All of a sudden, the students scrambled to sign up.

"I am willing to participate in this last mission."

"I would too!"

"Add me!"


Most of the students were very excited, but there were still a small number of people who remained calm and did not express their opinions in a hurry.

Among these people, Fade Chen was included.

The taboo tree and rewards that Mu Ningyuan mentioned were so tempting that Fade Chen couldn't help signing up and agreeing directly.

But he understands a truth, there is no free lunch in the world.

The Sixteenth Hall of Inner Island asked Chen Fei and the others to explore the taboo tree, to feel and absorb the spirit of taboo. He even did not hesitate to take out the core as a reward.

Such a generous reward naturally means considerable risks.

It was thinking of this that Fade Chen didn't immediately agree.

Mu Ningyuan also seemed to see the worries of the students, coughed, and said: "Before signing up, I have one more thing to tell you."

"That is, there is a certain danger in the taboo tree. This mission may cause injury or even lose the new secret. If this is the case, do you still want to participate?"

As soon as these words came out, many students immediately hesitated, and some right hands that had just been raised fell back at this moment.

On the side, Lou Yu smiled when he saw this, and said, "Of course, don't worry too much. Although it is dangerous, it is not that fatal."

"You who can appear here are all excellent talents. As long as you are careful enough, it is not a problem to return safely."

After hearing Lou Yu's additional words, many students who had just given up began to hesitate again.

On Fade Chen's side, without any hesitation, he nodded and said, "I am willing to participate in the last task - to explore the forbidden tree."

Chen Fei took the lead, and Zhong Zhuyan immediately agreed.

Several other team members also raised their hands one after another, and chose to participate.

After completing the registration, Mu Ningyuan announced: "Okay, the last assessment operation of the island exploration has really begun."

"Come with me!" After speaking, Mu Ningyuan led the team and let nearly a hundred students who signed up enter the stone building, got on something like an elevator, and went straight up.

Something like an elevator went up all the way, even beyond the top floor of the stone building, and still continued to grow. In the end, I entered the vast white mist and clouds, and I couldn't see the scene clearly at all.

After an unknown amount of time, this elevator-like thing finally stopped.

Everyone looked at the whiteness around them, feeling a little dazed.

"Where is this? In the sky? It's all white."

"The aura here is so strong, I feel like I'm going to get drunk after just taking a sip."

"Captain Mu, where is the forbidden tree?"


Mu Ningyuan clapped his hands and said, "We've arrived."

"Here, I didn't see anything?"

"Where are the trees? I haven't seen a single tree!"

"This is flying into the sky, no tree can grow so tall!"


In the midst of everyone's doubts, Mu Ningyuan waved his hand and raised a strong wind, blowing away the white mist and clouds that surrounded everyone, "We are in the forbidden tree."

"We are in the taboo tree, what does this mean?" All the students were full of doubts.

"It means literally." Mu Ningyuan said.

"Literally, that means, we are inside the forbidden tree. How big is this tree? Why didn't I find it at all?"

Mu Ningyuan took a few steps in one direction, and suddenly seemed to encounter an invisible transparent wall, then stopped, put his hands on the invisible wall, looked into the distance, and the light in his eyes began to flicker.

Seeing this, everyone followed suit and moved into action one after another.

Fade Chen was no exception. After walking a few steps forward, he suddenly felt that he had encountered an invisible obstacle.

Feeling it for a while, this obstacle is like a tough invisible film, blocking Fade Chen, preventing him from taking a step forward.

Afterwards, Fade Chen pressed his hands against the invisible wall, and the aura of true energy surged.

Immediately, Fade Chen felt his head lighten up, and then his thoughts flew to an invisible high altitude, spreading rapidly.

As his thoughts spread, Fade Chen seemed to fly high into the sky, completely outlining the shape of this invisible film.

Rather than saying that this is a thin film, it is better to say that this is a huge transparent tree.

This tree grows above the inner island, with a thick and wide diameter, towering into the sky, directly enveloping the entire inner island.

The invisible wall Chen Fei and the others touched was actually just the inner cortex of this invisible tree.

"Now, you should have felt the World Tree. That's right, our inner island is built inside the World Tree." Mu Ningyuan's words verified everyone's guess.

Then, Mu Ningyuan continued to introduce: "Your task is to use the breath of true energy to perceive the forbidden aura of the taboo tree, and then absorb it."

"These taboo auras are sharp and dangerous. Of course, if they can be refined, these taboo auras will become a great tonic for your cultivation and increase your cultivation speed."

"Finally, let's start!" Mu Ningyuan said loudly, and then his figure fell rapidly, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Seeing Mu Ningyuan leave, the students immediately became active.

"I didn't expect this taboo tree to be so magical, not only invisible and transparent, but also so huge that it enveloped the inner island."

"This task doesn't look too difficult! Isn't it just absorbing taboo energy and refining it? It feels no different from practicing kung fu."

However, as soon as the words fell, there was a sudden scream.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw a student curled up, his body twitching constantly, foaming from his mouth.

"How is this going?"

"It's taboo air. He tried to absorb a wave of taboo air just now, and it turned out like this."

"What, how could taboo air be like this? Isn't it too dangerous? I want to quit."

"I knew it was not that simple."


Many people complained, but there was nothing they could do. They could only slowly try to understand and absorb the taboo.

Afterwards, two more students were recruited, and after absorbing the taboo energy, they collapsed and convulsed.

Such a situation made the remaining students panic and dare not do anything.

However, a few minutes later, a student who fell down suddenly got up, his face was flushed, he was radiant, and he seemed quite excited.

"How are you? What happened?" someone asked.

The student explained: "The taboo energy just rushed into my meridians, and I felt a little unbearable, but I was shocked and fainted. But then, when the energy gradually eased and spread, I felt my body change. Hot, my whole body is full of strength, and my martial arts realm has also improved a little."

"What, there is such a good effect, I want to try it too."

"It turns out that the benefits are real, so hurry up."


The scene became lively again, and at this moment, Fade Chen also chose his own direction and walked away.

The invisible taboo tree was attached to the palm, and then the cyclone in the dantian began to rotate, and the breath of true energy surged like the Yangtze River, rushing towards the dantian in Chen Fei's body.