Gu Yansheng and Mu Kaiqi are outside, also talking about Xiang zhixia's illness.

Mukaiqi opened a bottle of wine, after a few mouthfuls of wine, his words became more and more.

Between words, all is to give up to Zhi summer.

Gu Yansheng patted him again and said, "I know your mood. If an Xiaoxi has such a disease, I think it will collapse even more than you!"

Mukaiqi wry smile, "what about collapse? I can't change any facts. In the end, I will see her die and leave me in pain with my own eyes! "

"Is she really incurable?"

"After months of research, doctors have come to an understanding. The most fatal genetic disease is not the disease itself, but in the later stage, she will carry a kind of venom in her blood, which will gradually erode people's internal organs and eventually die of organ failure. "

He bowed his head in pain, and a tear fell quietly.

Gu Yansheng's heart also went down with him.

However, something flashed in his mind, so fast that he didn't have time to catch it!

At this time, an Xiaoxi took Xiang zhixia's hand and came out.

Outside the sun is just right, anxiaoxi hope to zhixiameng more sun.

Mukaiqi quickly wiped away the tears from the corner of his eyes and went to help zhixia.

Xiang Zhi Xia said with a smile, "let me go by myself. I'm not so weak that I can't walk!"

Four people are standing in the sun, looking at the lake in front of each other's hearts, there is a warm current at the same time.

In the evening, everyone sat in front of the door and looked at the stars.

Mukaiqi let Xiang zhixia sit in a wide chair, and then covered her with a thick blanket, and she said softly.

An Xiaoxi feels something, and looks at Gu Yansheng silently. He looks up at the sky and says with a smile, "the starry sky tonight is so beautiful. I suddenly want to sing!"

She talks and sings. Without any accompaniment, she sings a starry sky soundly.

Gu Yansheng and Mu Kaiqi can't help singing along, while Xiang zhixia is responsible for beating the beat for them.

At the end of the song, he praised Zhi Xia, "I heard Xiao Xi sing for the first time. It turns out that her singing voice is so beautiful!"

"Sister Zhi Xia, you can too!"

Wen Yan, mukaiqi and Gu Yansheng look at Xiang zhixia with encouraging eyes. An Xiaoxi goes to get a cup and spoon to accompany her.

Xiang zhixia couldn't help laughing. He really began to sing.

Her singing is also very beautiful, but because of the lack of breath caused by body deficiency, it makes her singing discount.

But three people all can hear, her mood at the moment is joyful!

Unconsciously, they also joined in. The four people's singing created a very pleasant atmosphere, which made this still chilly spring particularly beautiful and moving.

When sleeping at night, Xiang zhixia had a rare night's sleep.

The next morning, Gu Yansheng suddenly woke up from his sleep.

The idea that flashed in my mind yesterday finally appeared clearly and incomparably.

He got up in a hurry, and sent the illness of Xiang zhixia to Lengyu in the form of e-mail.

When going out, mukaiqi told them a message. The doctor he contacted had a reply, saying Xiang zhixia had this disease. If she could replace all the blood in her body and use drugs to inhibit the regeneration of toxic blood, it was estimated that there would be hope.

After hearing this, Gu Yansheng picked his eyebrows and happily hooked his lips. "It's really good news. Xiang zhixia has been saved!"

"But it's easy to change the blood in her body. Where do you want to find the medicine to restrain the blood poison?" Mucage is still frowning and helpless.

"I know someone. If he's willing to do it, it's no problem!"


"Leng Yu, the eldest son of the Leng family of the drug making family!"

Mukaiqi thought for a moment and said, "I've heard of this cold family. I'm afraid they can't find another one in the world for their ability of making antidotes and poisons! But we have nothing in common with them... "

Gu Yansheng shook his head slightly, told him what happened some time ago, and said, "I've sent him an email, wait for his news!"

Mukaiqi knew that Fang Shuhua's death was hidden so many things. He hugged him and said, "brother, I'm sorry!"

"Well, it's the only way to do it now!" Gu Yansheng frowned and sighed.

Only after experiencing his mother's life and death can he truly realize the value of life.

Therefore, he will try his best to save Xiang zhixia's life!

Leng Yu wrote back in the afternoon, asking them to leave for him. However, he is not at home these days, and it is estimated that he will come back in two days.

Fortunately, Leng's family lives in Canada and is not far from here. After discussion, the four decided to leave tomorrow.

Because of missing Doudou, Xiang zhixia's hope for life is stronger than ever. When she heard that her illness had made new progress, she grasped mukaiqi's hand excitedly.

"No matter how much I suffer, I must cure the disease! Our peas are still waiting for us

Mukaiqi is very pleased, kisses her face, soft voice way, "let's refuel together!"

"Well! Come on

When they arrived in Vancouver, it was evening. The four stayed in the hotel, waiting for Leng Yu to contact them.

The next morning, someone came to the hotel and found them, saying that Leng Yu asked him to pick them up.

Four people got on the car. Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of a very old building.

The driver said, "it's quiet here, so the young master moved here very early."

He led them into the old building, where the light was dim and the lights were on during the day.

Leng Yu was sitting in the study on the second floor. On the desk in front of him, there was a large stack of materials.

He was reading carefully when Gu Yansheng and others came in, and he raised his head slightly.

Asked them to sit down, his eyes, turned to Zhi Xia, "this is the patient?"

Gu Yansheng nodded and said, "Lengyu, you can cure her, can't you?"

"We have to check it before we make a conclusion!"

Leng Yu didn't make a guarantee too early. This is his principle, low-key and rigorous.

Xiang zhixia quickly lives in the private hospital opened by Leng's family. Under the arrangement of Leng Yu, he has done a series of general examinations.

In particular, her blood has become an important research object of Leng Yu!

While waiting for the results to come out, Gu Yansheng and an Xiaoxi did not stop. They saw the beautiful scenery of Vancouver.

After a day's walk and returning to the hotel in the evening, anxiaoxi felt that her legs were not her own.

After the bath, she climbed to the bed and didn't want to move any more.

Gu Yansheng's phone rings at this time.

It's Leng Yu. He tells Gu Yansheng that Xiang zhixia's illness can be cured!