Chapter 243 - The Actual Mission (2)

As expected the whole place was abandoned and only filled with boxes as both of them entered together, they began to observe their surroundings silently. Rachel was the first one to break the silence "Some of these boxes may actually contain goods and I don't think we have this much time to open all the boxes."

Robert handed her a knife "Tap a little on the top of the boxes, if it does not go in then it is filled with goods and if it does then it contains a person and the top is empty."

Rachel held the knife and gave him an appreciative look and then began to tap the boxes starting from one corner, Robert began on the other side of the room. It took them half an hour to go through all the boxes but none of them had anything unusual. 

Rachel looked at Robert "What now?"

Robert didn't say anything instead he began to tap the walls with his knife, Rachel was confused "What are you doing?"

He put a finger on his lips, signalling her to keep silent and she didn't say another word as he continued taping the walls. Rachel could tell that he didn't find anything he was expecting because he was starting to get angry which Rachel could see by the change in the color of his eyes. 

She got closer to him and hugged him from behind "Sweetie relax and tell me what you are doing."

"I am trying to find a hollow place behind these walls because I an sure they are here." he replied frustrated. 

Rachel kissed him and as expected he relaxed "You have to be patient, let's look together and we will find something."

He nodded and then Rachel began to tap the floor with her feet trying to find any hollow sound under her but she didn't hear anything.

Robert silently sneaked behind her and asked "Did you find anything?"

It was uncalled for and she got scared, the knife from her hand went flying into the air and was stuck in the roof. She placed a hand on her chest "Can you not keep sneaking on me, you scared me."

She turned around to see the excited look on Robert's face as he looked at the ceiling, she followed her line of sight and saw him staring at the knife that flew from her hand. She didn't understand what he was excited about at first but then her brain began to work again and she almost gaped "Oh my God"

Robert placed a hand on her mouth "Don't shout!" saying this he removed his hand and now Rachel whispered "So the roof was hollow, these people are cleaver no one would ever check it."

Robert had a serious look on his face and he replied in a "Hmm" and then began looking around to find something to reach there. 

Rachel understood what he was doing and said "Let's move a few boxes under it and we will climb them."

"That will make a lot of noise"

Rachel began to think again and after a while "I will climb on your shoulder and crawl up."

"I won't let you go there alone first."

"Alright then you think of a better plan."

Robert thought for a while and then went to a corner and asked Rachel to wait until he was back, she nodded and he teleported somewhere but was back soon with Jessica. 

Rachel raised her eyebrows in question to why he had brought her here, he didn't tell her instead asked Jessica to move the boxes with her magic without making any noise, she did as she was told and then Robert was the first to climb up followed by Rachel. Jessica didn't follow them instead she went out to leave. 

As the two entered through that entrance they were welcomed in a new room with guns pointed at them when on of those people said "No one has ever discovered this place, you are cleaver to do that but not cleaver enough to survive."

Rachel smirked and without saying anything she pulled out 2 guns placed firmly to her waist and with her exceptional skills she targeted everyone's leg and within a minute all of them were on their knees. She then marched towards the person who spoke, placed the gun under his chin and said "You wish"

They all frowned in pain an snow began to fire bullets towards them, both of them skilfully dodged the bullets. One of them was aimed towards Robert's back and one toward his chest at right and left side and he could only escape one Rachel's heart raced and she quickly clung to his back to take the bullet for her, he knew why she did that so instead of dodging to the side he lay flat on the floor over Rachel protecting her as he spoke "I told you I won't die whatever may happen to me but you know you can and you still want to risk it."

"It was an instant reaction to protect you."

"Now listen you go and save the girls and I will deal with them."

She nodded "Don't... "

He cut her mid sentence "I won't reveal myself, just go."

He then safely took her out of that circle and single handed began to fight those people while Rachel went to the other side to find the girls. 

She reached the other end of the room and found more than hundreds of girls lying on the floor, drugged and in a total chaos some of them were below 5 years of age and were heavily drugged but they were still conscious and in pain. Her heart ached seeing them but she didn't have time for that, she had to save them so she spoke "I know it's hard for you to move but I am here to save you so you have to try hard and come with me. All the men who were here are taken care of."

The girls were desperate for their freedom so everyone followed her to safety, Robert had already taken down everyone without any injury on his body. Both of them took the girls down carefully and helped them call their parents. They waited until everyone was in right hands before going home.