All he received was admiration, respect, envy, jealousy, and hatred. He had never suffered such humiliation.

This made her hateful eyes scarlet, scarlet!

"Why, not convinced?" The main room said and slapped Ling Wei a few more times, until Ling Wei's face was so swollen that she couldn't see her original face clearly.

In addition, when the police arrived, she stopped.

However, no matter in which country, the mistress is cast aside, and the wife beats the mistress, it will only be a personal grievance, and the police just persuade the mistress to leave.

The main room got angry enough, and left without the police saying anything.

Ling Wei has always been a goddess in this school. There are many boys who love her, but there are so many people who show kindness to her. Now that she is like this, no one stands up to protect her and stand up for her. On the contrary, most of the students came to their senses and pulled out their mobile phones to take pictures of her embarrassed appearance.

All kinds of ridicule and harsh words came towards her like a tide.

All of this made Ling Wei's eyes more and more scarlet, like a devil crawling out of hell.

I want to destroy everything in front of me!

When the female JC stepped forward to put her clothes on, Ling Wei lowered her eyes to suppress the murderous look in her eyes.

She will not let go of all the people here today! Won't!

Especially that fat woman!

No one, no one can give her Ling Wei such humiliation! nobody!

Because of this incident, Ling Wei was expelled from the school, saying that her influence was too bad.

She suffered such humiliation, but it was still her fault, and she would be punished, which made Ling Wei laugh wildly in the principal's office.

When she was good, everyone flattered her, begged her to come to class, begged her to go to their research institute, and saw that she was down, it was like this, beat the dog in the water!

"I will make you regret it!" One day, she will make all of them regret it! I regret treating Ling Wei like this to her!

The principal was frightened by her crazy laugh.

Afraid that she would do something extreme, he hurriedly called the security guard over, invited her out, and asked the security guard to pay close attention to her in the future, so that she could not be allowed to enter or leave the school casually.

Now that they are stimulated, there are too many people who do horrible things, so we have to guard against them.

When the security guards dragged Ling Wei to invite her out.

Ling Wei shook off them, and said with a haughty face, "I will go out by myself!"

Looking at her proud back, the principal felt a little pity. Ling Wei was impeccable professionally. She was outstanding. He didn't know why she let him go to this point.

When Ling Wei was leaving school, she was blocked by the male teacher who had chased her madly before.

"How much do you want for one night?" the man asked contemptuously.

Ling Wei's eyes turned fierce.

"No matter how much it is, this money is enough to buy you once, right?" The man said and stuffed the money into Ling Wei's hands, "Let's settle it in the car!"

In the past, he regarded her as a treasure, and felt that if he looked at her more or touched her, he would pollute her. Unexpectedly, she turned out to be a bitch behind her back!

This kind of bitch doesn't deserve him to cherish her any longer!

"Okay." Ling Wei followed him to the car.

The male teacher originally wanted to humiliate her, but unexpectedly, she agreed, although now he feels that Ling Wei is no longer worthy of his cherishment, not worthy of the image of a goddess in his heart, but the woman who has been chasing for so long, No matter what she is, if she can do it, she will always have no regrets.

So he couldn't wait to drag Ling Wei to the car.