Chapter 129 - A Little Incident Inside Rey's Car

"Why did you hold me back?"

Dave walked in front of Rey followed by Ms. Tasya goes to where Rey parked her car. "I don't want you to die in vain."

"You think I can't fight that bastard Derek?"

"You don't know who Derek is."

Dave stopped next to Rey's car. Rey comes in and sits in the driver's seat with Dave sitting in the seat next to Rey, while Ms. Tasya is still outside.

"To hell do I know him or not, he has messed up in a place that is still the territory of the Destroyer. What's more, he said he wanted to slaughter the Destroyer in front of my face directly."

Dave turned his head. "So what are you gonna do?"

"Next time, don't get in my way."

"Okay… But don't expect me to bury your fucking corpse later."

Rey also turned his eyes to Ms. Tasya. "Why are you still outside? Don't you want to come in?"

Ms. Tasya realized from her reverie. "Huh? Oh, there are only two seats, right?"

"As you can see for yourself. You can choose, sit on my lap, or on Dave's lap."

Ms. Tasya and Dave were surprised when they heard that. Dave looked straight at Rey with a look on his protesting face. "You are crazy?"

"No, I'm Rey, not crazy."

"It's okay, I'll just order an online taxi."

Rey also shifted his gaze from Dave to Ms. Tasya. "Have you forgotten that the rules of this club are not to order online taxis around here, because the location of this club will be revealed? If you want to take an online taxi, the order must be at least half a kilometer from here.

Bammm! ...

Dave hit Rey's head with the palm of his hand. "Just walk, don't think too much of silly shits, after all, Ms. Tasya is not a little girl who can't go home by herself."

"But Dave, it's not good to leave a woman alone at night like this, we don't know who Derek was. If the people who went with Derek saw how beautiful and sexy Ms. Tasya was, and they did bad things to her, then Ms. Tasya can no longer teach at our school because of that, how about that? Do you want to be responsible if I also quit school because Ms. Tasya no longer teaches sports lessons at our school? Don't you also know that Ms. Tasya is my biggest fantasy in the school among the other teachers?"

"Can your brain think of anything other than Ms. Tasya's crotch? All right, you can just take her home first. I'll wait here."

Rey tapped the needle of the gasoline which was less than a line. "I don't have enough fuel to come back here after escorting Ms. Tasya back to her house."

"An expensive car but no fuel? Can you be more fucking embarrassing than this?"

Rey only replied to Dave's words with a smile that expected Dave's forgiveness but instead it looked disgusting and made Dave even more eager to punch Rey's face as hard as possible.

Dave and Rey still haven't finished fighting, but the sound of the car door opening distracts them both. And a moment later, the sports car door was closed again with Ms. Tasya who sat on Dave's lap. Dave was just about to protest but Rey quickly pressed the power button to start the car and sped it out of that hidden night club's parking lot.

Several times Rey glanced at Dave, who looked like he didn't want to say anything else. Inside, Rey felt like he wanted to burst out laughing, but he knew it would only make things worse for Dave.

"Where is your house?"

"In front there is an intersection, turn left. Later on the right there will be an entrance, not far from there is the apartment building where I live."

Booommmmm~! ...

A white flash of light in the night sky accompanied by a sudden roar in the sky made Rey look up. "Looks like there's going to be some really heavy rain. Maybe a storm."

Rey also pressed a button to raise the roof of his car again and also raised the windshield of the car and turned on the air conditioner. In less than ten seconds, suddenly heavy rain fell from the sky, soaking the road they were on.

Vrooommmm ... Drgg ... Drggg~ ...

Rey's car suddenly stopped. The run out of fuel signal also flashes while continuing to make a low beep. Rey hit the steering wheel in annoyance, cursing himself.

Rey turned to the side. Neither Dave nor Ms. Tasya looked at him with a murderous look, making Rey smile as sad as he could, wishing Dave and Ms. Tasya didn't really kill him tonight.

"Mmm… Since we're already on the big road, what if I just order Uber?"

Rey tried to find his cell phone for a few moments until he slapped himself on the forehead. "What the f-- ... Aaargghhh!"

"Why?" asked Ms. Tasya, who slightly moved her hips because she started to feel uncomfortable sitting on Dave's lap. Ms. Tasya's hips which kept moving around Dave's crotch made it even worse.

Of course, because Dave is a normal boy who grows up healthy, and has the ability to carry on offspring.

