Chapter 135 - Dave's Plan Against The XCN Gang

After escorting Jean home, Dave immediately left without saying anything. In fact, he didn't even say goodbye to Angeline first.

"Mom, Dave agrees if we're engaged."

Angeline jumped, "Huh? Are you serious? When did Dave say that? Why didn't he tell me first?"

"Earlier, after school, in the parking area."

Jean took Angeline's hand and took her to sit together on the living room sofa. "So, Dave said earlier that he had something important to do. I didn't want to lie to you, so I'm going to be straightforward. Dave said there were some school gangs who joined forces to attack the Briston Gal Private High School. I told him not to, but Dave is acting weird. Do you think it's natural for Dave to beg me to let him fight just this one time, until he says I can ask him anything? Well, I said I wanted us to be engaged."

Angeline tried to stop Jean from babbling. "Wait wait… can you explain it to me more slowly?"

"So, there are several school gangs, they joined forces to attack the Briston Gal High School. Our school."

"Several school gangs joined up. Then, Dave wants to fight them?"

Jean nodded briefly then returned to explain. "Then I forbade Dave to join in the fight, but he was acting so strange, he even said he would grant whatever I asked if I allowed him to fight, just this time."

"Dave's acting weird? How?"

Jean thought for a moment. "Mmm ... How can I explain it ... He really had to get into the fight, until he told me I had to understand the state and situation he was in."

"Understand his situation?" asked Angeline trying to make sure about that and got a nod from Jean.

In Angeline's mind it seemed that she knew what was going on. Dave had promised Angeline not to participate in things that could harm himself and make Angeline sad again.

If Dave had insisted on doing that, there must be a very good reason for his decision. All Angeline knew, Dave would not be offended if it weren't for the people who were precious to him.

Angeline also knows that Dave is the type of person who doesn't care if he is teased by other people. However, Dave is the type who will not stand by if he finds out that someone is making fun of the people who are valuable to him.

"Were the school gangs that joined forces to attack Dave's school, is there one of them who hurt Jean?" thought Angeline in her mind.

Angeline gave Jean a glance, it seemed that nothing had happened to her.

Then, why did Dave want to go back to doing that brutal activity such as school gang fights?

"So, in return I let him fight this time, I can ask for anything. Because Dave said that, I immediately asked us to get engaged, and he also immediately agreed. I don't know whether he really granted my request or not, because he also answered too quickly."

Angeline nodded in understanding. Dave has put aside important things like marriage for the sake of fighting. If that was the case, Angeline could no longer say anything.

"Maybe someone had told Dave that he was going to threaten his family, until Dave dare to break his promise to me by not doing such dangerous things again. Should I tell David that Dave is going to war? No, I can't do that. David just woke up from his coma ... Never mind, there's no point getting Darius to interfere with teenage problems like this." Angeline kept mumbling in her mind.

She couldn't do anything else. All Angeline can do right now is pray that Dave will be all right.


Behind Briston Gal Private High School, in a small coffee shop with only a tarpaulin roof, Thoriq and his friends were waiting for Dave. Rey was there too.

Not long after, the familiar roar of a motorbike could be heard from a distance. And when the sound was very close, Dave turned off the engine and got off and walked over to Thoriq.

Thoriq looked at Dave with a look that was quite annoying. "Have you finished your fiancé's business?"

Dave immediately grabbed Thoriq by the collar, making Rey and also the people who were with Thoriq shocked. "Once again you say unnecessary things to Jean, I'll make sure you won't be able to talk to anyone again as long as you live."

"Are you sure you threaten me like this? Don't you know who I really am?"

Dave grinned back at Thoriq with a big smile while giving him a very sharp and intimidating gaze. Without saying anything, Dave immediately released his grip on the collar of Thoriq's uniform. Dave still doesn't want to reveal his identity as a member of the Destroyer gang. He will keep it until the time comes.

Rey tried to work it out. "Now, there are more school gangs joining to attack here, in total there are seven school gangs joining to attack here. And the target is not just Dave, but you too, Thoriq."


Isn't that too much?

Dave could see the look on Thoriq's face, still calm, as if the seven school gangs were nothing. He even displayed an attitude of arrogance. Surely Thoriq will rely on the XCN gang behind him. That too made Dave smile a little because it would make his plans easier.

"When are those fuckers coming?"

Rey looked at the clock on his left wrist. "They will arrive here in half an hour at the most. Now they are at the station hijacking public transportation cars to get here."

Thoriq also took out his cellphone and called someone. "Bro, someone wants to attack my school gang, can you come to help me?"

Hearing this made Rey turn to Dave. It turned out that Dave's estimate was correct. Thoriq will rely on XCN to help him. Actually the target of the seven school gangs is Dave, but Rey deliberately says that Thoriq was also targeted for the attack this time so that he summoned the XCN gang.

