"This is really a good thing! It's such a good thing!" Mu Huan let go of Bao Junyan and looked at the grass in front of her, her heart beating wildly with excitement. Her experiment entered the most critical moment, but it was also the most stuck moment. She tried many kinds of traditional Chinese medicine, but none of them achieved the effect she wanted.

There are thousands of Chinese herbal medicines in this world, and this kind of herbal medicine is the kind that is common on the roadside. The effect of using it alone is very mediocre, so Mu Huan didn't put it in the backup list. Now that he reminded him, She quickly thought that although this medicine alone was very ineffective, it would be even more effective when combined with a medicine she was currently taking, especially the first flower of it!

"Looking at the current state of the buds, the first flowers will almost bloom next Monday. I will let someone keep watch and send them to you immediately after the first blooms."

"Yeah!" Mu Huan nodded repeatedly.

Then she looked at the grass like that for a long time, then stood up and threw herself into Bao Junyan's arms, "Thank you, husband!"

Bao Junyan didn't speak, but just picked her up and kissed her.

After a while, he let her go.

He hugged her and sat down on the stone bench next to him.

"In the future, focus on the experiment and don't think too much about other things. According to your aptitude, your experiment should have made a breakthrough." Bao Junyan was very confident in his wife's ability.

Mu Huan knew what he was talking about.

"I know, I think too much recently, and I do a lot of irrational things. I have become less like myself recently, and I don't want to be like this, but sometimes I can't control myself, husband, I don't believe it. What are you, but..." People say that people in love have zero IQ.

Mu Huan felt that she was about to do it too. She knew it shouldn't be like that, but she still did that. She really hated this feeling of being uncontrollable!

She believed him, but she just couldn't control the jealousy and discomfort.

In fact, love itself is an irrational behavior. If people can control their emotions and control whether they like someone or not, then it is not love.

"I know, you do this because you like me. I'm very happy with your jealousy. The more you lose your mind, the more you care about me. This really makes me very happy." Not only did Bao Junyan not bother her jealousy Behavior, he is still very happy with her so many demands.

But what made him care about her studies was that she cared so much about her studies, and she was a very talented person. He didn't want her to delay her studies because of such things.

Especially now is a critical moment, her experiments, and the scientific research projects she is participating in now, all of which can make her rise by leaps and bounds in the field of pharmacy.

He didn't want her to miss these because she spent so much time elsewhere.

"Xiao Huan, it's really impossible for me to have anything to do with Ling Wei, so you really don't have to care about her at all." Bao Junyan, who never said much, said again.

As soon as she heard that Ling Wei was coming, she put up all her defenses, and because Ling Wei cared too much about some external things, these distracted her mind too much, and it was too much to spend so much time thinking about these things that she didn't need to care about at all. Waste her time.

"My habits make you uncomfortable, give me some time and they will all disappear, so it's okay to be jealous, but don't waste too much time on these places, you know?" Bao Junyan said while stroking her head.