Chapter 300 - Jealous (2)

She thought for a while and then looked at him with a tired expression "They know that I am the daughter to 'The Cullens'."

She air quoted her last words and when she saw Robert nod his head in agreement, she rolled her eyes "How troublesome!"

All the students who were from higher class families liked to boast around and show off their wealth. They liked to be on the top of the circle and the center of attraction and all these students liked to bully the others who were not up to their status. 

The worst part was that these students were treated differently and couldn't experience a normal life and she didn't like to live like that so only the principal knew about her identity and it was concealed from the rest of the school but because of the fight when Charles took action against Carren and her family, her identity was revealed. 

Before this Carren was the princess everyone worshipped but since she belonged to the highest family in the country, she could not even get a breather as she was constantly surrounded by students asking her how she was now. She finally looked at Robert for help who suppressed his laughter and said "It's time for the class so please let her leave."

His cold stare was enough for the crowd to scatter and she made her way to the class. She looked coldly at Robert "You are so mean to laugh at my misery."

He laughed "You are the first person who is miserable because she is getting more attention and I love your expressions."

She stared at him and looked away pretending that she was not talking to him but she felt happy with his response. Soon Oliver came in and sat in the seat in front of Rachel and then turned around to greet Rachel with a smile "Hi, how are you feeling today."

Rachel smiled at him because he had saved her and had been treating her nicely since she was in the hospital, she didn't have any reason to treat him coldly so they had become good friends. She naturally greeted him "Hello, it's all because of your taking care of me."

Oliver knew that she said those words just out of kindness but he could not help but feel his heart race at her words so he smiled and talked to her for a while. Robert was used to this and didn't say anything because he knew that in her heart Rachel only loved him and wanted to be with him. He knew she was just thankful towards him so she was treating him like that. 

Later Kevin too entered the class and her mood instantly fell sour, seeing the disappointed look on her face Oliver asked instantly "What's wrong?"

She looked at him and then at Kevin, she knew he would come to sit in the seat next to Oliver so she looked at Oliver and said "Please do me a favor."

He looked at her with a smile and replied "Just say it and it will be done."

She smiled and his heart raced again "Please don't let him sit next to you."

She looked at Kevin to show him who she was talking about and he looked at her in confusion "Isn't he new in our school, what can he have possibly done."

She didn't know how to respond to his question when Robert spoke "If you can't do it then just say, why ask so many questions."

He then looked at Rachel and his gaze and voice softened "Sweet heart, hey don't you ask me to handle that."

She looked at him guiltily "You know how he is so I thought maybe he could succeed."

Robert gently rubbed her head "Don't worry I will handle him."

Robert straightened his legs and put them on the front bench when Kevin came to sit on it. Kevin looked at him and said coldly "Move"

Robert ignored him and continued working on whatever he was doing which angered him intensely and he tried to put his legs aside using his arms. He put in all his force and he could barely lift his legs a little that was when Robert looked at him and said "Impressive but I don't like people disturbing me." saying this he kicked the other in his stomach using only a little force and he was thrown to the ground with full force. 

He knew about Robert's strength and it was already strong enough of him to stand up again but the others who were seeing this thought that Kevin was way too weak. He walked back to him again and said "Move or I will sit on your legs."

Robert gave him a cold look "My girlfriend doesn't want you to sit here so go and find another place."

Kevin was not ready to give up so easily so he placed his bag on the table and sat on Robert's legs "In your dreams."

Robert laughed "I can't help it if you wish death upon yourself."

He then kicked his in his crotch and send him flying to the front of the class making him bend over and flinch in pain but because he was a polymorph his body didn't feel the pain for a long time and recovered quickly. Before he could get up from the floor, his bag came flying towards him and hit his stomach "Find another place" was the cold voice that followed. 

He knew he could never win against this immortal so he had no option but to sit on an another empty seat that was not occupied. 

Everyone in the class was shocked to see this and they could not guess if it was Robert who was way too strong or if it was Kevin who was too weak. One of them said "I am sure no one can be that strong, it must be Kevin who is way too weak."

The person next to him said "No that can't be I got into a fight with Kevin on the first day, he is really strong so that only means that Robert is even more stronger. We should be aware of that and take care not to pick up a fight with him. He didn't even use his full strength yet and if he did, he could have killed Kevin."

Another student said "I feel pity for Kevin, he is so handsome yet he wants the girl that is with Robert."

All the students were talking and commenting loudly when the teacher entered the class and shouted "What is wrong with this class today, why are you making so much noise?"

Following her words silence fell in the room but she stared at the class as if demanding for an answer. They knew they could not get away with this because they were the most disciplined class so one of the student got up and said "Ma'am Rachel is back so we were just asking her how she was."

Rachel was taken off guard and she cursed this person in her head thinking how dare he use her as his escape tool of getting away with their behavior but then she thought that this problem too was initially caused by her so she could take the blow. She smiled at the teacher awkwardly but as soon as she was spotted the anger in the teacher's eyes vanished and a smile appeared as she spoke "That fine then so how are you now darling, you should have rested for a few more days."

Rachel put on a smile "Ma'am I have already rested for more than it was required and I was getting bored so I really wanted to come back."

The teacher smiled "Alright then if you say so, I will believe you then we will get to our topic for today."

Rachel realized that it was so easy for her to get away with anything now that her family background was know but she didn't like this way of living. It is like you can even murder someone in broad daylight and all of them will turn there heads as if nothing happened. She felt guilty but she could not help it now all thanks to Carren. 

She then looked at Oliver and asked "Have you looked around the school."

He shook his head "No, you were supposed to show me around."

She widened her eyes "You were still waiting for me, I am sure there are plenty of other girls who are willing to show you around."

He looked around and said "I don't trust them and don't tell me you want to go back on your word."

She smiled at him and said guiltily "I was trying to because I am too lazy but don't worry I will show you around."

He had a satisfied smile on his face as he said "I would never have allowed you to go back on your word and you would have to compensate me with dinner or something."

Rachel laughed and said "Alright we will go in the break."