But she tried her best to break out of the siege. After arriving at the river, Mu Huan pushed Long Feiting down the river first, and she knocked down the two people who followed before jumping down.

She chose to jump into the river because she wanted to take a shortcut to go to school, so she took a remote construction site where there were no people at night, and the opposite side of the river was a residential area. As long as they swam to the opposite side, there would be people passing by. Who are these people? They never dare to kill people on the street in public.

Furthermore, these people may not necessarily be able to swim, so some people will be relatively removed. Also, if the other party has a mask, since they choose to cover their face, they just don’t want others to know their identities. , might be able to stop them from chasing after them, and also, they couldn't attack so hard in the water, but she was more flexible in the water and could better protect Long Feiting, delaying more time until rescue.

"Long Feiting, just swim forward, don't look back, your physical strength is really failing! If you don't leave, you will die in vain!" Mu Huan chased after Long Feiting.

Long Feiting knew that he really didn't have any energy. It might take all his energy just to swim over, let alone beat someone in the water. Not only would staying here not help her, but it would also distract her.

"It's okay if I hold on any longer, you go!"

Long Feiting glanced at her, said nothing, and swam towards the other side of the river.

Just as Mu Huan expected, not all of the people who surrounded them could swim, and maybe because they didn't want to reveal their identities, so not many people chased after them. After Long Feiting left, she pressed one down with one hand. Those who chased him pushed him into the water, unable to lift his head.

When the other person wanted to press her head, she let go in time to get out of the way.

Swim sideways.

In the water, she is like a mermaid, slippery and difficult to catch.

Mu Huan thought she would have to fight for a while, but, for some reason, those who had chased after them in the water suddenly turned back, which made her surface and look back.

Then, I saw a tall man standing under the big moon, holding a white cat in his arms, looking at her from above.

Although there was moonlight, Mu Huan couldn't see the man's face clearly because he was far away. He could only feel the noble, cold and powerful aura emanating from him.

Mu Huan was stunned by that aura.

Just when she involuntarily wanted to swim over and take a closer look at the other person's appearance, she just poked her head up, and when she raised her head, there was no one on the shore, even the person she knocked down just now was gone.

Everything was quiet, as if nothing had happened.

She couldn't help but have the illusion that what she saw just now was an illusion.

Just when she was in a daze, she suddenly heard Long Feiting's call.

"Mu Huan..."

Mu Huan turned around and saw Long Feiting struggling and heaving in the water.

She hurriedly turned around and swam towards Long Feiting.

Grab Long Feiting's sinking body in time.

Because they jumped into the river in such a hurry that they didn't have time to take off their heavy coats. In addition, Long Feiting didn't have much energy, so he didn't have the strength to swim to the other side.

After supporting Long Feiting, Mu Huan helped him to tear off his heavy coat, and supported him to swim towards the opposite bank.

Because she was supporting a tall and strong man, and Mu Huan's physical strength was almost exhausted, so she couldn't swim fast.