Don't say what's in your heart.

I'd rather rot in my stomach.

That's why Leng Yichen and an Xianyang trust him so much.

"Well, let's see what Han Su did."

Leng Yichen said.

Su muying is still worried.

"Recently, you have also found out who is going to marry Nian Shanshan. This person is very important for us. "

Leng Yichen thought carefully.

The one that can be appreciated by the younger generation is now the Empire group.

So, which one is it.

Who is it?

"I'll ask."

Su Mu Ying nodded.

"By the way, how is Xiaojing? I feel like I haven't seen her for a long time. I'd love to see her. "

Su muying also wants to ask an Xiaojing about something.

About an Xianyang.

Maybe no one knows better than an Xiaojing.

She's at home. Now that she's nearly six months old, it's hard to be at ease anywhere, so she's always at home. "

Leng Yichen smiles.

Even in times of crisis.

Speaking of the woman's name.

I still laugh.

That woman has such magic.

"Well, I want to see her recently, and your two sons. They should be very good."

Su Mu Ying said with a smile.

Think about it, Leng Yichen is really a winner in life.

First, marry someone you like.

And then I had a lot of babies with her.

I'm really happy.

"Good. Welcome. She's very lonely at home. I don't think there's anyone to accompany her. Both children have to go to school. "


Su Mu Ying nodded politely.

Two people separate, each busy.

Su muying gave up looking for Han Su, and the man's phone couldn't get through.

She changed her mind and went to find an Xiaojing.

Because there's something she's been trying to figure out.

Su muying's car drove to Lengjia villa.

An Xiaojing also took the initiative to come out of the house.

Today's sun is not very big, the air is a little cool.

An Xiaojing's stomach is obviously bigger than before.

Su muying stops the car and walks in her direction.


Su muying took the initiative to speak.

I picked up some of the children's things.

"Thank you, but you're very kind, muying."

"Two babies haven't finished school yet?"

Su Mu Ying asked.

An Xiaojing nodded.

"Both of them are at school at noon. They have food and lodging in the school, and they are too lazy to make trouble for both of them."

But in this way, an Xiaojing's lunch was boring.

That's all I have left in my stomach.

"By the way, muying, why did you come here all of a sudden?"

An Xiaojing looks at the time. Su muying is now in the villa. There must be something else.

"I'm looking for you for something."

Su muying's look stopped.

There was some worry on his face.

A closer look, such an expression seems to be afraid of something.

An Xiaojing quickly let Su muying into the house.

And let all the people leave.

"I think you have something to say. What is it?"

Su muying gradually controls his mood.

There was a little courage in my heart.

"Xiaojing, I've always wanted to ask you something."

Su muying's hands crossed in front of him.

The whole person was a little nervous.

"You can say anything."

"Your brother, is it amnesia?"


There seems to be a period of silence in the air.

An Xiaojing looks at Su muying. I don't know how she can tell that her brother has lost his memory.

"Isn't it?"

Why do you ask that, muying

An Xiaojing did not directly answer Su muying's words.

Because it's not an easy question to answer.

"In fact, I knew your brother a long time ago, but at that time, he and I were not familiar. I always thought that he never knew me, even my name. But recently, I knew what happened. Maybe he didn't forget me, he just lost his memory."

Su muying looks at an Xiaojing, eyeful is want to know the answer."Muying, you guessed right. My brother did lose his memory

An Xiaojing sighed.

At that time, his brother had lost memory before he became a vegetable.

But not like Su muying before, forget everything.

An Xianyang's amnesia is a moment's amnesia.

It's the things in the fixed time break that he forgot.

"If you have to talk about my brother's amnesia, it may have to be said by my stepmother when she came into our home."

An Xiaojing looks at Su muying with sincerity on her face.

She will not be afraid to tell sumuying any truth.

Because Su muying deserves to hear the truest thing.

"My stepmother came to settle down and took her daughter to suppress me and my brother. My brother didn't like her and had to run away from home many times. But my brother loved me very much and thought that if he left, I would become the most bullied person in this family. My brother's own conditions are good. At that time, I was favored by the Interpol team. They let my brother participate in the organization and carried out a series of training. "


Su Mu Ying thought of the camping training.

It was at that time that she met an Xianyang.

However, the purpose of her participation in that camping training was much simpler.

Because she's the only one left in the Su family, and she has a grandmother.

Since childhood, Su muying has always wanted to protect her grandmother and assume the responsibility and obligation as the sole successor of the Su family.

So she took part in that camping training.

But unexpectedly, an Xianyang is an organized person.

"After that?"

Su muying continued to ask.

"When my brother came back from the camp company, he lost his memory. He forgot what happened in the camp company. But I remember the people in my family, but all the fragments of that time have been forgotten by him. "

An Xiaojing recalled the events of those years.

She never mentioned it in front of an Xianyang.

I didn't even get a chance to mention it.

An Xianyang soon became a vegetable when he was on a mission.

When he wakes up again, there will be too many things.

There's no end to it.

"Does he know?"

"I don't know!"

An Xiaojing shook her head.

"However, the lost memory did not cause trouble to my brother's life. My brother is living well now. Do you have to be so worried about the lost memory in the past?"

An Xiaojing stares at Su muying in surprise.

Does that memory have something to do with Su muying.

"Muying, you said you knew my brother long ago. Is that related to the lost memory?"

An Xiaojing asked curiously.

"No, as you said, it's all in the past. Why should we tangle. '

Su muying's words and expression are very calm.