"Who is Miss Jin Ruoling?"

The policeman stood under the stage and asked with dignity.

Everyone was stunned. On the wedding scene, which one of them was making trouble?

Jin Ruoling was also at a loss. He came over with Xiao Mo and replied, "I am! May I help you? "

"Well, Miss King, there's a Mr. Cummings who was stabbed twice yesterday at the airport in order to save a pregnant woman and fight with two gangsters. He's dying and in a coma, still reciting your name!"

"What?" There was a sound of air extraction.

Jin Ruoling frowned and looked at Xiao mo. he didn't know how to decide.

Xiao Mo patted her hand and said, "I'll go with you!"

"But today is our wedding day!"

"Never mind, you are my wife already!" Xiao Mo raised her hand and kissed the wedding ring on her finger with a touching smile.

At the hospital, Cummings was still in intensive care.

Lu Shaoyi and Tang Fenghua went to the doctor to learn about the situation. Jin Ruoling and others stood outside the ward, waiting quietly.

After a while, the doctor came. He asked Jin Ruoling to change his clothes and follow him in.

On the bed, Cummings lay motionless, pale and dry lipped.

The whole person is on the verge of death, completely without the old spirit and handsome.

Jin Ruoling looks at him with mixed feelings.

Although she hated him, she never thought he would die. When she was a child, their relationship was very good.

If it wasn't for his mistake, their relationship would be the same as before.

"Ling'er! Ling'er Cummings made a few sudden movements, murmuring her name.

The doctor pressed down his disorderly hand and said to Jin Ruoling helplessly, "he hasn't woken up all the time, but every now and then, he will call your name, accompany him well and comfort him. Don't let him get too excited. It's not good for him!"

Jin Ruoling agreed and asked, "is his injury serious?"

"One wound in the abdomen is not fatal, but the other wound in the brain, so it's hard to say what the result is! But we'll try our best. He's a hero, too! "

"Thank you, doctor!" Jin Ruoling nodded and sat down beside Cummings.

Holding Cummings' hand, he said in a low voice, "Cummings, you must be strong. If you get through this, I'll forgive you for what you did to me and my family! I still think of you as my brother! "

Cummings didn't respond. He lost too much blood, which made his face look terrible white.

Jin Ruoling sighed and continued, "today is my wedding day, you know? My wedding is not over yet. If you don't want me to hate you all your life, you must wake me up, or I won't even come to your funeral when you die! "

She was cruel for a while, and then she gently advised him. I don't know how long she said it. Anyway, she expressed all her opinions on him in recent years.

Cummings seemed to listen, and for a long time did not call her name again.

But he didn't respond!

At this time, the doctor came to examine him.

Jin Ruoling walked out of the ward in a low mood.

Xiao Mo took her hand and gave her an understanding smile. "He'll be OK!"


Jin Ruoling smiles.

An Xiaoxi and Gu Yansheng asked them to go back first, saying that they could not spend their happy days in the hospital.

Jin Ruoling looks at Xiao Mo, "are you not unhappy with your parents?"

"Why? They're helping us with our guests, and now they're back in the hotel! "

"Good! Let's go back to our honeymoon Jin Ruoling suddenly laughed.

She is such a character, even if the sky falls down, it will never affect her mood for more than three minutes.

Now, nothing can compare with her wedding happiness!

When she and Xiao Mo leave, Tang Fenghua asks an Xiaoxi and them to go back. It's enough for him to stay alone.

When an Xiaoxi and others leave, they happen to meet Zhou Liying in a hurry.

An Xiaoxi chuckled, "my uncle is still in there. Are you looking for him?"

Zhou Liying said, "I'm here to interview the great hero who saved people!"

"The hero is still in a coma. My uncle can explain it to you!" Anxiaoxi laughed again and left.

Although Jin Ruoling and Xiao Mo's wedding was affected, their wedding night was not affected at all.

Looking at the charming bride under the lamp, Xiao Mo can't help shaking her heart.

He took her hand in both hands and vowed affectionately, "wife, from today on, we will share weal and woe, no matter we are poor or rich, we will live together forever!"

"Well! Anyway, I've decided with you, Xiao Mo, you have to spoil me and love me all your life

"Got it! And promise to do it! " Xiao Mo hugs her and they fall on the big bed covered with flowers.

It was half morning when they woke up.

Hungry two people, this just got up to make breakfast.

Because they didn't go to other places for honeymoon, Gu Yansheng only gave them five days' holiday, saying that when they thought about it, they would take a long holiday to spend their honeymoon.

So, they decided to make every day of these five days wonderful.

However, Cummings accident, they are doomed to be unable to spend these five days.

Just after dinner, the hospital called and said Cummings was awake, but the situation was very bad.

As for how bad, the hospital did not say.

Jin Ruoling had to go to the hospital again.

Tang Fenghua was also here. His face was blue and his voice was low. "People wake up, but he doesn't know anyone and doesn't speak. The whole person is like a fool!"

"How could that be?" Jin Ruoling was a little flustered.

If Cummings is like this, what will he do in his life?

Xiao Mo was silent for a few seconds and asked, "what did the doctor say?"

Tang Fenghua said, "the doctor said that his brain was seriously damaged. It's lucky that he can wake up. As for the rest, it depends on the patient's recovery!"

"So he could be like this all his life?"

Everyone's heart is heavy.

Once such a capable and promising person, it turned out to be like this!

Tang Fenghua sighed, "I'm responsible for his follow-up treatment, but I'm afraid Miss Jin will have to worry a lot if I want him to recover!

Jin Ruoling could not refuse.

Cummings has no relatives in this world. If they don't help him, who will?

What's more, he came to such an end to save talents! His behavior has offset all the mistakes he has done!

In terms of media, Zhou Liying reported this matter wantonly, attracting the attention of all parties.

Cummings' heroic deeds soon spread in a city.