Most people know that Bao Junyan's grandfather wants him to be with Ling Wei, but they didn't expect the old man to be able to do this!

After the video recording was finished, Bo Junyan came to the center of the stage.

"I would like to say two things formally and briefly. First, as you can see, it is not my wife who pushed the daughter-in-law of the Gu family, but her partner with my grandfather to frame my wife. Therefore, I don't want to hear it again in the future. If someone says that my wife viciously pushes a pregnant woman to have an abortion, once such words reach my ears, this person will be my eternal enemy, Bao Junyan! Second, my wife and I will hold a wedding in the spring of next year. I will send invitations to everyone, for me, my wife is the most worthy person in this world, and she will also be my only wife!"

"My grandfather is old, he always thinks unrealistically, and often does some stupid things, I hope everyone will not dance with it!"

Bao Junyan himself doesn't care what people say about him at all, it seems that outsiders have rumored that he is ruthless and cruel. After breaking up with Ling Wei, he has never had a girlfriend and said he is a man. There was a period of time when rumors about him were even worse.

Even if he heard those, he would not pay attention to them.

He is also a very private person. No matter what is said about his own affairs or family affairs, he will not come out to clarify anything, because he does not need to clarify anything to outsiders about his affairs, and he does not care what others say about him!

But, he cared about his wife so much, it's not good!

His wife is still young, her heart is not yet fully mature, and people's words are scary, and the pressure of public opinion is very hurtful. Just like what she said last time, she is being talked about every day. What if she is depressed?

He is such a lively and lovely wife who looks so good-looking when she smiles. No one can make her unhappy, let alone let people talk about her all the time, put pressure on her, and embarrass her!

He said this today, and in just one night, these words will spread throughout the circle. Whoever dares to talk about his wife again will be the enemy that Bao Junyan wants to destroy! He doesn't care what people think in their hearts, as long as people don't dare to say anything about his wife!

Ling Wei stared at Bao Junyan on the stage and was stunned.

She always thought that she was the person who knew Bao Junyan best in the world, but now, she found that she didn't know him at all!

Because Bao Junyan she knew would never go on stage to do such a thing or say such a thing!

The Bao Junyan she knew was a man who always stood above him, no matter what others said about him, he would always be contemptuous and over-the-top, and he would destroy the other party without saying a word.

He is such a private person, as long as it is a family matter, no matter what it is, he will deal with it behind closed doors, never say anything to the outside world, and he will not pay attention to the rumors spread by outsiders.

But now, he actually stands on the stage and announces what his grandfather did to the public. In this way, he puts the scandal of his own family in front of everyone and lets everyone know...

A person who has never explained anything, never said a word to outsiders, now he does not hesitate to expose his family scandal to prove and clarify the facts!

This way of slapping his own grandpa in the face in public was just to stop rumors and prevent people from talking about Mu Huan's nasty things.

He, really, has become too scary!

How could he do this for Mu Huan? This is so unlike him!