Chapter 1079

When the boys pulled down all the alleys and arranged all the items one by one, Allen took a deep breath.

The tea table stool should be made of a tree. The color and pattern look like a mother. I don't know the tea set is porcelain of that era, but young master Mu er must have no ordinary products.

When the delivery boy left, Alan said seriously, "this gift is too expensive for us to accept."

"It's not for you. I specially made it to make the old man happy." Mu shaoting shrugged and said, "when you are away, the old man can invite some friends to come home for tea and chess, so he won't feel lonely."

Allen: "..." although Allen's linguistics is very good, he didn't grow up in the Yan empire after all. He doesn't know much about the entertainment of his grandparents. These days, I only know that the old man likes to go out for a walk after dinner. She knows where she goes

I don't know. Allen suddenly found that although she lived here during this period of time, she and her brother didn't really care about the two old people and didn't think about what they needed from the perspective of the old people. Cultural differences also make them unaware of their grandparents and him

The grandparents over there are different. They are just ordinary old men and women. What they want is not to be lonely in their old age.

She had planned to pick up the two old people when she went back, but she mentioned it several times, and each time she was passed by the two old people without a trace. Now it seems that they don't want to leave here.

Alan couldn't help looking at mu shaoting, "how do you... Know this?"

"I have Grandpa, too." Mu shaoting smiled and said of course, "my grandfather is not easy to serve, nor is he as easy to coax as your father."

Allen's mind turned. Isn't this man's grandfather the former president of the Yan Empire?

That should be hard to coax.

However, seeing mu shaoting's indifference, Alan somehow believed that he would be able to coax his grandfather around.

"But the old people are almost the same on the whole." Mu shaoting picked up his eyebrows and said, "old and young, people are like children when they are old. They like to be lively and like others around him. Just follow them." Alan thought for a moment. It seemed very reasonable. Her grandparents are really different from her grandparents. Her grandparents are not at home most of the year and like to travel everywhere. Obviously, he is old, but he doesn't accept his old age and doesn't want to follow him

The younger generation lives together. If the two old people are at home, they can go to dinner one day a week. Usually they don't have much contact when they are free.

But this does not mean that the family relationship is bad, and everyone's lifestyle is different.

The old people here prefer an idyllic old age, living in familiar places and having familiar friends.

Every way of life should be respected.

"How much are these things?" Alan said seriously, "this set of baby is definitely not cheap. We can't ask for your things for nothing. I'll give you the money as if I were filial to my grandfather. I'll convey your wishes back then."

Mu shaoting tut said, "it's necessary to make such a clear calculation with me?"

"We don't even seem to be friends." Alan said.

Mu shaoting was not angry, "yes, of course we are not friends. We just slept."

The topic came back again. Alan was too lazy to argue with him. He was ready to give him the money back and didn't owe him.

At this time, the old man came back excitedly and said, "Shao Ting, did you find the baby you said?"

Mu shaoting hurriedly greeted him: "you can slow down and don't fall. There's the baby. It's enough for you to show off the old man in your neighbor's house for three or five years."

"Oh, so powerful?" The old man's eyes are wide. Alan hasn't seen the old man like this. He looks at the old man and mu shaoting. He feels very wonderful. "Of course, the baby I found for you can be worse?" Mu shaoting led the old man to the grape rack. The old man's eyes were almost off the frame, "OK, OK, this is much more beautiful than Lao Zheng's. shaoting, this is Huanghua pear


Alan looked at her grandfather and guessed that Huanghua pear should be a kind of precious wood.

"You don't care what kind of wood it is. As long as you like it, it can help you grow a face in front of Mr. Zheng." Mu shaoting showed off the tea set again: "look at this cup, the collection of ancient dignitaries."

The old man couldn't put it down, but Alan stared at mu shaoting with hatred and still wanted to drive him out. "Good, good, all good. Now I see how proud Lao Zheng is." The old man was so happy that he told the servant, "boil water quickly. I'll wash these cups myself. What, go next door and ask Mr. Zheng to come over and say I'll invite him to tea


This is to show off.

Mu shaoting glanced at Ellen and said to the old man, "these things are my filial piety to you. Just now Ellen said she would give me money. How can you be polite to me? We are all a family."

"Who is a family with you? You..." the old man stopped Alan: "shaoting is my little friend. A family is a family. It's normal for friends to give gifts to each other. But we really can't let shaoting spend money. Well, shaoting, let's go. Grandpa has a lot of good things

Whatever you choose. "

Alan's face changed. "Grandpa, who are you?"

The old man patted on the forehead: "look at me, I'm confused."

Mu shaoting naturally climbed along the pole: "Grandpa is Grandpa. I think the old man is just like my grandpa." Then he secretly provoked Alan with a smile.

Finally, mu shaoting really got a good thing from the old man. After all, he is also the father-in-law of the Grand Marshal of a country. The old man has a lot of treasures. "Why didn't grandpa give me this one?" Ellen stamped her feet in anger. She didn't find it. At this time, she was not the bright one at all. In front of her elders, she couldn't help herself

It shows the little girl's side.

Mu shaoting looked at it with an eyebrow and felt that Allen was also quite attracted to his eyes at this time.

"Shaoting likes guns. I'll just put them away. It's nothing to give him." The old man is quite generous.

It's a revolver. Although it's old, it's well maintained. Although the old man can't play with guns, he can see that he will maintain the guns regularly.

It can be seen that the old man still misses his daughter's family far away from home.

"Old man, you said, how about I help you keep Alan?" When Allen ran away, mu shaoting asked with a pistol.

The old man looked at him and said, "stay? How?" Mu shaoting smiled: "naturally, let her marry me. I'll be your grandson-in-law. Anyway, you've asked me to call you Grandpa."