Chapter 235 - Misunderstanding (4)

Robert looked at Rachel as she left the room and after she said that he was disgusting he finally started coming back to his senses. He sat on the floor thinking about what he had done just a while ago, he actually felt disgusted with himself. He closed his eyes and said 'Shit, what did I do, it's not like she agreed to be my girlfriend. I had no right to be angry, what am I going to do now.'

He thought that he could not face Rachel for now so he simply escaped from the window and went out to cool his head and stay away from Rachel to protect her. 

In the basketball court Jessica looked at Rachel in confusion because Rachel did sound completely serious then she began to speak "In the break when you went away with that guy, Robert followed you and he saw you kiss him."

Rachel looked at Jessica as if she was speaking some alien language "What are you even saying and where did he see that?"

Jessica looked at her with surprise her face had the expression 'you kissed him and you are the one asking where' but she still answered her question "In the classroom, isn't it obvious."

Rachel's voice got a little annoyed "Do you really think I would do such a thing with any random guy and I didn't even go to the classroom. He told me that he liked me when we reached the empty hallway but I politely said that I was with Robert and I like him and then he went away so I came back to the cafeteria but no one was there."

Jessica's eyes widened "Really then what was it that Robert saw?"

"I have no idea."

"I think you should tell him what happened."

Rachel tone was sarcastic this time "You think that would work, oh why didn't I think of that before."

Jessica felt guilty for what she thought about Rachel and what she said "I am sorry for blaming you to be wrong and off course you would have tried talking to him but he was in no state of mind to listen, I will give it a shot."

Rachel nodded but she was still too angry with him for acting irrationally, she decided not to talk to him and make him realize how wrong his behavior was so she prepared herself and went inside the house after a while. 

When she entered the house she saw Jessica running towards her in complete panic "Robert's gone" she said as soon as she spotted Rachel. Rachel was not shocked at all as she spoke "It's okay, he will never back he must have gone to clear him mind and cool himself down because I remember when he pretended to kidnap me he was this angered once and went out to cool himself but returned later."

Hearing that Jessica calmed a little wishing that it were true this time too but she still felt the uneasiness in her heart. Rachel then went to her room and lay on her bed to go to sleep as she was tired but she was disturbed by the call. It was David, she knew it must be something important if he had called her so she quickly answered the call. 

As she picked up the call a panicked voice came from the other end, Robert who always had a poker face in all situations was actually panicking that must mean something really bad had happened "Rachel you have to come here as quickly as possible or everything will be destroyed and everyone will be dead."Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#%!d(string=12101095306923405)/misunderstanding-(4)_%!d(string=51415329804450941)">#%!d(string=12101095306923405)/misunderstanding-(4)_%!d(string=51415329804450941)</a> for visiting.

Rachel was confused as she asked "What do you mean?"

David screamed on the other end "Noo" and the line went dead. She quickly changed into the clothes she could easily fight in and then went out. Luckily Jessica was in her room and she was saved from explaining where she was going. 

She quickly reached the agency and as she entered, the guard rushed towards her and said in a relief "Thank God you are here ma'am."

"What is wrong?"

The guard looked like he had come out of fighting someone even powerful than him and he was in a total chaos as he said "Come with me, I will show you." he said. 

Rachel nodded and silently followed him to their fighting area. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw Robert fighting with the other teammates and he was unstoppable, he kept beating everyone except for the females who were on the team. 

Rachel had had enough of him so she moved forward but David stopped her "He is out of his mind so don't go in front of him instead think of an alternative."

Rachel looked at him as if he was spouting nonsense "If we do that, everyone here will be dead and what happened here?"

"You are right and you can only stop him and I don't know what happened Susan came to me to report that he was creating a chaos."

Rachel closed her eyes as if she had figured out what happened and as she opened them they were filled with rage, she had had enough of his nonsense. She had to put him in his place, he had gone overboard.

Rachel stepped in front of him with eyes full of anger and determination to stop him and as she stepped forward all the others stepped behind her as if she was their fairy godmother who had come to their rescue. 

She looked Robert in the eye and said "Enough, I have had enough of you, you have to stop."

Robert stepped forward and again held her by her waist, she realized that it would get complicated if he lost his temper here or changed into something else so she placed a gentle kiss on his lips and whispered in his ear "Darling if you come home, I will tell you everything and I promise to be yours forever."