Ye Yuwei said, "people know how to find their mother, but don't you know how to find your wife?"

Lu Qichuan leaned back in his chair and looked at Ye Yuwei. At last, he said with a low smile, "I'm looking for someone who can't see me. After all, she sees you more than I do."

Ye Yuwei

Is that her fault?

Lu Qichuan's daughter-in-law chased her. She was tired of watching.

However, these two people are also destined to be enemies in this life, there is no way.

After Qian Leyi went over the mountain in the sky, she was forbidden to go up the mountain. In particular, Gu Xicheng himself gave the order.

At lunch time, Qian Leyi and Yu Yanzhou were all full of gossip.

While eating, Yu Yanzhou motioned to her to eat quickly.

"Why didn't brother Xicheng let us go up the mountain?" Qian Leyi said while biting the chopsticks.

Yu Yanzhou looked at the gossip girl in front of her and gave her the meat in her dish. "Since brother Xi has said that, you should stop taking part in military training, and then we'll go back."

"You're not exploring." Qian Leyi despised the opening, "and I asked, they have not trained recently."

"You want to go back to the rhythm of being locked up by your aunt." Jade speech boat opens mouth to remind a way, "and Xi City elder brother since said, certainly is an affair."

"Xicheng, Leyi." The company commander came over with lunch and sat down beside them. "What are you talking about?"

"What is brother Xi doing on the mountain? Why don't we go Qian Leyi pounded the food and looked at the company commander opposite.

"Don't look at me about it. I don't know." The company commander said, looked around again, and then said, "military training is Pediatrics for you, so you may like the next thing."

"What?" Qian Leyi's eyes lit up in an instant.

Yu Yanzhou

He was very skeptical about how to learn art just because of Qian Leyi's personality.

Thinking of this, Yu Yan Zhou pauses and frowns at Qian Leyi.

Qian Leyi

What is she doing?

And what kind of look is that?

"Well, you kids have a good life. You just caught up with the military exercise of the small detachment in the District, so team Gu gave you a chance. You can go with them." The company commander said with a smile.

Yuyanzhou chuckles, and Qian Leyi's small face suddenly becomes a little ferocious. "Brother Xicheng did it on purpose, just to take me away on purpose."

The company commander laughed and just looked like he was. It's good to know about it. Why do you have to say it?

Moreover, Gu Xicheng obviously knew that ordinary things could not get her away, so he gave them the opportunity to apply for it. It can be seen how Gu Xicheng wanted to get Qian Leyi away.

But the more so, the more curious Qian Leyi was about what he was doing.

After lunch, the afternoon is the training of walking, Qian Leyi once qualified, can go to the side to have a rest.

Yuyanzhou stood beside her and looked at the people training there.

"Why do you want to learn art? I haven't seen you draw before." Yu Yanzhou said suddenly.

Qian Leyi is drinking water. Hearing this, she looks up at Yu Yanzhou. I don't know why he suddenly asked this question.

Yu Yanzhou took back her eyes and put them on her curious face, "why do you study art?"

Qian Leyi swallowed the water in her mouth, "now I want to ask?"