An Xiaoxi laughed sheepishly.

He handed the notebook to Leng Yu. "Master, please check it and see if I admit my mistake?"

"Well!" Leng Yu took over and immediately entered the working state.

An Xiaoxi walked to Gu Yansheng, shook his hand and said, "go back, don't affect my study!"

"Well?" Gu Yansheng was slightly displeased.

Holding her nose, she hummed coldly, "just don't want to see me?"

An Xiaoxi shrunk his neck and said with a busy smile, "you can't use one heart for two purposes when you study! If you are here, I will only think about you. How can I learn? "

"That's about it!" Gu Yansheng was satisfied and got up to leave.

He went to the ward to see Xiang zhixia and mukaiqi. He saw Xiang zhixia looking good. After chatting with them, he left.


A city.

An accident happened to a cosmetics company under the dark emperor group.

A customer's face was covered with sores and nearly disfigured after using their cosmetics.

Now, she has taken the company to court, and she does not accept any form of private interest.

Xiao Mo had no choice but to report it to Gu Yansheng.

Gu Yansheng frowned and immediately realized that it was a deliberate frame up.

The cosmetics company of dark emperor has a history of decades. After being acquired by him, it has been striving for success by quality. In recent years, it has gradually become a famous brand at home and abroad.

Therefore, it is impossible to make such a low-level error!

The deep eyes twinkled slightly, Gu Yansheng said solemnly, "you send the product identification, and the customer's medical record!"


Xiao Mo sent the information quickly. The woman named Shen Fang was identified by the hospital as allergic to cosmetics.

And cosmetic inspection report, also shows a variety of ingredients unqualified!

Now, the cosmetics company, OD, has been ordered to suspend production.

The shares of the dark emperor group have also been affected by this incident. It seems that if Gu Yansheng does not go back, it will not be able to solve the matter satisfactorily.

An Xiaoxi also wants to follow him back, but Lengyu stops him.

He said, "I won't allow you to leave until you are successful, because you are my only disciple. I can't let you ruin my reputation!"

Gu Yansheng also doesn't approve of her going back at this time. He always has a premonition that this time, the other party is coming for him. On the contrary, an Xiaoxi is the safest to stay here!

Therefore, he entrusted an Xiaoxi to Lengyu and mukaiqi, and then immediately bought a ticket to fly back.

In order to complete the study faster, an Xiaoxi simply moved to Lengyu's residence, or asked for advice day and night.

Gu Yansheng didn't say anything about it, because he believed in an Xiaoxi and Lengyu very much!

Back in a city, Gu finished immediately encountered numerous reporters, they stopped him not to go, I hope he can give an account of the cosmetics incident.

Gu Yansheng frowned slightly and said faintly, "I will find out the truth and give an account to the public. If it is our fault, we will not shirk anything. However, if I know that there is something else in this matter, I will never give up!"

"What Mr. Gu meant was that there was another reason for the OD company's accident? Can Mr. Gu tell us clearly whether the competition among enterprises leads to malice? "

"Mr. Gu, you must have a plan in mind when you come back this time, don't you?"

"President Gu..."

Reporters have asked questions, hoping to be the first to grasp the first-hand information.

Gu Yansheng kept silent.

Escorted by countless bodyguards, he went to the company first.

Xiao Mo and other executives are on standby in the company. When he comes back, the meeting starts immediately.

In response to this incident, everyone made a detailed report. Manager Cheng of OD company made a very serious review. He also said that he would take the blame and resign.

Gu Yansheng gave him a cold look and pursed his thin lips. "No matter what the result is, you have an inescapable responsibility. However, what I want now is the truth, and there will only be one truth!"

"Yes Manager Cheng wiped a cold sweat and said, "every one of our products has gone through a strict process before they are produced. Moreover, when they are put into the market, they have gone through strict inspection. I can guarantee that our products will never have any problems!"

"Well?" Gu Yansheng snorted coldly and glanced at all the people. "In the sampling inspection of our products, we did find some problems. What's the explanation for this?"

Manager Cheng said, "this is what I can't understand. Fortunately, we have taken back all the products sold to the market, so as not to bring worse consequences."

Gu Yansheng nodded coldly and ordered, "now, I order you to check immediately. From the production line to the marketing department, don't let go of every link!"

Everyone immediately moved, especially the people of OD company, everyone became the object of Gu Yansheng's suspicion.

President's office.

As soon as Gu Yansheng sat down, Xiao Mo came in and put a cup of hot coffee in front of him.

Looking at this subordinate like a brother, Gu Yansheng smiles, "have you worked hard these days?"

Xiao Mo shook his head and apologized, "everyone in the company performs their own duties. If it's not for such a thing, Gu can always accompany his wife!"

Gu Yansheng rubbed his temple, squinted and said, "what do you think of this time?"

"From my personal point of view, I don't believe that the product of OD company is wrong, but we have no evidence!"

"What did you find out from Lin Weiyang?"

"Lin Weiyang?" Xiao Mo is an inspiration.

How did he not expect that Lin Weiyang's bankrupt company was also engaged in cosmetics.

Therefore, in this field, he has a very comprehensive professional knowledge!

Xiao Mo immediately said, "I'll let people check it right away. If he did it, it's impossible not to leave a trace!"

He left in a hurry, and Gu Yansheng began to miss an Xiaoxi.

After only a few hours' absence, he felt as if he had gone through centuries. If his wife was not around, how could he survive these long years?

Therefore, he must deal with the matter as soon as possible and fly to accompany his wife.

After work, he went to the old house.

Yingying ran over and hugged his neck with her little hand. She said intimately, "Daddy, Yingying missed you so much. Where's Mommy? Why didn't she come back with you?"

Gu Yansheng pinched her little nose and said, "Daddy and Mommy want to see Yingying very much, but Mommy is studying. She can't come back yet!"

"Well, daddy, will you go when you come back?"

Gu Yansheng nodded, "Daddy is going to pick up Mommy!"

"Can Yingying pick up Mommy with daddy?" Yingying raised her small face and asked eagerly.