Only to face high school gangs, XCN will only send a few members. But starting from there, Dave will start his plan, from some lowly gang members first.

"Okay, I'll be waiting." said Thoriq, who then put his cellphone back into his pocket and stared arrogantly at Dave. "I think this time you have to kiss my feet to thank me because I saved your life."

Dave was just silent not responding. And when they heard a very noisy scream not far from their place, everyone including Dave, Thoriq and Rey who had been inside the coffee shop came out and found about six maybe seven public transportation cars that had been hijacked stopped not far from where they were.

From inside the transportation cars, students wearing different school uniforms descended, and there were seven people standing in the very front row.

Rey approached Dave and whispered as quietly as he could. "Looks like the XCN gang members will be late. Then, how are we supposed to deal with this?"

Dave turned his gaze to Thoriq. "So, you wanna wait for your brothers to arrive and hide like a fucking rat behind everyone's ass, or you wanna join me to fight those fuckers?"

"What did you just say ?!" asked the Thoriq back, raising his voice. Dave only smiled briefly and immediately dashed into the seven school gangs who joined forces to attack Briston Gal, alone.

Yeah, Dave really ran towards those seven school gangs. Dave will fight them all alone.

Rey who saw that smiled and ran after Dave.

The people who had followed Thoriq looked at each other. "They both want to die, don't they?"

"Are they really strong, or are they really stupid? Why show off like that? They will surely die."

While the people were busy gossiping about Dave and Rey from behind, the roar of motorbikes could be heard from the opposite direction. About seven large motorbikes with a fairly deafening exhaust sound were heard from the opposite direction. Each large motorbike carries two people, one driving the motorbike and one person sitting behind the driver. Thoriq smiled when he saw that XCN members had come to help him.

One of the XCN members got off his motorbike and walked towards Thoriq. "Are those people who want to attack you?"

Thoriq nodded politely to the person.

That person fixed his gaze at the battle that had taken place not far from where they were. Anyone can see it, two people wearing the same uniform that Thoriq was wearing, they were both fighting against dozens of students from different schools at once. Two people fight against many people.

"Are they both from your school?"

"Yes, as you can see. They are just stupid people who are too arrogant to show off by facing the seven school gangs alone."

The man was craving for a moment and the thing he did next took everyone by surprise.

Slappp! ...

A heavy slap landed on Thoriq's cheek. The XCN member was the one who slapped Thoriq. "Why didn't you even do anything when two of your friends were fighting there alone? Do you want to embarrass the XCN gang? Can you call yourself a member of XCN, you dumbass motherfucker?"

Without waiting for Thoriq's answer, the person who slapped him immediately told the other XCN members to come down to help Dave and Rey, who were the two people who were wearing the same uniforms that Thoriq was wearing.

Dave threw punches in the faces of several people as well as kicks that made the first two people to be hit spit out fresh blood from their mouths.

Dave glanced back and immediately pulled Rey back from the fight.

Rey, who was happy to fight with several people at once, initially wanted to protest and ask why Dave was disturbing his fun, but Rey did not protest after seeing about fourteen XCN members walking towards them.

The seven school gangs that had ganged up on Rey and Dave stopped their action. One of the school gang leaders recognized the jacket worn by XCN gang members.

"I acknowledge the guts of both of you, by facing many people alone like that without any fear. Would you like to join us? I'm sure, Derek will be very happy to receive gutsy people like you. You know XCN right?"

The man stepped forward without waiting for an answer from Dave and Rey. "Don't worry, these disgusting little insects are nothing. We'll slaughter them in a single minute."

The fourteen XCN members advanced against the seven school gangs who had joined forces to attack the Briston Gal High School.

Rey made eye contact with Dave, and when Dave nodded, Rey smiled.

Rey followed behind the XCN members. In the midst of a fierce fight, Rey approached one of the XCN members and threw a hard kick at his leg from behind. The XCN member that Rey attacked was shocked and fell. As a result, he was beaten up by dozens of students from the seven school gangs at the same time.

Dave did the same. Dave secretly threw a very hard fist to the head of one of the XCN members, right in the ear nerve which is the center of the balance of the human body. Dave, who quickly disappeared from the crowd, made the XCN member who he was attacking secretly oblivious to what was going on.

As a result of Dave's doing, the XCN member staggered to the side and had difficulty continuing the fight. And when a wooden stick landed on his head, he immediately fell on the ground and began to be beaten up by students from seven school gangs who joined to attack SMAS Briston Gal.

It was Dave's plan from the start, to bring down and destroy the XCN members Thoriq had summoned.