wrist of the person who wanted to stab him with a penknife and immediately crushed the wrist bone so that the knife fell out of his hand.

When the knife slipped out of his hand, David's hand which had grabbed the innkeeper's hair before, catch the fallen knife with a very fast movement and stabbed the knife in the neck of the person who wanted to stab him. Precisely in the blood vessels in his neck.

Even though David's face still didn't show the slightest expression, his two eyes stared intently at the rest of the people who had surrounded him. Seeing David's movements so fast and without gaps, made them slowly retreat. And finally they all returned to their seats, enjoying their drinks as if nothing had happened.

The bar owner, whose face was full of broken glass, stared angrily at the people who had claimed to be his friends. "What a loser! He's just alone, why are you even acting like cowardly rats? Hurry up and kill this barbarian!"

"Shut the fuck up you ugly pigs, we're drinking here!" shouted the man who had surrounded David before but was now back in his chair.

"Fucking pussy!" cursed the innkeeper, who had returned to David's attention. "Why are you looking at me? Not satisfied yet with making my left eye blind, huh?!"

David walked over and grabbed the hair of the fat man with the thick mustache who was the bartender and owner of this strange, grungy inn.

"W-wait a minute. You want a room and a cellphone, right? I--"

Slammm! ...

David slammed the poor man's face again against the table opposite him for the second time.

"I-I'll give--"

Slammm! ...

With neither expression nor intention to respond to the innkeeper's intention to negotiate with him, David continued to smash the fat man's face on the table with no mercy.

"Okay, I'm sorry ... I'll give--"

Slammm! ...

David kept slamming the innkeeper's head against the table in front of him, crushing the man's facial bones even more. If it weren't for the thick flesh of his face, the man would have died long ago.

The people at their desks looked away from the angry David, not wanting to be another target of David's anger.

Slammm! ... Crassshhhhh! ...

The bar table, which was made of thick, slightly rotten teak wood, was crushed when David slammed the owner's face for the fifth time. David crouched down and grabbed the bar owner's hair again, pulling him up so the bar owner could see him back. "Aaam ... Savvey--"

Slammm! ...

David slammed the poor man's head on the floor as the poor man wanted to say 'I am sorry' and pulled him back up so he could look back. Now the poor man had difficulty speaking. And David was still slamming his face to the floor while continuing to grab his hair.

Slammm! ...

Finally, the person wearing the black leather jacket who had been silent all this time stood up. Of all the tables in this bar, only one is occupied by a person, while the others are occupied by three to four people.

The man walked over to David who was still banging the helpless man's face against the floor really hard.

Now all the people who were in the bar enjoying their beer chuckled and whispered to their neighbors. "That guy will be the next target. Wanna make a bet with me?"

"Are you crazy? Of course I'm going to bet on the naked-chested man, because the man in the black leather jacket doesn't look that strong."

"I'm not sure, you can't judge someone by the appearance alone."

"So you're going to bet on the man in the black leather jacket?"

The man took out a silver revolver-type pistol, briefly checked the bullet in the gun and pointed it at David right behind his head.

"Wow, look at that, he's using a gun. The fate of that naked, raging madman must be over. Didn't I tell you? You can't judge someone by the appearance alone."

"You're right. Shit! I'll lose my money on this shitty bet!"

Bang! ...

A shot was fired.

Making all the visitors to the inn gasped.

David fell silent.

The fat man whom he had been tormenting had finally died with a bullet hole forming in his back. David looked at the bullet hole, according to his estimation, the angle was just right for the heart. According to David, the shooter could even estimate the thickness of the flesh of the fat man he had shot so that the bullet lodged right in the heart of the fat innkeeper with the thick mustache.

David became a little wary, the man standing with a revolver behind him was not an amateur.

"I didn't expect to meet a ruler of the Underworld in a place like this."

This voice. David was a little familiar with the voice of the person standing behind him.

David got up from his squatting position, stood up and turned around to see who the owner of the familiar voice was. Hearing the word 'Underworld' mentioned by the man in the black leather jacket made all the bar patrons slowly walk out, trying their hardest not to look panicked.

