Chapter 116 - Rey's Real Identity

"Have you heard the rumors yet?"

"What is it?"

"Fadil, the head of the gang from the Brimawa Private High School, gathered all the members and wanted to attack here?"

"Huh? That's a bullshit! Why would they attack a school that doesn't have a gang like ours? Don't ever spread such terrible hoaxes!"

"Here, I have proof, it's in Insta-Story from my friend who attend to that school and also the gang member. Look at the caption, 'Otw to Briston Gal, let's destroy it!'."

"Are you serious about this?! It can't be!"

All students are hot talking about rumors circulating that there is a school gang that holds the title of the most violent gang in their area will attack Briston Gal, a school that has never even participated in mass fighting activities between school students throughout the history of this school was founded from scratch.

This discussion also reached the ears of the students of class 1 Social Science-3, the class where Dave was.

Randy walked quickly into the classroom as soon as he heard this news and headed straight for Dave.

Slammm! ...

"It's all because of you Dave!"

Randy slammed Dave's table with his palm very hard. Dave, who was laying his head on the table with his ear pressed against the table, felt a pain in his senses due to Randy's hitting the table.

Dave got up from his sleep and immediately stood up.

Bammm! ...

Dave kicks the table in front of him hard, knocking Randy's thigh into the edge of the table he kicked.

"Hey, Dave, what the fuck are you doing?! It hurts to know! Fortunately it didn't hit my junior, you bastard!"

"What's wrong with you! Why are you hitting the table so hard that it makes my ears hurt? Are you tired of living?" Dave replied with an angry look. Dave was just about to beat up Randy if there weren't a few second graders and even third graders walking into his classroom.

A man who was in the final grade and had the calmest disposition of all the seniors who came to visit Dave's class was the closest standing to Dave.

"Are you Dave Stockholm?"

The boys in Dave's class slowly stepped away from the horde of upperclassmen. "Isn't that Thoriq? The monster who became the national Taekwondo champion last year? Why is he looking for Dave?"

Dave did not answer Thoriq's question, just looked back at him with an expressionless face. Jean, who was next to Dave, got up and rushed behind Dave's body, hiding from the many seniors who came over to Dave.

Thoriq saw Jean's behavior and chose to ignore it. His gaze turned back to Dave. "Come with me, we have something to talk about."

Thoriq walked first out of the classroom followed by a dozen other people who followed behind him.

Dave also turned to Dita who saw him from the front seat. "Dit, I entrusted Jean to you for a moment."

Jean held Dave's arm. "Where are you going?"

Dave stroked the top of Jean's head. "I'm going to meet those people earlier. Don't worry, it won't be long."

"No! You can't go! I won't allow you!"

Dave also held Jean's two hands that gripped one of his arms, looked at Jean deeply as if begging Jean to allow him to go.

"I still won't let you go. They look dangerous. If something happens to you, then what should I do?"

Dave smiled faintly. "If they really have bad intentions towards me, they should be worried about them, not me."

Randy was still rubbing his thigh which hit the edge of the table as a result of the kick from Dave earlier. "Hmm, you're so good at it, do you really like looking for a face like that in front of a girl? You show-off bastard!"

Dave ignored Randy's taunts and was still trying to persuade Jean until she would allow Dave to meet the dozens of seniors who had come to their class who were waiting for him.

"Dave, I also think that you shouldn't have to go to see them. I'm also afraid they have bad intentions towards you." said Dita, which made it difficult for Dave.

Dave is starting to run out of his wits about asking permission from Jean, because Dita also doesn't help him at all.

Finally Dave gave up and sat back down, making Jean smile.

Randy walked away. "From earlier you were just acting cool, it turns out you're just a coward."

Dita, who heard Randy's words, could only shake her head. She had no interest in dealing with someone like Randy at all. That man seemed to be going on saying nonsense until his mouth was bubbling.

Rey, who had switched seats with Jean to be next to Dita, put his cellphone in his pants pocket and stood up, making Dita curious. "Where are you going? The bell for the next lesson will be ringing soon."

Rey didn't answer and continued walking out of the classroom. Dave realizes it, Rey will replace his position to meet dozens of seniors. Dave had no choice but to let it be. There is no way those dozen seniors will harm Rey in the school environment. And if anything had happened to Rey, then Dave would not have stayed silent at all.


"Who are you?" asked one of a dozen people waiting for Dave in the old building behind the school gym. "Where's Dave?"

Rey grinned. "You sewers, you don't deserve to go against Dave. I am enough to deal with disgusting moths like all of you."

Everyone who heard what Rey said looked at Rey with rage. Only one person seemed calm, and that person was the one Dave talked to earlier in class. Thoriq Gunawan, last year's national Taekwondo champion.

