Jiang Lanqing, full of indignation, pointed at him and scolded, "whose son are you? Ye Yishen, I tell you, if you still care about an Xiaoxi's dead girl and refuse to attack Gu Yansheng, you are not my son! "

"Ma!" Ye Yishen is helpless.

After knowing that they are going to deal with Gu Yansheng, he has chosen to turn a blind eye. What else does she want?

His strength is not enough to compete with Gu Yansheng!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Lanqing has been dazed by her obsession. She forces Ye Yishen to promise him to deal with Gu Yansheng.

In desperation, ye Yishen had to agree.

Walking out of the ward, his father, ye Junlin, sighed and said, "your mother has been competitive all her life. When she is old, she still doesn't know how to stop. Most of her illness comes from this! Yishen, it's a big thing. You can make your own decisions. Dad won't force you! "

Ye Yishen nodded, "I know how to do it, but Gu Yansheng is so deceiving that he would send such a gift!"

"He is hateful, but everything has its reasons and consequences. Your mother remembers the hatred of your aunt's family, so she always wants to give vent to them! Ah, I didn't expect... "Ye Junlin's character is much better than Jiang Lanqing's, but in front of his wife and outsiders, he did not hesitate to choose his wife.

Although, he also strongly disagrees with what Jiang Lanqing has done.

Ye Yishen knows that the hatred between the two families can't be easily resolved. In his heart, why don't he resent Gu Yansheng for taking an Xiaoxi?

With a sigh, he said, "I'll find time to visit my aunt and uncle, and Zizi. She's too irrational. She still wants to harm people in it!"

"Yes, this girl would have come out if nothing happened later. When you go, you can also see her by the way."

Ye Yishen visited an Youming's family the next day.

After more than a year's absence, both of them have aged a lot. After ye Yishen conveyed his parents' greetings to them, he also expressed his concern for them.

When meeting with Jiang Lanzi, Jiang Lanzi couldn't help crying and kept asking him about an Zizi.

Ye Yishen chose to hide and said with a smile, "Zizi is very good. She went abroad with me. She said that she would come back to see you when she is promising!"

Jiang Lanzi burst into tears and even said, "Yishen, I entrust Zizi to you. In the future, her life will depend on you to help her make up her mind!"

"I know! Auntie, you can rest assured that I will take good care of her! "

Ye Yishen made a solemn promise to her.

Finally, he went to see anzzi again.

I learned from her that she and Lin Shanshan were serving sentences together.

Ye Yishen couldn't help persuading her, "make a good transformation, and don't do anything harmful to yourself. I just went to see my aunt and uncle. They are most worried about you!"

Anzi's tears suddenly rolled out.

She nodded and cried, "cousin, I'll listen to you, make a good transformation, and strive to get out as soon as possible!"

"Good! If you can be obedient, I'll be relieved! " Ye Yishen told her a few more words, and the time for visiting came.

After visiting three people, ye Yishen's heart is heavy.

Once such a happy family, for the sake of money, even reduced to this step.

He has no deep hatred with Gu Yansheng. Why bother to provoke him?

Ye Yishen in an instant to understand this truth, suddenly relieved a lot.


Gu Yansheng is ready to accompany an Xiaoxi after he has solved the problems of OD company.

Before leaving, Jin Ruoling found him, "you and Xiao Xi must come back early. My wedding with Xiao Mo is still waiting for you to come back to attend!"

Gu Yansheng was surprised.

We're all getting married, Xiao Mo, without saying a word!

With a smile, he asked with great interest, "when is the date set?"

"Not yet! I'll wait for you and Xiao Xi to come back! "

"Well? So we delayed your wedding? "

"Almost!" Jin Ruoling smiles.

If they don't come back, Xiao Mo will be busy. How can he have the energy to be busy with the wedding? Therefore, the wedding date must be decided after they come back!

Gu Yansheng nodded with a smile, "OK! We will not delay your marriage

When he set out, he didn't call an Xiaoxi to give her a surprise.

Who knows, when I got to the hospital, I didn't see her in the laboratory!

Leng Yu came in a hurry and said, "there's a little problem. Xiao Xi's hand was burned by the poison and is being treated!"

On hearing this, Gu Yansheng raised his heart to his throat.

No time to ask, rushed to the ward.

Open the door, an Xiaoxi lying on the bed, pale face, sick, no spirit.

Gu Yansheng was very distressed. He came up in a hurry and stroked his little face with his big hand.

Anxiaoxi's eyes immediately opened and saw that it was him. He said in an unexpected way, "Why are you here? Leng Yu, did you tell him? I've said it's just a small injury. It doesn't matter! "

Leng Yu shook his head. "He wanted to give you a surprise. He came back quietly."

"Ah? Gu Yansheng, have you done your domestic affairs well? "

"Fool!" Gu Yansheng touched her head lovingly, "even if it's not done well, I won't leave you alone! How did you get hurt? Does it matter? "

"Accidentally contaminated with a little venom, after cleaning, it's all right!" An Xiaoxi is a little embarrassed.

She would not have had the accident if she had not lost her mind in identifying the poison.

Leng Yu is right. When you come into contact with poison, you can't be careless at all!

After that, she has to be more careful!

Leng Yu closes the door and leaves quietly. Gu Yansheng sits down and looks at an Xiaoxi painfully.

"Look so bad, that poison can leave sequela to the body?"

"No! With Leng Yu, everything is OK! "

However, an Xiaoxi really felt that his hands hurt.

Especially in places contaminated by poison, it's like a fire burning. It's very uncomfortable.

Gu Yansheng accompanies her and talks to her to divert her attention.

An Xiaoxi was very interested in OD company's business this time, so he asked him to tell him.

Gu Yansheng made no secret and told all the story.

After hearing this, an Xiaoxi couldn't help laughing, "Gu Yansheng, you're really taking seconds to do this! Lin Weiyang never dreamed that Shen Fang would be used by you? "

"This is how to deal with Shen Fang, a greedy person. She has no choice between her son and money."

Gu Yansheng gave a black smile.

It's a coincidence to deal with Shen Fang. Her son embezzled the public funds of his unit because of gambling. And this incident happened to be found out by him, so he made a good deal with her.