Chapter 94 - Turning The Hospital Into A Brutal Battlefield

David slowly opened his eyes, he looked back at Angeline's calm face lying on the hospital bed. It has been about two days Angeline was treated there because her body condition was getting worse.

The tube that helps Angeline to breathe is still attached to her nose, while a clamp on her index finger is the device used to monitor Angeline's heart rate. Coupled with an IV tube embedded in her left arm, David never felt the slightest calm to see his wife's sudden state like that.

Angeline's condition has started to worsen recently. According to the doctor's diagnosis, Angeline experienced decreased immunity as a result of her pregnancy, due to her frequent psychological stress.

It is undeniable that during her pregnancy, Angeline did get too much psychological burden.

Angeline has indeed been kidnapped twice. The first by amateur gangsters, the second by Catty. And countless times Angeline had to hear the sound of gunfire coming from a firearm, or see someone shot or cut by a sharp object in front of her own eyes.

Of course, those terrible things could not be endured mentally by someone like Angeline just like that. Moreover, Angeline has a background in life that is far from the word 'mafia' before she lived with David. All Angeline had been doing was trying to look tough so as not to trouble David. Angeline knew that what David had experienced was hundreds or even thousands of times more terrible than what she felt, but Angeline thought was a big mistake when she trying to comparing her mental strength and endurance with David.

It made David feel guilty. In his mind, David thought that he paid so little attention to his wife that he didn't notice something as fundamental as this.

From the start, Angeline had indeed said that no matter how hard the life they would live, Angeline was ready to endure it all as long as she could be with David until the end of her life.

And now is the impact of enduring all the mental pressures from all matters concerning the Underworld which she shares with David, her beloved husband, who, in fact, has the status of a mafia as well as the most feared and respected ruler in the Underworld in this very era.

According to the doctor's predictions, if not tonight, then tomorrow is the time for Angeline to give birth to the baby in her womb. However, Angeline's worsening condition made David never even leave the room where Angeline was treated. Even David didn't go out to smoke a cigarette at all.

Outside, Darius is sitting on the waiting chair which is right next to the bedroom door. Hellen is away to find food for Darius and David. But while sitting in the waiting chair, Darius somehow felt that something was odd enough for him to increase his alertness.

Several hospital patients as well as people who seemed to be working in the hospital where he was now always glanced at him.

Or not, maybe not in his direction.

But their glances were right at the door of the room where David and Angeline were.

At first, Darius just thought that it was a coincidence. But increasingly, Darius felt sure that something was wrong with their behavior.

Considering Angeline's deteriorating health condition and the imminent time of giving birth, Darius also had something in his mind, that if he became David's enemy, then times like this would be the best time to attack David all out.

Darius also took out his cellphone, his thumb stuck to the number three. If he pressed the number three for a few seconds, all of his fellow former members of the secret organization he had previously chaired would arrive in quite a while.

Actually, Darius's own ability should be enough to overcome any danger that would threaten his younger brother's family.

Hellen is seen walking from the end of the hallway while carrying a tote bag containing several servings of heavy food and also additional fresh fruit which she deliberately brings to Angeline when she gets up later.

"I'm sorry, the entrance to the hospital is very crowded, there are too many parked cars and also people around the hospital. I wonder why people now neglect their bodies so much that they have to go to the hospital like this."

"What did you just say?" Darius asked trying to convince himself thanks to Hellen's words.

"I said, too many people ... wait ..." Hellen also hardened his expression. "Oh, I just realized."

Hellen's mind is no less sharp than Darius. Now Hellen understands why so many people are around the hospital.

"But, are you sure?" asked Hellen who only received a serious look full of alert from Darius. "This hospital is a military hospital with the most complete facilities in town. Surely the government will not allow anything to happen to a facility as good as this. Also, the police office is also not far from ... Ohh ... They must have taken care of the police station. Maybe last night."

Darius looked at his cellphone screen. Should he call the number three right now?

If Darius presses the number three for eleven seconds, his cellphone will send an emergency signal to all former members of his secret organization first. And this is the first time Darius has done this.

Hellen who saw it did not want to comment. She knew what would happen if Darius pressed the number three. Because Hellen was also a member of that organization, more precisely, as a medical team on the battlefield.

Darius's pupils suddenly glanced towards a single point, precisely at the person who was standing far behind Hellen. From the edge of his sight, he could see someone who was already familiar to him.

Steve Stifler.

Of course Darius knows anyone who has a name in the Underworld, especially Steve who has the nickname Angel of Death.

And by the time a nurse walked past, Steve had disappeared from Darius's sight.

Darius knows, Steve knows him too. But Darius doubts that Steve also knows his true identity which not even the best detectives in the world can find out.

Thanks to the appearance of Steve, Darius did not hesitate to press the number three on his cellphone for eleven seconds. And when Darius' cell phone vibrates, Darius waits until his cellphone stops vibrating and puts it back in his pocket.

Darius stares into Hellen's eyes deeply. "Call David, you replace him to look after Angeline for a while. When all this—"

Several nurses who were walking quickly behind a doctor went straight into the room where David and Angeline were.

Hellen and Darius also come in to see what happened to Angeline.

It turned out that Angeline gave birth earlier than expected. However, Angeline had lost consciousness.

"Looks like we have to do the surgery because with Mrs. Stockholm's current condition, it is impossible to have a normal birth."

"Do whatever is necessary, save them both, my wife and child!" asked David, shedding tears. Hellen exchanged glances with Darius and both of them nodded as if they had understood each other's thoughts.

Hellen examines the IV bottle that is connected to Angeline's body. Hellen did it quickly and precisely despite being banned from the nurses who stood behind the doctor. And Hellen's suspicions were confirmed.

Hellen spread her gaze, she saw that the facilities in this room alone were enough for Angeline to perform a surgical delivery. Hellen gives a signal for Darius, and without warning, Darius brutally knocks out the doctor and the nurses who are with him, leaving David shocked.

"What the fuck? Why did you do that?!"

"David, calm down." interrupted Hellen. "They are fake doctors. The liquid in Angeline's infusion made Angeline's body weaker after her condition was already unhealthy. This fluid made Angeline's body worse. But calm down, I will take care of Angeline's birth process. The equipment here is already more than enough for me to perform the operation. You and Darius, stay outside. Make sure no one gets in here."

Hellen explained it very quickly as her hands prepared everything she needed to take care of Angeline's surgery.

David also turned to Darius. He knew that something was wrong.

Even more than that. Seeing the look on Darius's face like that, David also realized that something big might happen.

David swallowed his own saliva and walked out first, followed by Darius. When the two of them were out, Hellen locked the door from the inside. Just as Darius thought, on either side of the hallway, were hordes of people that might have numbered more than a hundred each. Each of them held a sharp weapon or a blunt weapon. Nobody had a firearm at all.

"I saw Steve earlier." said Darius who turned his back to David.

David didn't reply. So this is all Catty and Steve doing.

No one knew what they meant to send this many people without firearms at all. Are they expecting an exciting and fun battle without firearms?

If that's what they want, then David will be happy to turn this hospital into a mass grave.

Although David did not know that his guess was correct. Catty and Steve are in the CCTV room, sitting pretty watching the unarmed battle between David and Darius and three hundred mobsters.

Darius patted David on the shoulder. "Hey, if you want to be possessed like you did back then, this might be the right time."

David smiled very broadly. Without replying to Darius's words, David immediately dashed towards one end of the hall, while the other end became Darius's part.

Catty was also smiling in the hospital CCTV room watching David fight one hundred and fifty people alone.

Looks like it's going to be a really long night.

An absolutely brutal battle began.