The cruise ship of arudia Lugong di mitoriye vatola stops at the grand trestle in the harbor area. It is a large ship that looks extremely luxurious from a distance.

The party starts at ten in the evening. You can see a large number of guests go up the escalator and enter the cruise ship.

"... the sepulchre of Poseidon... What a wicked name."

Looking up and seeing the ship name engraved on the ship, Mu Hantian said unhappily. But contrary to its unknown name, the hull with spotlight is showing off its magnificent majesty like a palace to the night sky.

"It's actually private property... How rich are the nobles in the field of war king?"

"I think it's one of their purposes to boast about their power in this way."

Snow vegetable said in a calm tone.

"Although it's superstitious that vampires can't cross the sea, their ability will be limited at sea. However, the nobles of the night Empire come by boat. This is also a demonstration to the visiting country. Even if it's only a civilian ship rather than a warship."

"Is that so?"

"Where is vatora? Call us." Mu Hantian looked around and said.

"Up there. I'm afraid Lord arudialu is on the outside deck -"

Snow vegetable looked up and said that he noticed the location of dimitoriye vatola through the spirit vision of the sword witch.

"Deck...? how can I get there?"

"This way, teacher."

Snow vegetables pointed to the stairs in the corner of the venue, and then walked among the guests.

She turned her head and stretched out her hand to Mu Hantian. Mu Hantian wanted to hold it back without any doubt.

At that time, a silver flash shot towards Mu Hantian with murderous spirit.

"-- ha!"


Mu Hantian quickly took a step back, and a sharp fork flashed in front of him.

Holding the fork was a young girl. Although the height is close to 170 cm, it looks like 15 or 6 years old. Long chestnut hair and snow-white skin. A striking and beautiful face. The slim figure is very suitable for the cheongsam style dress.

"It's rude. I slipped my hand accidentally"

The girl with long hair said with an apologetic expression.

"If it's a slippery hand, please tell me why you stabbed the fork off someone's wrist... In other words, you seemed to yell just now!"

"That's because you want to touch sauerkraut with your dirty hands, Mu cold day"


Mu Hantian and Sha Yahua are hostile to each other. Snow vegetable covers her eyes and shakes her head powerlessly: "Sha Yahua, how did you appear on the cruise ship of ordiaru? You were in foreign affairs class before, and you were responsible for multi-national evil guide crimes."

"Now I'm on a mission," replied Sha Yahua, who was as gentle as two people.

"Task?" snow vegetable was surprised.

"Just like you, sauerkraut. I took over the job of monitoring vampires. It's my task to monitor Lord ordiaru and prevent the citizens of Xianshen city from being exposed to danger." after listening to Sha Yahua's casual explanation, sauerkraut finally clarified the situation. Just as sauerkraut came to Xianshen island to monitor Nie Kong, shayahua was ordered to monitor WATRA and boarded the ship. In order to wipe out varara if it causes harm.

"Sure enough, you have something to do with noon." snow cabbage covered his head like a headache.

"Sha Yahua, don't make trouble for others. Who should be responsible if it causes a big disaster."

Shayahua replied weakly, "who calls him a very proud look? I just teased him a little." Shishen's remote control, no wonder I didn't find her at school.

The crowd around looked at them and pointed at them. Sauerkraut secretly called it bad. He didn't use the spell to drive away people. Now everyone is watching their jokes.

"Ha ha, I'm so glad to see you again."

The surrounding crowd separated a wide road and saw a handsome young man in a pure white coat slowly coming towards him. Tall and graceful, without a sense of coercion. The nobles in the field of war King belong to the pure blood vampires of the direct line of the true ancestor, although their strength is less than that of vatora, the first true ancestor. The young man turned back with blond hair and looked at Mu Hantian with blue eyes, with some respect inside.

"Oh, it seems that you are lucky that you didn't die in the last feast." Mu Han said lightly, but praised the younger generation. The crowd around him was sweating. He actually spoke to vatora in that tone. Don't you want to live. As they expected, vatorah's whole body was covered with pure white flash, and his magic surged out.

"Teacher!" the first reaction was sauerkraut. She took out her long gun from the instrument box and planned to rush to Mu Hantian. Shayahua also followed to take action to cover snow vegetables. What happened in the blink of an eye.

The people around showed a look of schadenfreude, as if they had guessed the result.

"Thank you for your concern." but unexpectedly, vatora's magic subsided. He knelt down on one knee to face Mu Hantian and lowered his head deeply, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Countless people are shocked and inexplicable. Those who can face it with vatorana attitude will only be noble true ancestors.

"I sincerely apologize for offending you when you tried to test your majesty at the last banquet. My name is Dimitri vatola. I was granted the title of ordiaru by our true ancestor who forgot the war king. It's a great honor for you to come."

Xuecai and shayahua, holding the silver spear, were stunned on the spot when they saw the change of vatola's attitude.

"Don't be polite and don't bother me. Don't you know that your party is actually boring?" Mu Hantian frowned and asked.

WATRA looked up with a smile. It was a kind smile at the same time. "I'm sorry for your dissatisfaction."

"Lord ordiaru, I have a question. Why don't the fourth Zhenzu group be invited?" Sha Yahua asked. She thought the fourth Zhenzu was the protagonist of the party, but he ignored the important and secondary differences.

Snow vegetable sighed heavily and didn't wait for him to answer. Then Sha Yahua looked straight at WATRA with a serious expression: "please tell me your purpose of visiting Xianshen city. Is it your purpose to form an improper relationship with the emperor of the fourth true ancestor?"

"No, the main purpose is to see your highness Mu Hantian, and the fourth Zhenzu is the second. And there is something serious to be solved on the artificial island, so I have to come here." in the face of the accusation of snow vegetables, WATRA didn't change her smile.

Sauerkraut exuded an aggressive smell, stared at WATRA and asked, "what's your so-called business?"

"Your Highness, have you ever heard of Christopher judxiu?" vatora asked with a smile.

"Well, I seem to have heard of it?" Mu Hantian pretended

"He is a retired Orc soldier from the war king field, a little famous terrorist in Europe and a cadre of the radical group Black Death emperor faction." vatola calmly explained with a glass of champagne.

"I've heard the name of the Black Death emperor sect, but didn't it disintegrate several years ago? Because the commander was assassinated and killed." snow vegetable said strangely.

"Yes, I killed it. Although it's an old ORC with tricky stunts," vatora replied with a leisurely smile while drinking a glass: and jadxiu is the one who survived the Black Death emperor sect. To be precise, the remaining Party of the Black Death emperor faction has actually hired him as a new mentor. Those people hired judxiu, who had left great achievements in the case of terrorists. "

"Wait a minute, does your reason for coming to Xianshen island have anything to do with the man named judxiu?" Xuecai was busy asking.

"That's right. It is reported that judxiu has dived to the artificial island with the Department of the Black Death emperor." vatora nodded in admiration and told Mu Hantian them in an official tone.

"The Black Death emperor faction is an orc supremacist with discriminatory ideas. Their purpose is to completely destroy the peace treaty signed between mankind and Zhenzu and take away the dominance of the war king from the first Zhenzu.".