"This ... Um ... I forgot to take my cellphone on the bar table earlier. Dave, lend me yours."

"Don't bring it." Dave replied quickly with an indifferent accent.

Rey also looked at Ms. Tasya.

"I never bring my cell phone when I go to a nightclub."

Rey frowned. "But you said earlier that you just wanted to order an online taxi instead of having to come with us?"

Ms. Tasya also turned her gaze towards the front. "Sorry, I lied."

Rey ruffled his own hair in frustration. Now they are trapped in the car with Ms. Tasya who is still sitting on Dave's lap.

For about an hour they were silent without anyone making a sound. The atmosphere was totally chaotic. Rey had no more words to say, neither did Ms. Tasya.

Whereas Dave, behind his silence, Dave tried hard to endure something that he had endured for the past hour.

No, not the feeling of wanting to urinate, even though the thing he was holding onto was in the same place where he dumped the residual fluid of his body's metabolism. Especially with Ms. Tasya is constantly moving so that she accidentally stimulated something in the most vulnerable area that is between Dave's groin.

Ms. Tasya crossed her arms and put it on the car dashboard in front of her and lay her head on it. It looks like Ms. Tasya prefers to sleep when she has been sitting quietly doing nothing since an hour ago.

Dave was still keeping his eyes out of the car window, while Rey had been asleep all this time, with his mouth gaping and drool dripping from the corner of his lips.

Again, Ms. Tasya moved her hips to find a comfortable position for her to sleep, as if she forgot that what she was sitting on was not a chair, but Dave's thigh.

Ms. Tasya kept moving her hips, until she stopped doing it when she felt something suddenly appear and press on her female sex organs.

Ms. Tasya thought for a moment, until she finally realized that such a hard thing was something that only men had, and Dave was the owner of that hard thing that keeps hitting hers down there.

In her mind, it was natural for Dave to get erect because Dave was a normal man. Ms. Tasya also chose to remain silent and did not ask Dave about it because it would be very embarrassing for the two of them to talk about it.

But as time went on, the pressure of the hard object that seemed to be piercing her female organs grew harder, making Ms. Tasya is also far from feeling comfortable. Ms. Tasya could hear Dave's breath, which had an increasingly abnormal tempo. Looks like Dave is desperately trying to hold back his own erection.

And Ms. Tasya also considers Dave to be a real man who still tries to respect women in any condition.

"Dave?" asked Ms. Tasya tried to speak as low as possible.


"It must be hard for you."

"What do you mean?"

"To hold it."

"Hold what? Your weight? It's fine, you're not that heavy at all."

"That's not what I mean."

"Then what?"

Ms. Tasya patted Dave's thigh. "I mean this one."

"It's fine. Can you stop it?"

"I mean, not your thighs, but your little brother down there. You must be in pain, because your little brother was trapped in there while he wanted to wake up."

Dave rounded his eyes perfectly as Ms. Tasya says that. He understood what Ms. Tasya says. Dave's face also looked red, but still trying to be as casual as possible.

"If you keep holding the liquid, you will continue to be in pain."

"What?! ..." Dave tried to clear his throat which was really okay, "Are you crazy?! There's no way I can get it out here!"

Ms. Tasya stopped talking about it. However, as time went by, the pressure on her feminine parts got harder, so that Ms. Tasya is also hunting, the tempo of her inhalations and exhales is getting more and more chaotic. Apart from her being a teacher and Dave being her student, however, Ms. Tasya is also a normal woman who can feel lust.

Thanks to Dave's hard rod that keeps pressing on the intimate part that is between her groin, it is not impossible that Ms. Tasya also felt something thanks to that.

"Dave, if this shit goes on, we both will be just in pain together. The rain is getting heavier and heavier. What if I help you out, so you can sit quietly too. I've been unable to sleep all this time because your hard stick keeps pressing on my crotch."

"Are you really outta your fucking mind? No fucking way! Besides, I've never done anything like that either. Just cut the shit out already!"

"Don't worry, there's no need for anything to be removed. I'll help you calm your little brother down there."

Ms. Tasya put her left hand behind her and started to feel Dave's pants. Her hand began to grope and squeeze Dave's pants right on the part of his little brother.

"Can't you just stop this bullshit?"

"Don't worry, I won't see it."

Dave ended up getting sick of all this. He opened the car door angrily and stepped outside, walking away in the pouring rain, while Ms.. Tasya was just silent in the car guiltily.