It's really a young master.

At this point, the man finally called.

An Xiaojing's hand was still shaking, but she answered the phone and turned on hands-free.

"I've done what you want me to do. I've done something in a project contract of Empire group's foreign cooperation. Empire's working capital will soon collapse. "

"What you said is true?"

The man asks, the voice sounds a little Yin.

"So let the kids go. I hope both of them can live healthily."

An Xiaojing said to the phone.

"I will check your achievements later. If you don't cheat me, the child will not be in danger, but. Ah

Suddenly, there was a scream of panic at the other end of the phone.

An Xiaojing has no idea what happened.

It's just that the so-called young master seems to have been severely attacked.

The strange sound from the other end of the phone made an Xiaojing helpless for a moment.

After that, a beep came from the phone, and the phone was hung up.

"What's the matter?"

Leng Yichen comes forward and looks at an Xiaojing.

"I don't know. In a word, it seems that the other party has been attacked."

Her face became pale, and she kept biting her lips, and the whole forehead began to sweat.

"It looks like something's wrong."

Leng Yichen snatches her phone from an Xiaojing and calls the young master's number again.

However, as imagined, no one answered.

"It seems that he won't come to you for a while in any trouble."

Leng Yichen thought about it and then concluded.

"What? Trouble? What kind of trouble will he have? "

"If not, why did he suddenly scream in horror on the phone?"

Leng Yichen asked.

"What about our children?"

An Xiaojing's heart was in front of her throat again.

If something happens to the young master, will Xiaoli be safe?

She shook her head hard for fear that her bad ideas would become true.


Leng Yichen hesitated and didn't know how to speak.

He drew an Xiaojing's body close to his chest and sheltered her in his arms.

I want to give her some peace of mind.

"This man is not too bad for Xiaoli. He has the child in his hands, so he won't have a big problem."

"But now it's different. He's in danger himself."

An Xiaojing explained.

"Not necessarily. I'll let Chengfeng look for it. Xiaojing, will you be patient? We have to believe that the child will be OK. "

Leng Yichen settled down an Xiaojing's mood.

An Xiaojing obviously has a faint rhythm. Maybe she can't accept the reality, so Leng Yichen has to carry her to the rest room behind the office.

Cover an Xiaojing with a blanket, then fasten the door and come out by herself.

He himself was a little worried. He copied down the number and left the office.

He had the choice of young master in his heart, so the child should also be around that person's residence.

However, there is no child in the clue from Chengfeng.

It only means that the child is elsewhere.

After Leng Yichen came out of the imperial group, he went directly to Chengfeng.

"Young master!"

Chengfeng and sorry.

Leng Yichen nodded.

"What's the situation now?"

"I can't find that man, young master. I could have used the phone number of him and his grandmother to judge his position, but their conversation was suddenly interrupted."

Chengfeng frowned and didn't know what had happened.

"I know that."

Leng Yichen spoke.

At that time, he was beside an Xiaojing and witnessed all this with his own eyes.

Of course you'll understand that there's something wrong with that call.

"You look for it again. By the way, have you checked all the information about the man in black?"

Leng Yichen asked suddenly.

"It's him, no mistake."

Chengfeng gives Leng Yichen a cowhide bag, which looks like a top secret file.

Leng Yichen did not rush to open it, but squinted at the bag.

Inside the world, as if they have long mastered the same.

An Xiaojing was in the rest room, sleepy and soon woke up.

At that moment, she felt strange around her.

Leng Yichen is not around. She is the only one in the rest room.

An Xiaojing took out her mobile phone and was at a loss.She suddenly thought of a question, will the man in black know who the young master is? Is the young master attacked related to the man in black?

After all, the two men who are hiding in the dark now have the same strength.

But people in black are more insidious.

An Xiaojing's hand was still shaking, so she finally picked up the phone.


She got through to the man in black.

"It's rare. I didn't expect you to call me."

When the other side spoke, it was full of satire and ridicule.

"Where are you?"

An Xiaojing's first reaction was to ask about the man's position. Only by confirming his position can she know if he has done something to the young master.

"What do you want to ask?"

"Nothing. I went to see Leng Chenxi in prison the other day, so I want to have a cup of tea with you and talk about it! "


The man in black seems very surprised.

The tone of sneering at an Xiaojing just now faded.

"What did he say to you?"

"I can't believe you care so much about him!"

An Xiaojing said sarcastically.

But now, she seems to understand that the man in black has nothing to do with the young master, and it's impossible to fight him.

"I care about him? Where do you know I care about him? I'm just curious. He tried to get revenge and put himself in prison. How's he doing now? "

"How's he doing? What right do you have to question him about his life? "

At this point, an Xiaojing was angry.

Chenxi is abetted by this man, will believe that his parents were framed by Leng Yichen's parents.

Dawn today, mostly thanks to this man.

"I..." The man in black stopped.

Then there was a very arrogant tone.

"You're right. Even if he dies, he has nothing to do with me. He's just a pawn of mine."

An Xiaojing sneered on the phone.

This man is really heartless.

Although she had been with this man for a period of time, at that time, she did not find that his conscience had completely disappeared, but now it seems that this man is targeting Leng Yichen everywhere, which is not a good thing.

"Well, as you wish, Leng Chenxi is dying, so you should not disturb him in the future. Because every time you disturb him, he will fall into the abyss of endless pain and regret. "

An Xiaojing opened her mouth to the man, but the other side was silent.

She hung up.

Intuition tells you, it's not this person.

So, who could have dealt with the young master?