Angeline took her sling bag and ran after David who was waiting for her at the door of their apartment. The girl walked towards the elevator, hugging David's left arm and continuing to smile.

It's a fine morning. The weather is quite friendly as there are almost no clouds in the sky, so there is no sign of rain. Even the weather forecast says the same thing.

Angeline was really happy when David said he would take her out like a young person who is dating. Even though they were married, in fact, David and Angeline spent very little time outdoors. At night, David always came home late, and early in the morning David was not in bed before Angeline woke up.

Things haven't changed. Their routine remains the same. Daniel works at once to work out his plan for revenge without Angeline's knowledge, and Angeline does her regular training with Ellie. If anyone else, would have assumed David had an affair out there with that attitude. Yet Angeline firmly believed that David was not such an insolent person who kept his mistress out of the house.

Now they are both sitting in the back seat of the Uber taxi that Angeline ordered via an application on her cellphone. David deliberately did not want to bring a Lamborghini Veneno worth billions of dollars because of course it would really attract the attention of many people, considering the place they are going to will be very crowded with people.

Angeline continued to put on an expression full of happiness. This time, they won't be spending time in a boring place that is very expensive and filled with arrogant people just because they have as much money as when they went out to spend time together before.

Previously, David had invited Angeline to have a romantic dinner at a starry dining place located on the top floor of one of the city's skyscrapers. Angeline really felt that she didn't fit into the atmosphere there, besides the food portions seemed too small, the price that was displayed on the food menu list also did not make sense. Of course Angeline doesn't like something that is too expensive but doesn't match what she gets, what Angeline expects from a restaurant is, they provide something that can make your stomach full, not something that can make your mouth tingle and charge a very high price for it, which is not filling your stomach at all.

There were even some people who looked down on David and Angeline because they were the only two who came in their everyday clothes, because David and Angeline prioritized comfort.

There were even some people who looked down on David and Angeline because they were the only two of them who came in the clothes they used to wear every day, because David and Angeline prioritized comfort in everything they wore, not prioritizing luxury and other people's perspective of them.

Angeline was completely disgusted by the attitude of the people there saying they didn't deserve to be in such a fancy place, just because Angeline and David were wearing clothes that didn't look expensive at all.

Even though they do not know that the wealth owned by David is not comparable to the assets of all the people in that five-star restaurant if they are gathered together and multiplied thousands of times.

But right now, Angeline didn't have to worry about that anymore. The place they were going to this time was a hundred and eighty degrees different from the place they had previously been to spend some romantic time together. They will visit an amusement park that just opened three days ago. The amusement park is so viral on social media because many people have uploaded their photos there lately.

Of course Angeline, as a young millennial generation who is quite active on social media, wants to visit this very viral place.

The amusement park which was officially opened three days ago is called Dream Land. The place is truly like a dream garden. Various rides, from romantic to adrenaline-pumping, are all available there. And the place is also very wide.

People who come from out of town even have to book a hotel room for at least two nights in order to enjoy every ride in the theme park. Located on the outskirts of the city, the site was once the site of a former mining company that had been neglected for years because the owner was caught in a corruption case, causing mining activities to stop completely.

And after going through the development process for months, the amusement park project finally officially opened to the public three days ago. And in fact, Stockholm Corporation is the largest investor in the Dream Land theme park development project.

Yep, indirectly, the amusement park that is very viral on social media belongs to David, because David is the sole owner of the Stockholm Corporation.

Angeline took out her cell phone, opened the front camera and leaned her head on David's shoulder in a rather spoiled manner, acting as if she was a wife who liked to be spoiled by her handsome husband, put her cell phone in front of them and took a picture of her with David. The girl uploaded her selfies with David to her Instagram account.

Angeline never adds any filters to every photo she uploads. Even so, Angeline has more than seven hundred thousand followers even though she is neither an influencer nor a celebrity. In fact, since high school, people on social networks have already admired Angeline's beauty. Angeline has even received several offers to become a model at agencies that are looking for attractive young talents, but Angeline has always refused because she was too embarrassed for it.

After uploading it to her social media accounts, Angeline gets hundreds of notifications in less than a minute. Mostly filled with comments from people who admire her beauty, although more comments is talking about how handsome Angeline's husband is.

Angeline looks so happy, but David feels something else.

No, David was not unhappy to be able to spend such precious time with his beloved wife, but somehow his sensitivity to a sense of danger suddenly increased dramatically. For no apparent reason, David felt very alert, especially to the Uber taxi driver who was driving them at this time.

David glanced in the rearview mirror and saw a car that seemed to be following them. David was thinking hard in his mind, will Catty start the war this soon?

But for some reason, David's alertness was very different from usual. This feeling was so strange that David was unable to draw any conclusions from the thousands of hypotheses that were in his mind. Everything feels so odd.

And after a few minutes, the car that had been following them bounced from the left side and stopped right in front of them. About six people got out of the SUV modeled car and walked over to them. Someone tapped the glass of the Uber driver they were riding in, making the driver lower the glass.

"What's all this? What do you want?" asked the driver. Having not received an answer to their question, the six people who approached them took out a gun. Each of them had a gun in their hands. Even one of them pointed at David and told David and Angeline to get out of the car too.

Of course Angeline would have been terrified by something like this, but not David.

And a moment after that, everyone who was pointing their guns, even the Uber taxi driver they were riding in and also Angeline frowned at the sound of David's loud laughter.

Angeline also felt anxious. Will David be out of control like they were in Hawaii?

When they were on vacation in Hawaii, David suddenly laughed like this for no apparent reason. And of course, it really didn't want Angeline to see anymore, because it was a terrifying moment, and also annoying at the same time. Because when that happened, Angeline couldn't do anything for David. That was what Angeline annoyed herself at that moment.

However, after observing David's situation, Angeline felt that what was happening right now was not the same thing that happened to David when they were on vacation to Hawaii, his attitude this time was different. The look in his eyes didn't show the slightest bit of anger. Then, what is that loud laughter for?

Did David think the six pistols being pointed at the two of them were a joke?

"Can we stop this stupid thing, before I rip off your intestines and kidneys one by one?"

Angeline rounded her eyes, "David?!"

David reached into the tissue box on the front dashboard of the car and pulled out a small camera which was in a recording position. Everyone who was pointing their guns was cursing in annoyance, even the Uber driver showed an expression of disappointment after David took out the tiny camera.

Angeline was still silent, trying to digest what had just happened inside her head. But after a moment of thought, Angeline finally put on a surprised face. "Oh, so this is just a prank?"

Lately, prank videos are very popular on social media networks. People will hide a camera and work on their targets for entertainment purposes. In the end, the prank actor will apologize to the victim and ask permission from the victim whether the recording with the camera that he has hidden can be uploaded to his social network accounts such as YouTube and so on.

David looked at the clock on the watch attached to his left wrist, "Unfortunately, I'm not in the mood to rip your kidneys. So if you guys don't get my wife and I to Dream Land in ten minutes ..."

David hung up on his words and showed the intensity of the cold blooded gaze of a sadistic killer to those who tried to prank him with Angeline. "I'll make all of you lie in the hospital for the rest of your lives."

Everyone who saw David's gaze that was too mentally intimidating to them to the lowest point swallowed their own saliva. The Uber driver went back in and sat down in his seat. With his white face followed by cold sweat that continued to pour from his forehead, he finally took David and Angeline to their destination in silence.

Angeline rolled her eyes lazily. David shouldn't scare them like that.

Well, it can't be helped. That's how David responded to the person who was trying to joke with him.

His sense of humor is just quite creepy.