"Hey, I said saber, tell me about your wishes." Rider finally turned to saber.

The wish in her heart never wavered at any time. My king's way is my pride. Still raised his head, the knight king looked directly at the two yinglingdao.

"I want to save my hometown. I want to change the fate of Britain's demise." saber said resolutely, and the people were silent for a long time.

Saber himself was the first to wonder in the silence.

Even if her words are full of momentum, the other party is not easy to bow his head. Even if this is unexpected, it is very easy to understand.

It's clear. There's nothing strange. This is her king's way. Whether it's praise or refutation, someone should put it forward immediately. But - no one spoke.

"I said, Knight king, I didn't hear wrong." Rider finally broke the silence. Somehow, his face was full of doubts.

"Do you mean to 'change destiny'? That is, to subvert history?"

"Yes. No matter how hard it is to achieve, as long as we have the Almighty Holy Grail, we can achieve it -" saber proudly asserted.

So far, saber finally knows why the atmosphere between the two people is so wonderful - the scene suddenly cools down.

"Ah, saber? I want to make sure... The destruction of Britain should be a matter of your time, when you ruled?"

"Yes! So I can't forgive myself." saber smelled the speech and his tone was more firm.

"So I'm not reconciled and want to change the ending! Because I led to that ending..."

Unexpectedly, someone burst into laughter. It was a vulgar laughter regardless of any understanding, and this laughter came from archer's mouth with golden brilliance.

Saber's face was filled with anger in the face of this great humiliation. What she cherished most was laughed at by archer.

"Archer, what's funny?"

Regardless of Saber's anger, the spirit of gold replied intermittently with a smile: "people who claim to be king - praised by all the people - can't be reconciled? Ha! How can people not laugh? Masterpiece! Saber, you are the best clown!"

Around Archer, who kept laughing, rider also frowned and looked at saber with some displeasure.

"Wait - you wait for the knight King first. Do you want to deny the history you have created?"

"Exactly. Is it surprising? Is it ridiculous? As a king, the country I dedicated myself to was destroyed. What's wrong with my mourning?"

Her answer was archer's another burst of laughter. "Hey, hey, did you hear me, Rider! This little girl who calls herself the knight King... What did she say about 'dying for her country'!"

The answer to Archer was rider's gradually deep silence. This is the same insult to saber as being laughed at.

"I don't know what's funny. As a king, you should naturally stand up and work hard for the prosperity of your country!"

"You're wrong," Rider denied her firmly and seriously.

"It's not the king's dedication, but the country and people's dedication to the king. Don't be wrong about this."

"What did you say --"

Saber couldn't restrain her anger any longer. She shouted, "isn't that a tyrant! Rider, Archer, it's a big mistake for you to be king!"

"Yes. But we are not only tyrants, but also heroes," Rider replied calmly, without even moving his eyebrows.

"So saber, if a king is dissatisfied with the results of his governance of the country, it can only show that he is a tyrant and worse than a tyrant." unlike archer who keeps laughing at saber, rider fundamentally denies her.

Saber locked his eyebrows and retorted in a sharp tone: "Iskandar, you... The Empire you created was finally divided into four parts. Is there really no reluctance? Don't you want to do it again and save the country?"

"No." the conqueror immediately replied. He straightened his chest and looked straight at the knight King's stern eyes.

"If my decision and my ministers lead to such an outcome, then destruction is inevitable. I will mourn and cry, but I will never regret it."

"How could..."

"Not to mention attempting to subvert history! This foolish act is an insult to all mankind in the era I built!"

For rider's arrogant words, saber denied: "what you say is just based on the glory of the warrior. People don't think so. What they need is salvation."

"You mean they want the king's salvation?" Rider shrugged and laughed.

"I don't understand! What's the point of this kind of thing?"

"This is the king's duty!"

This time it was Saber's turn to speak proudly: "correct rule and correct order are what all subjects expect."

"Saber, I really can't agree with what you say." Mu Hantian, who has been silent, finally stood up.

"Hope, do you say the same?"

"Saber, Britain existed before you. Do you want to admit that?"

The crowd nodded.

"Well, then... Even if saber fails, Britain still exists, and its international influence is not low. Moreover, the country is stable and economically developed. We don't worry about food and clothing. It's much better than those of your times, isn't it?" Mu Hantian continued.

"Hmm!" even though he deliberately refuted Mu Hantian, the objective facts are there. Whether compared with the heroic King's era, the conquering King's era, or the King Arthur's era, the people's living standards in 1990 have indeed improved considerably.

"So I really don't understand. Saber, what else can you save? I still know your history. From King Arthur's pulling out the sword in the stone to the last Modred rebellion and the demise of Britain. But don't people live well now? What are you worried about!"

"Hope, as you said, my existence led to the demise of my time, so I want to get the Holy Grail, the 'universal wishing machine', so that Britain can choose the king again.". The foolish king Mao was not shaken by Mu Hantian's statement.

"You still don't understand. Why stick to the past? Well, even if you want Britain to choose the king again, I ask you, if the king again fails? What will be the consequences? Britain will perish completely? It will no longer exist?"

"I..." saber didn't know how to answer.

"Saber, you'd better read more books, get to know what future generations think of you, and then make a decision. But now... It seems that an unexpected guest has come." Mu Hantian said and looked around.

A moment later, Alice Phil and Weber also noticed the strange air around them. Although invisible, the skin can feel a very strong sense of killing.

Strange white objects appeared in the moonlight lit atrium. One after another, pale faces appeared in the atrium like flowers. The pallor was the color of cold, dry bones.

Skeleton mask and black robe. The deserted atrium is gradually surrounded by this strange group, which is


It's not just rider and Weber who know they're alive. Not long ago, wumi and saber also met assassin and their master who came to attack the castle of einz Belen.

Assassin is not a single one, but achieves the existence of the plural with the help of the function of a treasure.

"Did you do this, Archer?" saber, with an invisible sword in his hand and a wary face, looked at Archer coldly.

Archer shrugged innocently.

"Who knows, I don't have to understand the ideas of those bastards."

Obviously, Archer didn't pay attention to the appearance of these assassins and still enjoyed the wine in the cup.

Since so many assassins have been mobilized, it must not be Yanfeng Qili's order. This must be the intention of his teacher, Shichen yuansaka.

Because the time minister did his courtesies to the hero king, Archer recognized him as the master. The behavior of Shi Chen made Archer more and more dissatisfied with him.

Although the banquet was initiated by rider, Archer provided wine, and his friends were here. What is Shi Chen's intention to send killers in such a banquet. This is tantamount to tarnishing the hero King's face, does he know?