Chapter 237 - Girlfriend

Rachel knew if she looked at him, she would melt so she turned around to leave and as she took a step towards the door Robert hugged her tightly from the back and he spoke in her ear in a pleading voice "Punish me as much as you want but please don't stop talking to me or leave me, I can never bear that. I know you did not agree to be my girlfriend and I didn't have this right even if you kissed someone else but I could not control my emotions, they are too strong that they just burst out."

Rachel smiled and turned around pulling herself away from him, she looked into his eyes boldly as she spoke "I see, tell me what am I to you if I am not your girlfriend."

He thought for a while and then spoke in a very low and adorable tone "Friend"

Rachel laughed "Alright then tell me what kind of a friend confesses her feelings to the other."

Robert was speechless as his eyes widened, he didn't know how to respond. He stood there thinking what if she was here girlfriend or not, he thought for a while and then spoke "I don't know what you are trying to say."

Rachel placed her hands on her face and then her voice came out a little aggravated "Idiot it obviously means that I am your girlfriend think about it if you love me and I love you does that not mean that we are in a relationship. Now coming back to the topic I am still angry with you because even though I am your girlfriend it does not give you the right to act so rashly. You have to atleast trust me that this is not the kind of thing I will do and talk to me first."

He nodded and then his brain began to race, his eyes glistened as he spoke "Didn't you say that Carren was sitting in the classroom after everyone left."

Rachel looked at him as if the same thought was transferred to her brain "You mean she did this."

"That is the only logical explanation."

Rachel nodded "We have to find out what happened and from tomorrow on we will have to start working at the agency too."

Robert nodded and then Rachel remembered something and quickly called David and as soon as he answered he asked in a rush "Is everything okay, what had happened to him."

Rachel gave a stern look to Robert as if scolding him and then spoke "Yeah everything is fine, you know how he is short tempered, we just had an argument a while ago and I told him I was angry with him and he too became angry at the fact that he was the reason for my anger. So he came over there to fight with someone to vent his anger. I am sorry for that and I had to tell you that both of us will be joining tomorrow."

A relaxed voice came from the other end "Well that's a good thing that he is fine and you are coming back but Rachel you have to do something about his anger or next time he might kill someone as you have seen he has injured some of the teammates badly."

"Yes I have talked to him and I am working on that, don't worry this won't happen again."

"Great then see you tomorrow."

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She hung up and her stern look again landed on Robert "You listen to me now I am giving you one chance and if this happens again I won't talk to you. Whatever the problem is you will always talk to me first because I am your girlfriend."

He smiled widely at the mention of the word your girlfriend and he began to nod vigorously. A wide smile appeared on Rachel's face too, she wrapped her arms around his neck closed all the distance between them until her chest was pressed against his looked into his eyes and with all her heart said "I love you so much" finally she leaned in and kissed him passionately. 

Robert took a while to process what was happening but soon his arms wrapped around her waist pulling her even closer not letting the air pass between them and then he kissed her back deepening it, he kissed her as if this was the only thing he ever wanted to do in his life.

After a long while they pulled away and this time Robert was the one to speak "If the price that I have to pay for my anger is not taking to you then I think that thought alone is the enough punishment for me and I don't think then this will ever happen again."

Rachel smiled "Well that's good but now I have to try on the dresses that I came here for in the first place." she said pulling away as her eyes landed on the dresses that has been on the bed unnoticed. 

She began removing her clothes in front of Robert who was shocked and his heart began to race, it was very difficult for him to get a hold of himself, he tried to speak but his voice was lost. He clenched his fist and closed his eyes and finally managed to utter "What are you doing?"

"Trying on the dresses." she stated the obvious. 

"In front of me." he said through gritted teeth.

She looked at him and smiled at his closed eyes at this moment she was completely n.a.k.e.d, this was the first time she wanted to try something mischievous with him so she pulled herself closer to him and whispered in his ear "Come on, open your eyes."

His heart thud against his rib cage which Rachel could hear, she brushed her thumb against his eyes which opened and said said in a panicked tone "What are you doing this, you know I can loose my control."

She laughed and stepped away "Alright I am sorry, I was messing with you but there is nothing wrong with me changing clothes here because you have already seen me n.a.k.e.d."

He could not take the torture anymore and ran out of the room.