Chapter 358 - Saving (3)

Rachel was unaware of the fact that she was the actual person who was wanted and not the others but she didn't need to know either as she was capable enough to save herself. She was just concerned about that girls safety right now and nothing more was important to her so she was just focused on her target. 

Rachel was about to fall as she was just swaying around although she didn't care much about herself, she didn't wish any harm to befall on that lady because of her so she was still trying to keep her balance but when she was at the loss of hope and at the verge of falling, she was lifted in the air. For a moment she thought that she had subconsciously made use of her magical power and her face lost all it's colour thinking about it. It was not long later that she found out that something was strange and as she calmed down a little, she realized someone was holding her. 

She turned to look at the face of the person that was holding her up and a smile appeared on her face as she spoke "Thank you"

She was scared that her true self was going to be revealed and right now she forgot all the hatered against the person holding her up and was only thankful to him. She was happy that he was holding her and her heart warmed up at his actions. All the other men followed behind them and they soon crossed the path. He put Rachel down and she looked at him thankfully, she could not believe that this person was evil at all and although she wanted to ask him about his it, she could not create doubt in his mind because as Rachel, she was not supposed to know he was the leader of evil witches. She could not find a hint of evil in him and could only smile at his gentleness. 

After some admiration they walked into another empty corridor and this time Robert didn't take any careless step and looked at Rachel "What do you think it is this time?"

Rachel looked confused and said "I don't know either, there are no motion sensors that is for sure but what it is, I don't know as for it is not free from danger that I am sure."

Robert nodded his head "That is for sure that something is here but it is well hidden. Now that I think about it, there is something big that these people are hiding."

Rachel nodded her head "I have been thinking the same thing but what can it be that these people are hiding. It must be huge to have this high level of security."

Robert nodded his head "We can only find out once we enter."

"Hmm" Rachel responded and then thought to herself that it was not that difficult for this person to have a normal conversation so why was he always making things difficult for her. She ignored the thought and them she thought about what to do next. After a lot of thought she came to a realization that she should throw some innate object and see what happens. She looked around but could not find anything, at last she looked at Robert and said "Why not we throw something in and see what happens to it and proceed accordingly."

He nodded his head "Not a bad idea but what are we going to throw."

"I was going to ask you the same thing as I can't find anything."

He looked at her bag and said "Is there nothing in your bag that can help?"

Rachel looked at him and said "They are all useful things and I can't just throw anything like that."

Robert nodded his head and then turned to look at the other 3 teammates "You go and look around."

They nodded and Rachel turned to look at them while but when she turned around, she saw that Robert had already stepped into the corridor. Before she could react, she saw sharp iron rods piercing his body, they came out of the wall as huge holes opened from them. She subconsciously stepped forward and a scream left her throat "Nooo! Robert!"

As she was about to step in the corridor, Robert stepped towards her and pushed her away. Rachel's eyes were filled with horror as she saw his body filled with blood but then she noticed that he was still standing there without any hint of weakness. He stood tall and with a smile on his face, not showing any hint of pain on his face while on the other hand Rachel was on the verge of tears. 

She could not bear for him to smile in such a state and she didn't know why she felt aggrieved as she shouted at him "Are you crazy, how can you just go in like that and now you are even smiling."

She felt the urge to punch him hard but seeing him like this, her heart clenched. He pulled her closer to his c.h.e.s.t so that she was unable to see him anymore but it was too late. The ghastly image was stuck in her mind and she could not get it out. She pushed him away and looked up at him "Say something."

He closed his eyes and focused on healing his body faster which did within a few minutes and Rachel just stood there observing him with her mouth wide open. She could see his completely healed skin from the holes on his shirt and she was shocked "H-how h-how..." he put a finger on her lips and gestured her to be quiet while he removed his shirt and threw it into the corridor. This time nothing happen and he finally turned to Rachel as he said "I knew that throwing something was not going to be effective because this is also a kind of motion sensor."

Rachel could not make sense of anything that was happening and all she could do was blankly stare at him. Her mind was filled with questions and she didn't know what to ask him first. As a queen she had learned to remain calm in all the situations in the past month but right now, she had lost all her calmness and her strength gave way. 

He looked at her and finally noticed her expression and then he said "Whatever happened right now, please keep it a secret."

Rachel was finding it hard to believe that he was the same person who was covered with blood right now "How did this happen?"

She finally regained her calm and asked while he sighed and said "I am an immortal and I can survive through anything and I don't feel any pain either."

At this moment Rachel remembered Jessica mentioning about him being an immortal but it was still so scary to see this. 

He then continued "I trust you that is why I am telling you so before they come let me cross this corridor and switch off the sensor on the other side."

Although she knew that nothing was going to happen to him, she could not bear to see him do that so she quickly said "You are not doing that."

He looked at her while she continued "Let us find an alternative."

He looked at her "What other choice do you have, they will soon see those dead guards and come to know that something is wrong then by the time we reach the person we are here to save will be dead."

Rachel was struggling with making a decision, she knew that he was the leader of the evil witches and she would never have cared while killing such a person but right now her heart was feeling uneasy. She could not bear to see him hurt and neither did she care if he could heal himself. She looked at him as if silently telling him not to do that and just find an alternative.

He could never have imagined someone apart from his sister caring for him so much. He didn't like it either because he felt like he was being pitied but right now his heart warmed and he felt very sweet, he just wanted to embrace this woman in his arms and kiss her, he had a strong urge to do it as he looked at her but he knew that was not right so he shook his head and pushed that thought out of his head as he smiled at her mischievously.

He thought that if he said something to aggravate her, she might not stop him so he went to her and said "Don't tell me you are already reluctant to part with me and want to give me a kiss before I do something dangerous. If you are thinking about it, you can pounce on me anytime, I won't be reluctant to that and other things can always wait as I am dying to have a taste of you for so long."

Rachel looked at him and this time his words didn't sound disturbing to her, she knew that he was saying this on purpose and now that she realized he was always teasing her on purpose. She had never felt like this before and it was as if something was clouding her thoughts, she didn't mind her words at all right now and all she wanted to do was to stop him from going to the other side. She didn't know what happened to her, it was as if her body was possessed and even Robert was taken aback by her action as he stumbled back.