"What did you just say, son of a bitch?!" said someone who immediately came forward to beat Rey up.

Rey stomped his stomach. Or not, to be more precise, Rey landed the bottoms of his shoes on the man's gut, making him lie on the floor immediately clutching his stomach and screaming in pain. The people who saw that began to attack Rey simultaneously. But just as they were about to do so, a very loud scream stopped them.


Thoriq, the man threw away the half-burned cigarette and put out the embers of the cigarette by stepping on it on the floor. Thoriq stood up and exhaled cigarette smoke from his breath and walked towards Rey.

Thoriq accelerated his pace until he finally dashed towards Rey, jumped and rewarded Rey with his right knee which Rey blocked with his fists. But the power of Thoriq's kick, who is actually a Taekwondo national champion, plus the momentum he got from running fast and also jumping made Thoriq's attack power unable to be dammed by Rey.

Rey took a few steps back. Not stopping there, Thoriq threw a backward kick that hit the side of Rey's head.

Rey swayed sideways and lost his balance.

Thoriq combed his hair back using his right fingers. "At first we didn't have any intention of fighting Dave or you. But since you started it, I had no choice but to make you realize that you can't just underestimate your opponents like that. Do you understand, my stupid juniors? And, if you really are the one Dave sent in his place to meet us, Dave should have looked for someone better."

Rey laughed out loud and got back up. "They say you are a national Taekwondo champion?"

"So what?"

Rey also smiled broadly. "Then, I also wanna teach you something."

Rey stepped forward and delivered a combination of punches and kicks that Thoriq had never seen before. Even Thoriq was cornered while trying to fend off Rey's every attack. In addition, Rey did not give Thoriq the slightest chance to counter his attacks.

Rey's low right hit Thoriq's ribs, making Thoriq flinch.

Rey threw two low punches aimed at Thoriq's stomach, grabbed Thoriq's shoulders and jumped to bring his right knee to Thoriq's chest, which made Thoriq stagger backwards while holding his aching chest.

Rey lowered his head to avoid Thoriq's counterattack, namely a sideways kick that aimed at Rey's head.

After avoiding the kick, Rey knelt down and punched very hard at Thoriq's right thigh, rendering him unable to use his aching right leg to fight. Rey then got back up and was already behind Thoriq's body then put his hands around Thoriq's neck from behind and locked him.

"Remember this well. Martial arts is much different from street fighting. And if you fight without rules like what we are doing right now," Rey hung his words as he continued to choke Thoriq's neck with his locks from behind and smiled broadly, "Of course, the street fighters will win. Because for us street fighters, life just is a small gamble."

Rey unlocked Thoriq and threw the man aside, letting him curl up in pain holding his own neck on the floor. Rey also stared at the rest of the dozen or so other who gave their incredulous glances over what had just happened.

"I know, you guys definitely wanna talk about the problem of the Brimawa Private High School gang that will attack here. My advice is that you go back to your homes and take cover under your mother's skirt. I don't want my school to be a laughing stock on the streets because Clowns like you are taking care of this problem. Because I and Dave are more than enough. I don't want you trash maggots to be my obstacle. Do you fucking get it?"

Rey finally walked away from the dozens of seniors and took a cell phone from his pocket and called someone from across the line

"Zzup?" asked someone who answered Rey's call.

"Big Bro, there is a problem with another school gang, I need help."

"Which school gang?"

Rey tried to remember the name of the school. "Brisawa Private High School, Brigawa… Brimawa. Yeah, Brimawa."

"How many people do you need?"

"Mmm ... maybe four is enough."

"Are you sure you only need four?" asked the man who spoke to Rey over the phone. "If you lose and embarrass the name of the Destroyer, do you understand what the consequences will you get?"

Hearing this made Rey laugh softly. "Take it easy, after all, there is 'that person' who will also help us with this matter."

"Who is that person?"

"The person that Big Boss want me to look after."

"Oh, yeah, him. Well then, at two o'clock the 'kids' will already be there."

"Okay, thanks Big Bro." Rey said before hanging up his phone with one of the top Destroyer members he had contacted just now.

In fact, Martin Imannuel, the big boss of the Destroyer gang at this time did indeed tell Rey as a new member of the Destroyer to enroll in the same school as Dave. The big boss doesn't want to lose the slightest bit of information about Dave, a former member of the Destroyer that he will never let go of.

The reason why Martin will not let Dave go even though Dave has resigned, is because Dave's abilities are too scary, so as much as possible Martin wants to maintain a good relationship with Dave no matter what.

Even though Dave's fighting ability is not that great, his instincts in combat including the mindset when he is on the bloody battlefield are not owned by just anyone.

No one knows who Dave got that ability from.. What's clear, Dave is no ordinary street fighter.