Chapter 18

In front of the banquet boat, he put the painting and the previous two into the electronic moisture-proof box behind the wardrobe.

The banquet boat was sad. "There are special rooms for collecting calligraphy, painting and antiques in the homes in the north and West suburbs. Be obedient and move there."

"No, I don't like it here, but it's my home after all. I still want to come back. I have a share here." North silently added a sentence in his heart - no one can take it away!

The banquet boat took the depressed people into her arms and said seriously, "don't believe them. Your mother is not a third party. In those days, your mother and your father fell in love freely and got married for four years. However, you are only three months younger than you in the south. Everyone knows who is the third party."

North firmly grasped the banquet boat's clothes: "I hate him, that is, I hate him, I hate him."

Except uncle Kun, there was no old man at home. Liu Qianru was talking about everything. The man, her biological father, allowed the woman to slander her mother, even the dead.

So how could she let them go?

There was a chill in the eyes of the banquet boat. It seems that some people still can't recognize the situation.

North soon straightened out his mood and wondered, "who is it, light boat, I want to find..."

The banquet boat knew what she was going to say and said, "go to school and I'll find out."

The banquet boat is very powerful. From small to large, he can handle everything well in the north, so listen to him and don't tangle in the north. "If you find it, you must tell me that I can't take these things for nothing. I should pay back what I should pay for."

"That's good." The banquet boat spoiled and drowned. The charming peach blossom looked north, "Beibei, have you met anything special recently?"

The North heart clatters, does the light boat know anything? He must not know what happened that night.

I know how much the banquet boat values the north.

In fact, the Yan family has no friendship with Xianghai. The Wen family has friendship with the Yan family. It's a little long.

The Wen family is a scholarly family with serious children and eight classics. Wen Yitang is famous. It can be said that he is full of peaches and plums all over the world. Yan Zhixuan, the father of the banquet boat, is the first batch of his disciples. It's just that the Yan family is engaged in business, and his father just takes painting as a hobby.

However, Yan Zhixuan had a good relationship with his mother in the north and uncle Wen Jingting's aunt Lin Fei. It is said that Yan Zhixuan also pursued tenderness. However, these things of the older generation are not clear to the north. The banquet boat is just one or two ears when parents quarrel every time. They don't know whether it is true or not.

Northward was almost brought up by my aunt Lin Fei. It was not until four years ago that my uncle went abroad for study because of his work and my cousin Wen Yan had to go abroad for further study that their family returned home.

At that time, Lin Fei wanted to take the North together, but Xiang Haihai didn't agree. The two families were completely deadlocked because of this matter.

Before leaving, Lin Fei entrusted the north to the banquet boat. From then on, the banquet boat became more interested in the north. In Song Miao's words, he wished he could hold the whole world to his North.

So listen to the words of banquet boat, how dare you tell the truth?

"No." To the north, avoiding the sight of the banquet boat, he turned and fiddled with a pot of Phalaenopsis that opened just right.

The banquet boat did not ask, but rubbed her head affectionately: "no, just tell me something. By the way, I went to see your uncle not long ago, and they have the intention to return home."

"Really?" He jumped up happily to the north and hurriedly called Lin Fei. The banquet boat looked at her cheerful appearance with gentle eyes.

In the ancient castle, looking at the information collected in his hand, especially the top photo, he deeply felt that he would not want to come out alive if he entered Mr. Zhang's door today.

The protagonist in the photo is no one else, but the North Heyan canoe. They held hands and stared at each other. Miss, you can't even look at the list.