2603 - - 69-31 Silent Talk 120 Search Means

"Hmm, no idea. ......"

Three days after Lardus escaped from the group.

Once again, Jin devised a way to find the escaping Lardus and to avoid a similar situation.

"First of all, Lardus, but ...... it's painful that we can't track where he ran away to ...... well, that's what an emergency escape is for, isn't it?"

The <...... that Lardus used, which we now know is such a thing,...... was set to self-destruct after transferring the subject.

This is a natural step, since otherwise his pursuers would come after him in the same way.

And now, Jin was thinking of two things at the same time: and .

"Hey, you got a good idea?"

Then Hannah came in. She had been concerned about Jin's pondering the other day.

"Well, it's not so bad. ......

"I've been thinking about it too, but it's difficult.

Hannah also said that she was having difficulty coming up with a good idea.

"But I have a suggestion, though it's not quite in the same direction.

"What is it?"

"I was thinking of setting up a detection network on Ars."

"I'm not sure if it's a good idea to put up an antenna on Ars or ...... on its own.

"I think we should start with a place where people won't complain. Nido Castle in Kaina Village, Loisart's mansion, Onogoro Island, or the facility we found on the continent of Pandor ......."

We should also add a similar function to , Hanna concluded.

"I see. That would increase the accuracy and speed of detection and reduce the burden on the old man. ......"

"Onogoro Island, with Marikka's permission, though."

"That's true. I'll ask her later if she'd be interested in managing the facility for us.

You're going to Hale now, aren't you?

Yes. As you know Hannah, we are working on the greening of Hale. < have asked her to help them.

* * * *

The greening of Hale has been completed, and now the second phase of tree planting is underway.

In this process, Marikka is being asked to recreate as much as possible the vegetation of the old Hale as known to the <>, and is being asked to serve as a contact point for advice from Lorona of the <>, the leading expert in farming and tree planting among the <> people.

More precisely, the route is <--Marikka--Zion--Lorona (Lorona is Zion's mother).

It was troublesome, but sure.

* * * * * * * * *

"Let's leave Onogoro Island aside, we can also go by ship, right?

"I see. If we make it into a submarine, we can weather the storm. ...... then we can make it into a submarine base.

"Oh, I think that's a good idea. We could also dig up some undersea resources.

Jin and Hanna agreed that since magic waves hardly attenuate underwater, it would be a good idea to build a small base on the seafloor and erect antennas.

"What we want most are the North and South Poles, right?"

"That's right. The equator is already covered by the .

Jin thought it would not be a bad idea to build a small base on the seafloor at the poles and use it as a reference point for locating the position on the Arus.

"We can disclose its role as a reference point sooner or later, can't we?"

"Yes, my dear. <, it will be useful in many ways."

"For now, it would be nice to have a <> as a landmark on the equator ...... north latitude ...... or even one at latitude 0 degrees and longitude 18 degrees west. One at 0 degrees latitude and 18 degrees west longitude would be a good reference point.

* * * *

0°W is Horai Island and 180°W is Onogoro Island.

The map currently used for Horai Island has the longitude of Horai Island as 0 degrees and the longitude increases westward from there.

It is not necessary now, but when the Age of Exploration comes, it will be necessary to disclose the position of Horai Island or to set the standard of longitude to a different point.

However, that is a story for a little longer.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Well, the latitude is 0 degrees and the longitude is 180 degrees west in the Principality of Dalat, not in the Principality of Jagus, ......."

"Well, if you look at the map, it's a seaside town near the border with the Duchy of Jagus. It's ...... Iliban.

I'll go there next time.

Jin and Hanna agreed that the accuracy and efficiency of their measurement and measurement-related work would be improved once these installations were completed.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"So, back to the point, you haven't found Lardus?"

"No. We know the magic pattern. We know the magic pattern and we are focusing our search on the known ruins and their surroundings.

That means we are looking for unknown ruins or inside the wards, right?

That's what I'm thinking.

Without the same level of treatment as Elsa, he would only have less than two months left.

He did not know what he could do in such a short time, but he really did not want to leave him there.

"And I didn't think you'd run away. ......"

"I guess I let my guard down. ......"

"I was careless, wasn't I?

Once again, Jin was reminded that Lardus was a man who thought out of the ordinary, but that didn't make things any better.

"Anyway, we will continue our search."

"Right. How's the metastasis detection going at ......?"

"It's a question of accuracy and sensitivity," he said.

"What ...... you mean?

The wise Hannah understood the situation at Jin's words.

At the moment, in order to detect the transition, Jin was thinking of a method to detect the change of <>.

In other words, the mass suddenly when the transition occurs.

This would be fine if the object were as large as a spaceship, but with a mass equivalent to that of a human being, it would no longer be detectable from a distance of 100 kilometers.

That's where we need to improve.

"That's what I'm thinking."

Nevertheless, these difficult challenges are also motivating for engineers.

Especially since there is no limit to research funding and no time limit.

"Detecting mass change? ......"

"Hey, what about differentiation?"

Hannah spoke up with an idea.


Hanna had already learned high school level mathematics, and half of her knowledge was based on the rearrangement of Jin's knowledge by the old man (the other half was based on the reference book brought by Shuki Tsezi).

Anyway, the <> here can be regarded as <>.

In other words, the fact that an object=mass appears < due to the transition means that the amount of change becomes infinite.

To put it more clearly: .......

Imagine a graph with time on the horizontal axis and mass = weight on the vertical axis, where the change of mass at a specific point is continuously measured over time.

If there is no change, the graph will grow horizontally.

If there were plants growing at that point, they would grow slowly over time, and the graph would slowly and steadily rise.

If the rock at that point has rolled away somewhere, the graph would be expected to go back to the horizontal after a sharp rightward drop by the mass (weight) of the rock.

If appeared at the transition, the graph would extend to the upper right ...... in an instant, or almost straight up, and then turn horizontal at the mass=weight of the <.

You can say that the is the to know the of this graph, that is, the .

If there is no change = the slope is 0, i.e. horizontal, the result of differentiation is 0.

In reality, this is impossible, but if the slope is vertical, the result is infinity.

In other words, if appears at the transition, the derivative result is almost infinite.

Hanna said that this would be easy to detect.

"That's certainly ...... awesome, Hanna!"

"Heh heh, I hope I helped you."

"Yes, thank you.

"Yes, thank you." "Good."

It will take a little more time to complete the <> based on this idea: .......