Before long, Xu Liuqi left.

An Xiaojing sits on the sofa with Yuqing, who is not easy to be happy. Xuemu lowers her head and moves to an Xiaojing in a small step.

"Mommy, don't be angry, OK? I really didn't mean to

As soon as xuemu began to say two words, she couldn't help but want to shed tears. Xiaoli reached out and wiped away the tears on xuemu's face. Then she turned her head and said to an Xiaojing.

"Yes, Mommy, he really knows that he is wrong, so don't blame him any more."

An Xiaojing was just angry at that moment. Xuemu and Yuqing are her children, and the palm and the back of her hand are all meat. She will not blame the other for one.

"Well, you know you're wrong. Just correct it later. Mom's attitude just now is really a little anxious, snow mu, you don't care

Hearing an Xiaojing's apology, xuemu shakes her head anxiously.

"That's good. Come, xuemu, you hold xiaoyuqing and coax her."

Leng Yichen is very pleased to see this scene. He pulls xuemu to let him hold Yuqing.

An Xiaojing passes Yuqing in her arms. She is also very obedient in xuemu's arms. Xuemu gently rubs Yuqing's forehead with the tip of her nose, which makes the little princess giggle.

Xiao Li is also relieved that he has not forgotten his task. Seeing that an Xiaojing and Xue Mu are making up, he himself quietly returns to the room.

Looking at the blurred pattern on the white paper in front of him, Xiao Li sighed deeply.

This task is really difficult to complete.

Xiao Li, with his own imagination, has used almost all the methods he can think of, but it hasn't worked at all, which makes him feel a little frustrated.

He sprawled on his desk and sighed. Then he started again, picked up his mobile phone, opened the web page to continue to query, and browsed all kinds of solutions proposed on the Internet.

In this way, day after day, although an Xiaojing was still secretly observing Xiaoli, she had little effect and gradually wanted to give up.

She knew that her son was always different from others.

To be more exact, the child is a man with great thinking and intelligence.

But she has always respected her son. I never thought about not accepting my son.

After all, it's her flesh.

On the other hand, since that night, in the middle of the night, Leng Chenxi heard a woman crying in the house. Every day after that, Leng Chenxi could hear the same voice, and that night was the same.

As usual, he lay in bed, but Leng Chenxi had been troubled by the strange sound for days, and he didn't feel sleepy.

Until Ling MuQing fell asleep, Leng Chenxi didn't feel sleepy, because he knew that before long, the woman's voice would ring on time.

Sure enough, not long after that, the sound of women's crying began to ring again.

Leng Chenxi first covered her head with a quilt, and put her arm on her ear. She tried to stop the sound, but she failed.

He sat up abruptly from the bed and looked around with wide eyes, trying to hear where the sound came from.

But it's no use. The sound comes and goes. It seems that it's far away. Leng Chenxi can't judge the source of the sound at all.

He felt like he was going crazy.

"MuQing, MuQing, wake up, listen to that voice again, the voice of the crying woman, listen to it!"

No way, he had to wake up Ling MuQing, want her to help him listen.

"Leng Chenxi, are you finished or not! You call me almost every night, and I'll tell you again, I've never heard anything

"MuQing, don't be angry. Listen to my explanation. I really heard the voice of the crying woman."

Ling MuQing covers her head. She feels like she's going crazy.

"Dawn, I don't know why you suddenly do this. I'm pregnant now. You call me suddenly in the middle of the night every day. I'm very tired! And no matter how many times I've heard it, there's no woman crying like you said. If you scare me like that again, I'll be really angry. "

"Mu, MuQing, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Oh, forget it, MuQing, you have a rest first. Your body is important."

Hearing Leng Chenxi say this, Ling MuQing turns around and lies down to sleep.

Looking at Ling MuQing's back to him, Leng Chenxi sighed.

That night, he had been sitting in bed, listening to the cry of a woman all night.

A decision formed in his mind.

He is not a superstitious person, but this thing is really too weird, there is no way, Leng Chenxi took out her mobile phone, searched the Internet for the city's more famous mage, and planned to find a mage to come home tomorrow.

Why can he hear the voice, but Ling MuQing can't hear it? Seeing Ling MuQing's appearance, it doesn't look like a prank at all. She is really annoyed by her waking up in the middle of the night every day.Leng Chenxi went to work on time. Just as he was sending information to Leng Yichen, he suddenly thought that he could ask his brother for advice.

"You mean you hear women crying every night?"

Leng Yichen asked with an obviously unbelievable tone.

Seeing Leng Yichen's reaction, Leng Chenxi lowered her head and replied.

"I know it may be unbelievable, but it's true. I can hear it every night, but the strangest thing is that only I can hear it. Mu Qing can't hear it at all."

"That's strange."

Seeing that Leng Chenxi doesn't seem to be joking, Leng Yichen thinks about it carefully.

"So, brother, I want to find a mage to come home and see what the reason is. I will hear that voice."

Leng Yichen looks up at Leng Chenxi, and knows that the other party has firm ideas. It's useless to say anything else, so he stands up, pats Leng Chenxi on the shoulder and says.

"All right, you can go. Since that will make you feel at ease, I agree."

With the affirmation of Leng Yichen, Leng Chenxi becomes more confident. He finds the mage's residence according to the address on the Internet.

After explaining to the mage for a while, the mage agreed to go to the house with Leng Chenxi.

Leng Chenxi was standing at the door. In just a few minutes, he was in a cold sweat. The mage was checking the room and asked him to wait outside for a moment.

After a long time, the mage came out of the room.

"Master, what's up? Do you know why I heard that? "

The mage looked at him for a few seconds, then lowered his head and asked slowly.

"You, don't you, have taken other people's things?"


Asked by the mage, Leng Chenxi felt confused.

"It's very likely that you took someone else's things and that person found you."

The cold dawn broke out in a cold sweat.