"Look, arubion. The power of Bing Teng Yicheng rises in an instant. Anger is really a simple and bright fuse, but this... Hahaha, it's really a comfortable fluctuation of the dragon."

"The artifact will take simple and powerful ideas as food. Bing Teng Yicheng is facing you with pure anger. The more pure people are, the more they can lead out the power of the dragon. This is one of the truths."

"Well. So he and the dragon are better than me."

"But what happens if you have a bad head? Bing Teng Yicheng! You don't control dreg's wisdom. It's a sin."

"I've been saying something I don't understand since the beginning!"

"Well, that's why I say you're a fool!"

Reiki spewed out from the magic outlet behind, and Yicheng flew to Wally! Wally put on his mask. Turn into combat!

Wally easily avoided a sincere attack!

Once I adjusted my posture in the air, I flew to Wali again. Call Ascaron out of the cage and fight!

However, Yicheng just waved indiscriminately, and didn't hit Wali who avoided at the speed of light.

"Wally, that sword has the power to kill dragons. Even if you are cut, you will suffer great damage."

"Well, arubion. But if you don't hit it, it won't make any sense!"

"Each use will consume physical strength and magic. The higher the multiplication ability is, the greater your physical strength is. This is my original hand prohibition ability. Although it is incomplete hand prohibition, don't commit the foolish act of exhausting the power to maintain armor." dregg advised.

"Wali's magic is very powerful. The White Dragon Emperor opposite me will weaken every time he uses his ability, but if the holder's physical strength is strong enough, the use time will be longer."


Yicheng's chest was hit by a heavy punch!

Just one shot! Just one hit makes Yicheng's steps begin to become unstable! The armor also makes a noise! If you get several such attacks in a row, it's over!

"Is this my old enemy! Ha ha ha! It's a headache! It's too weak! It's too weak!" Wally laughed at Yicheng.

"Yicheng, come on, don't forget what I taught you." Mu Hantian encouraged Yicheng.


After the White Dragon Emperor's precious jade made a sound, Yicheng's power disappeared. The reason for launching is the blow just received in the chest!


"Partner, although the half reduced power has been restored by my power, the other abilities of the 'White Dragon' are very troublesome."

"Dregg, what's going on?"

"That guy can halve his opponent's strength and add it to himself. That is, take your strength and turn it into his own strength. But he can't recover his strength. It's just strength."

"In other words, I changed back from negative, and that guy got a bonus!"

"That's right. But no matter how powerful the host is, there is still an upper limit. The power exceeding the capacity will eject from the light wing behind, which is to maintain the upper limit of the body's ability."

"Look at the move."

Wally released the magic bullet equivalent to infinity as if he were playing. Yicheng can't hide at all.

"The attack is monotonous. It only rushes. It's meaningless. It wastes artifacts. The use of power is also very poor."

"This is the duel between the White Dragon Emperor and the Red Dragon Emperor. I'm so disappointed."


Before Wally finished, he let the magic out of the jet behind him and flew into the barrage. The body was hit by magic bullets everywhere.

It hurts, but so what! Just a minute. Just hit it!

Yicheng holds his left hand tightly. Let's focus on this. Other places don't need strength!

Defense has given up! The armor was hit by the magic bullet, and the armor was slowly destroyed. The face was hit and the mask was broken.

"Assault? Hehe, a fool just can't learn well. How can that kind of thing......" Wally launched a light shield in front of him to take defense.

"Dregg! Transfer power to Ascalon in the cage!"

"Copy that!"


Dong! Powerful force flowed into the left hand.


The fist destroyed the light shield, and the sharp blow hit Wally in the face.


Cracks appeared around the White Dragon Emperor's mask, and Wally's face could be seen from the collapsed part.

Here it is!

Yicheng grabs the root of the White Dragon Emperor's light wing emitting excess power.

"It seems that the effect of your artifact will come here. In that case..."


The surplus power was transferred to the White Dragon Emperor's armor by Yicheng.

"Increase the power of absorption and exhalation in one breath! It's too high for you to deal with."


All the precious jade on the White Dragon Emperor's armor began to shine white, red, blue and yellow. On the way, the power of the powerful dragon from his body disappeared.

This is an attack that takes advantage of the characteristics of Wali artifact. Very good.

The ability to seize the strength of your opponent and become your own food. However, there is an upper limit to the power of the bonus, which depends on the power of the host. The power beyond the upper limit will be ejected by the light wing. In this case, what happens if the captured force and the ejected force are accelerated at the same time? Seize the power that can't be handled, and let the power spit out to the extent of excess. The White Dragon Emperor's skills will be overloaded. As a result, the skill of White Dragon Emperor's armor stopped!

"What's going on? Wally, get back together!" Wally responded to arubion's voice and crossed his hands.


Yicheng hit the left fist integrated with Ascalon's strength, easily destroyed the cage hand on Wally's defensive hands and directly hit the abdomen. The White Dragon Emperor's armor shining with white light was destroyed.

Uh huh.

Blood flew out of Wally's mouth. He covered his abdomen and staggered back to the rear.

"Hahaha, it's really powerful! It actually flew my artifact! If you want to do it, you can do it! This is my old enemy."

"I'll beat you up. I can't calm down if I don't beat you up."

Just then Wally's armor returned to its original state.

"Partner, if the holder doesn't become unable to fight, the battle will not end. It can't continue like this. It can't solve him. It's too difficult to defeat the guy within the limit time of the control device. Running away is the best choice, but you can't do it? Then, what should we do? There's such a big gap in strength."

"Eh? That's... Ha ha, in that case... Dreg. Will artifact respond to idea evolution?"

"Yes, that's it. What's the matter?"

Yicheng picked up the precious jade of the "white dragon" rolling to his feet. It flew out just when attacking Wali's armor.

For Wali, this precious jade will turn into dust after time. It's dispensable. However, this power should have the power of the White Dragon Emperor.

"I'll convey my imagination to you. Let's try!"

Yicheng conveys what he imagines in his mind to Deleg! Desperately thinking, desperately depicting! If you can

"Buddy, you have a very dangerous imagination. But it's very interesting! You may die. Do you have this consciousness?"

"What do you think?"

"Ha ha ha! Good consciousness! In this case, I will also make consciousness! This is not a normal order. I am the emperor of the red dragon called the gathering of power! Let's surpass together alive, partner! No! Bingteng Yicheng!"

"All right, come on, dreg!"