Chapter 20

The air pressure at home was very low, and Liu Qianru successfully provoked the incident.

I sat on the side to watch them perform, too lazy to defend myself.

She first sent a message to MI rabbit, saying that she would go directly to school tomorrow morning, and then sent a message to the banquet boat, telling him that he had come back to the sea.

After the message was sent, she remembered that she didn't officially go to work until after the banquet boat returned home. She must be very busy.

However, the other party's information soon came back: [I made an appointment with your father to talk this afternoon, and I'll come together if I have nothing to do.]

Go back to the North immediately: [OK.]

In the past, the banquet boat asked her to go to the company. She didn't like it very much. This time, she came back so quickly. It's obviously something.

Banquet boat: [what's the matter?]

North: [attacked by a crowd.] Attach a crying emoticon.

Banquet boat: [elder martial brother decides for you.]

Lin Fei is the most gifted and outstanding of Wen Yitang's disciples. She is also very famous in the industry. Both Yan Qingzhou and Bei Bei learned painting from Lin Fei.

Especially in the north, it was completely taught by her aunt.

Northward: [no, they can't hurt me. By the way, aren't you busy?]

Banquet boat: [busy, in a meeting.]

Northward: [... So you still talk? Bye!]

The banquet boat at the meeting couldn't help laughing, which made the project leader confused.

After receiving his mobile phone, he looked North at the three members of the family: "are you finished? Then I went upstairs."

Liu Qianru was immediately wronged. "Look at the sea. I brought up Beibei through hard work. I don't ask her to call me mom, but at least there must be respect. Yes, she has a banquet boat to support her now. What mysterious rich people do you have? The antiques don't need money to move home. I can't control Beibei. You can do it yourself."

"You brought me up? Why don't I know about it? Do you want to ask my aunt? They're coming back soon anyway."

Xiang Haihai had been forbearing. Liu Qianru's temperament knew that he couldn't get on the table for so many years, so the mother and daughter said a lot, and he didn't say a word.

However, as soon as they heard that the Wens were coming back, they were stabbed at big Haydn.

Since gentle and Wen Yitang died one after another, Wen Jingting has been very dissatisfied with Xianghai. Now the two families have broken up. Knowing that Beibei is still in contact with the Wen family, Xianghai feels that his old face has been slapped in the north.

"Who asked you to contact them?"

The North's stubborn temper also rose: "that's my uncle, my uncle, who raised me to the age of 14. What's the matter with them?"

South took the opportunity to interrupt: "sister, you really have no conscience. You forgot how your uncle scolded our father? At least our father is also the boss of a large company. He was watched and scolded by so many people and laughed at by so many people. How can you turn your elbow out?"

PA, the old face to the sea was slapped for the second time.

Liu Qianru pretended to stare to the South: "how can Nannan talk? Uncle Wen's family has never looked down on us. We are a scholar family. We are upstart. You are not allowed to mention this again in the future."

"Enough!" He burst into the sea and pointed to the North: "get out of here and go back to your Wen's house."

"That's what you said."

Ten minutes later, I dragged my suitcase downstairs to the north. When I passed the family, three people said coldly: "don't enter my room, don't bang my things, and I don't have a sister with dirty hands and feet."

Half an hour later, song Miao, who was still in the meeting, received a message from his secretary: [coming from the north, dragging his suitcase.]