The evil wind devil kills the enemy by the speed of the supernatural.

They can fully integrate into the wind, with the help of the wind, float in the wind, and use the wind to attack.

It can be said that their understanding of wind is absolutely the best among them.

Xiang Shaoyun wants to fight them, so that he can understand them all.

Over the years, he has always believed that only in fighting can he strengthen his fighting sense and understand the profound meaning he needs.

Xiang Shaoyun goes directly to these evil spirits of the Yin wind and drives the power of the wind to the extreme. The artistic conception of footwork is also full of his whole body, which makes him integrate into the wind, and the speed is fast to the extreme.

Compared with the Yin wind devil here, it's not bad at all.

Xiang Shaoyun uses both hands to turn the blade, and cuts a powerful magic blade attack from left to right.

The speed of Yin wind demons is fast. When Xiang Shaoyun's speed keeps up with them, their advantage will not exist.

Their defense force is not so strong. After being hit by Xiang Shaoyun's attack, they almost can't struggle, so they are seriously injured or killed.

However, they can't be killed so easily. The multi headed Yin wind demon speeds up and floats, and keeps spitting out the terrible wind attack in his mouth, which makes the whole world completely disordered.

The wind blades are full of the spirit of Yin evil, and the sharp wind force makes people hide.

Xiang Shaoyun relies on his ability of insight. He dodges from left to right, skilfully avoids the attack of these Yin wind demons, and goes through the gap to fight them back.

There are a lot of Yinfeng demons, and they attack together, which makes Xiang Shaoyun sometimes unable to stop them.

Xiang Shaoyun did his best to fight and resist, feeling the attack of these evil spirits.

Beating beating, he suddenly realized the characteristics of Yin wind devil, that is "fast", as fast as possible, so fast that people can't understand, so fast that people can't stop.

This is one of the characteristics of the power of the wind.

The world's martial arts, only fast not broken!

Xiang Shaoyun's brain suddenly burst out such a sentence.

"Break through the limit fast, I can be faster!" Xiang Shaoyun exclaimed in his heart.

With such an idea, he tried his best to motivate the wind and stars, and gave full play to the artistic conception of the footwork, deepening the understanding of the gist of jiuyoubu.

In this field full of wind, Xiang Shaoyun entered a state of breaking through the limit.

This is like the feeling that he once entered the limit room, which makes him face the difficult task, but as long as he breaks through the limit, nothing can't be completed.

At first, Xiang Shaoyun used his insight talent to swim in the gap, but when the gap no longer exists, he can't dodge at all. He can only rely on the golden armor.

However, after such a round of wind blade attack, his armor couldn't bear it, which made him have many more scars and his body flew away.

When he wanted to get up, another wind blade cut from all directions.

All by these forces to cut, he was afraid to be dismembered.

Xiang Shaoyun went out completely, kicking countless hurricanes with his feet, competing with these forces.

Boom boom!

Gusts of wind awn to boom together, the gas strength of the explosion is also terrible, will Xiang Shaoyun to shock rolling away again.

Among these Yin wind demons, there is no lack of the existence of the later period of the demon emperor. It is quite remarkable that he can withstand so many Yin wind demons' attacks.

"Quick, I'll be faster!" Xiang Shaoyun only had this idea in his mind.

Xiang Shaoyun rebounded from the ground, his eyes contracted, and he could see clearly the direction of all the movements.

Then, with his understanding of the artistic conception of footwork, he stepped into the wind. He took advantage of the wind and went away.


In a flash, Xiang Shaoyun, who is free from any restrictions, seems to be able to reach the place he wants to go in one step.

That kind of fast to the extreme, fast enough to make him incredible, let him feel that the world is difficult to restrain his pace, where he wants to go, unrestrained, free to fly!

Xiang Shaoyun stepped lightly, as if in one step, he avoided all the attacks of these evil spirits.

At the same time, he took advantage of the opportunity to strengthen the attack.

With a magic wind blade cut by him, a head of Yin wind devil has become the ghost in his hand.

Xiang Shaoyun killed more and more happily, and felt that these Yinfeng demons no longer constituted any threat.

He walked with the wind and went up against it. The wind was everywhere. The wind could be borrowed everywhere.

In his mind, the mystery of wind became more and more profound.

Wind disease can destroy everything, slow wind can smooth everything, fast wind disease can reach the extreme, slow wind can roam the world

Whether the wind is fast or slow, it has its role, is the wind's fickleness. Xiang Shaoyun thoroughly entered the process of this epiphany, and has been integrated with the wind. Many winds are shining around him, making him form a storm. This is just like the place where the magic wind was, and the tornado flying storm is absolutely terrible. Many Yin wind demons had no defense at all, so they were attacked and rolled together by the wind, and they were directly torn to pieces by the terrible wind blade. At this moment, the evil emperor of Yin wind, who had not moved, finally realized the situation here. It looked at Xiang Shaoyun's position, and released a touch of evil spirit. It also turned into a storm, and directly collided with Xiang Shaoyun. Xiang Shaoyun is only in the process of understanding. He has almost forgotten everything around him, not to mention the appearance of the evil emperor of Yin wind. When the two storms collided with each other, there was an earth shaking explosion. Many wind blades sputtered away in all directions, and after those Yin corpses were attacked by these wind blades, the corpses were directly destroyed. Xiang Shaoyun was disturbed and had to wake up from that state of understanding. He found that an irresistible force was suppressing the storm coming from his cage. Instead of being surprised, he was happy. He restrained his mind and completely controlled the current force. As well as the accumulation of more wind forces in the cage, he collided with the evil wind again and again. At this moment, he has thoroughly understood the meaning of wind! Only in this way, he can constantly borrow the power of the wind to fight against the evil emperor Yinfeng in such an environment. It's just that the power of the evil emperor of Yin wind is much stronger than that of Xiang Shaoyun, and the wind it gathers is only stronger than that of Xiang Shaoyun. After a round of collision, Xiang Shaoyun's power almost collapsed. At this time, Xiang Shaoyun is the force of congenital purple thunder together to urge out. Wind and thunder!