Until finally there were only a few people who were still enjoying their drinks as if they weren't bothered by the mention of the 'Underworld'. The man in the black leather jacket put his revolver gun back in his jacket and held out his hand at David, hoping to be greeted by the man he called the ruler of the Underworld.

"Lemme introduce myself, I'm Cederic, leader of the mafia syndicate Reus Coronam, which means the Crown of Sin. And the people still in this bar are my friends."

David still had an expressionless face but the intensity of his eyes was enough to make anyone who saw him tremble with fear if they were not mentally strong enough. "I never heard that name."

"Of course, we only formed a group about a week ago. My friends are people who don't know the ins and outs of the circles of the Underworld yet."

David smiled faintly. "If you find out who I really am, then you are not 'born yesterday'."

Cederic laughed dryly. "Of course, I used to join Mors Candidatum, a mafia syndicate that has the meaning of a Candidate for Death. The mafia syndicate that a few years ago was slaughtered by someone named Steve Stiffler, one of the great generals of the legendary mafia syndicate Hendrick Brasco. I am the only survivor members of the Mors Candidatum."

"Steve?" asked David, smiling broadly. "He does always leave one person alive to spread his name. The bastard who likes to show off."

"Incidentally, I also heard rumors that you have been betrayed by your own people and have been moving alone to hunt down those who have betrayed you. The news has become a very hot story discussed by people within the circles of the Underworld. Such an exciting story to be the subject of."

David wiped the smile off his face and looked into Cedric's eyes. "Then, what do you want?"

"Come on, I'm not talking that long for you to ask what I mean to greet you. Of course, I want to offer to help you ... no, more precisely we want to be your subordinates. Besides I also want to avenge my friends who have been massacred by Steve, I also want to be a part of the story called 'Revenge of the Demon Prince' which is still hotly talked about by people in the circles of the Underworld."

David was still silent, not wanting to give any response to Cederic's words.

"Also, I have been a great admirer of you for a long time. Surviving in the Underworld is already very difficult even if you join a strong mafia syndicate, but all this time you have been moving alone and your opponents are not amateurs either. Imagining my name is also mentioned in the story which will become a legend for hundreds of years really makes my spirits boil. "

David laughed loudly, causing Cederic to smile even though he didn't know what David's laughter meant.

"Do you think I need help from someone else?"

Now Cederic knew what David's laughter meant, but he still didn't get the smile off his face. "Of course we are on a very different level from you. But let me tell you one thing. Within our group, there is someone who has come head-to-head with Benedict Rivaro. And guess what, he fought fiercely with that huge monster and even made a comeback. Benedict himself praised his prowess. "

Cederic pointed to someone with a thick Asian face who was drinking a large glass of Belgian Ale. David followed Cederic's forefinger and his eyes opened spontaneously when he saw the figure who could fight fiercely with Benedict. The man smiled sideways at David and waved one hand.

The Asian-faced person seemed to be showing the burn on his right wrist as he waved at David.

It is the burn produced by the same fire that caused David to suffer a severe burn to his left back.

The burns that David got while still a member of the legendary mafia syndicate Hendrick Brasco, when they had to deal with gangsters from China who were famous at that time.

A man named Xiang Quanmeng, the last survivor of the legendary gangster syndicate in Asia, Two-Head Dragon, who became extinct five years ago because he lost the battle against Hendric Brasco.

Even David could not hold back his laughter as he looked at the other three people. All of them were former members of the mafia group who had lost the battle against Hendric Brasco. David did not expect Cederic to gather them all and form a new mafia syndicate called Reus Coronam, which means Crown of Sin.

Earlier Cederic said that the members of the mafia syndicate he created were people who didn't know the ins and outs of the Underworld?

What a ridiculous nonsense.

He didn't know if this was fate or coincidence.

The thought of David teaming up with people who held a grudge against the same person his revenge was targeting, made him completely unable to stop laughing.

Meanwhile, David did not realize that Catty was no longer there. No one knows where Catty went, but what David knew, he would start an irony.. The irony that will determine the direction of David's next fight.