Mu Huan, who was standing aside, blushed when he heard his words.

Bo Dingjing's words reminded her of her father's words when he was dying, and thinking of him leaving just like that, how much her heart ached, and the pain was so unbearable.

She still remembers that pain, and she doesn't want Bao Junyan to suffer from it.

Don't want him to lose, love his parents.

Parents feel that as long as the children are happy, their life and death are not important, it doesn't matter, and it is a good thing to be relieved after death, but for them, this is not the case.

As a child, how could he watch his parents leave and still be happy and joyful?

"Mom will be fine, she will definitely wake up, Dad, don't think too much, I will take care of everything." Bao Junyan has already thought of a solution, and he is also taking action.

He wanted to call his father to discuss his arrangements when he got back to the hotel, but they came instead.

I thought that with his father's strict supervision, his mother would be fine for the time being, but...

People are not as good as God.

Bo Dingjing glanced at his son, but didn't say anything else, he was not a talkative person, he had finished what he needed to say.

He didn't ask Bao Junyan how he planned to solve it, because all this could only be done if his wife could wake up, and it would be useless if she woke up or not.

He also doesn't want to listen to his solution now. If there is a solution, but his wife takes the first step, he will only feel regret, pain, and collapse.

Bo Dingjing didn't speak, and neither did Bao Junyan.

This night was the most dangerous night. If Meng Yueman's vital signs were not stable tonight, she would never wake up again.

Mu Huan now has the best network resources in the medical field. After the incident, she contacted several medical experts. In addition, she is also an expert in medicine. However, with so many top experts around, Meng Yueman's vital signs are still on. Descending, it is hard to stabilize, and soon there will be danger again.

The poison she took was too poisonous, and it took a long time to take it. If it weren't for the excellent antidote Mu Huan gave her, she would have died long ago.

Therefore, her situation is difficult to stabilize.

When the machine that detected Meng Yueman's vital signs sounded an alarm again, and when experts rushed to rescue Meng Yueman, Bo Dingjing was so anxious that a black man passed out in front of him.

Part of the people who rescued Meng Yueman went to rescue Bo Dingjing. Fortunately, Bo Dingjing was just in a coma caused by excessive emotional ups and downs and blood pressure rise, and his life was not in danger.

For the next ten hours, everyone tensed up until...

Meng Yueman's vital signs have completely stabilized.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.

After another two hours, Meng Yueman's vital signs were not only stable, but also showing signs of improvement, and everyone was completely relieved.

At this time, the sun had already set outside the window.

When Mu Huan came out of the bathroom, she saw Bao Junyan sitting on the bench in front of the window and resting with her eyes closed. She walked towards him, and wanted him to go to bed to rest for a while, but when she got closer, she saw his temples. A few white hairs appeared in between.

He is a person who doesn't like to talk too much, keeps all emotions in his heart, and has always been so calm and strong. No matter what happens, he rarely shows his emotions, let alone out of control.

Such a person cannot vent his emotions, and the pressure on his heart will be even greater.

However, it took so much pressure and anxiety to make him have gray hair overnight.