The light of wisdom is a kind of magical power. It can make people's brains become extremely smart and can think of problems that ordinary people can't think of. In addition, it also has some mysterious power, which is closely related to the purest power of light.

When Xiang Shaoyun was in a desperate situation, the light of wisdom became brighter, and his thoughts would flow faster, which made Xiang Shaoyun think of something more clearly.

It's hard for ordinary people to tell which power is more domineering between the chaotic Qi of lonely defeat and his initial Qi.

According to the origin of power, Taichu Qi exists one step earlier than chaos Qi. As for strength, Taichu Qi is stronger than chaos Qi. After all, it is the crystallization of nine forces, while chaos Qi is the crystallization of five elements forces, and four forces are missing.

From this point of view, Xiang Shaoyun's power can suppress loneliness and defeat, but now he is being beaten by others, mainly because his initial Qi is not pure enough compared with other people's chaotic fighting Qi, and it is a little less original.

This mystery is that he can't understand the true meaning of his original Qi, so he doesn't play it fully, which is the reason why he can't win the lonely defeat at one stroke.

At present, although he thinks it through, he can't make up for it. It's impossible. The only way is to win by surprise.

Xiang Shaoyun pulls out all the Taiqi in his body, and again, Qiankun miedao blows out angrily.

This is his best counterattack, but in the eyes of lonely defeat, Xiang Shaoyun's move is just a dying struggle.

"The combination of your nine powers is good, but it's useless to me!" Lonely defeat in the momentum of the upper hand, after a big drink, once again incited the chaotic force to Xiang Shaoyun.

The power of Qian Kun Mie Dao boxing is thoroughly destroyed. He seeks defeat alone and seizes the opportunity to fight Xiang Shaoyun again.

At the same time when Xiang Shaoyun rushed out of the lonely pursuit of defeat, the pure white light once again made people feel that time was one meal, which was the special ability of Xiang Shaoyun's wisdom light.

As for this move, he has tried his ability of interference for a long time. His martial arts heaven eye is flashing, and he has a complete insight into everything around him. His chaotic feather fan sweeps everywhere, and Xiang Shaoyun is never allowed to get close to him.

In fact, Xiang Shaoyun doesn't have the power to approach him any more. Instead, he calls out Liuji Jinci, which is the terrible energy to kill the top demon emperor.

Xiang Shaoyun is also forced to use this move. After all, his invisibility talent is useful in front of others, but he won't be able to use it in the face of lonely defeat. He doesn't want to use the Hades space and separate body to suppress his opponent, so he can only win with the help of external force.

When the strength of Liuji Jinci appeared, he felt the pain of wanzhenzha immediately, and a life threatening force came to him, which made him want to retreat immediately, or he would really die.

He doesn't understand why Xiang Shaoyun has such power, but he has no time to think about it.

However, his body had been seriously injured, and his escape speed was not fast. After being affected by the power of Liuji Jinci, the whole person just felt collapsed, and the scream suddenly started.

The elders in the sky are all shocked. The elders of Zhenwu college want to help, but they also know that it's a duel between the two. No one is allowed to interfere, and the wolf guard is on the side, so they can't do it. One of the elders of Zhenwu college exclaimed, "I'm lonely and give up. Xiang Shaoyun takes back your strength!".

The elder said so fast that he was afraid that he would die if he was a second slower and lonely.

In fact, Xiang Shaoyun doesn't want to kill the lonely, but he just uses this power to make the lonely suffer. So the power of Liuji Jinci is just a flash, and Xiang Shaoyun takes it back to the stars again.

Lonely defeat is unable to fight again, the body heavily fell to the ground, the whole body has no one inch of complete flesh and blood, it looks terrible.

Xiang Shaoyun reluctantly landed on the ground, and his whole body was almost empty.

It can be said that this battle is the most thrilling and heartiest one in his life, and it has made him gain a lot at the same time.

Although his victory with the help of external forces, but he also did not make some cards out, on the whole, he was very satisfied with the battle.

All of them haven't come back. They don't understand what power Xiang Shaoyun finally summoned. It's so terrible that they can't even fight for defeat alone.

At this time, Xia Liuhua cheered and said, "if the boss wins, I know he is the most powerful emperor!".

"Overlord is overlord, he is the strongest!" Han Chenfei couldn't help crying.

Xiang Shaoyun was shocked by everyone he knew. With his actions, Xiang Shaoyun proved that he was powerful. Even the Chaos Battle body was defeated. The name of the supreme emperor is true.

Only some students of Zhenwu college still don't want to accept this fact. They think that chaos is invincible. It's unfair for Xiang Shaoyun to win with the help of outsiders.

However, they all know that no matter what means they use on the battlefield, they can win even if they can, as long as they are not helped by others. Therefore, it's not easy for them to say that Xiang Shaoyun is not. In a word, this war is an eye opener for them. At this time, many elders plundered down from the nine days. Among them, the elder of Zhenwu college announced, "this duel is over!". At this time, Shan Ying said, "don't worry. It seems that there are other disciples who haven't appeared yet. This should not be the end time." then he looked at GUI Mochou and Feng Xiaosha in a corner and said, "Mochou, Xiaosha, don't you want to challenge the name of this scorching sun? You haven't been on the show just now. After hearing this, everyone was completely stunned. Who doesn't think the battle is over, but now the elder seems to want to change the outcome of the duel“ Do you want to be so shameless? " Wolf Wei is very discontented to open mouth to shout a way. Wolf Wei's words really resonated with everyone. This elder really knows how to pick up a bargain“ Hehe, in the battlefield, all the disciples are qualified to compete. Xiang Shaoyun challenges everyone. This is what we all heard. Now he has won others, but he has not yet played. He still has a chance to play. Does Lord Langwei want to change the rules by force? " She said with a calm smile. Wolf Wei was really angry, but he couldn't find a reason to refute. After all, people didn't speak“ Mo Chou, Xiao Sha, what are you waiting for? Go up and defeat him The wind or the rope cried excitedly.