Forever! vast!

Unparalleled! Holy!

A bleak breath began to spread with the appearance of the stone tablet.

All the people could not help opening their mouths, and their faces could not help showing a greedy look, more or less greedy.

"The God tablet is out of the secret place!"

The queen whispered.

Obviously, the other party has already known about the secret place of Youlan for a long time.

"Ye Fantian... As long as you help me, I promise you can get unexpected returns. I only want one treasure in the Youlan secret place, and all the rest are yours!"

The queen whispered.


Ye Fantian agreed without hesitation. Although he still didn't know what the purpose of the evil empress was, it was not a bad thing for him to join hands with a strong warrior. On the contrary, it was of great benefit.

"These stone tablets... Are illusions?"

I don't know who made an exclamation.

Ye Fantian's eyes narrowed slightly and looked up. Sure enough, the stone tablets were not entities, but illusions.

There are dozens of these stone tablets, each of which is thousands of meters high. They stand proudly on the earth from ancient times. The sacred breath makes people unconsciously feel a sense of worship.

The rays of the Tao changed into thousands of feet, and the glory in the huff and puff was like a god exercising his great power.

The blazing God is even more like a flame, which makes people dare not peep easily.

Each of the sandstorms seemed like a killing weapon. The speed made many Wujun level strong people turn pale. However, under the boundless glow, they seemed to be pulled by some force and quickly fell from the air to the ground.



From time immemorial, all things were magnified and suppressed.

Hundreds of millions of rays render the whole black prison like a sacred field. I'm afraid you can see it clearly from a hundred miles away under such a terrible posture.

The power of terror is even enough to shake the world, even the violent wind and sand, and the terrible tearing force enough to destroy everything is forcibly suppressed under the illusion of dozens of stone tablets.

"The sandstorm stops. All the younger generation under the level of King Wu go out and hide well. Under the action of the stone tablet illusion, your body can maintain enough and don't need to worry about being hurt!"

A Wu Jun's mouth whispered.

There is no time to delay. The ancient stone tablet has been released, and the secret place of Youlan has been opened. Time is extremely precious to them.


A graceful and charming body flew towards the front, where the stone tablet clearly broke out from that position.

Such an illusion is enough against the sky. It's hard to imagine how incredible it would be if the real stone tablet.

Ye Fantian then nodded to the fat God stick and the black cat.

It is impossible for Bai Siyu and others to enter it.

"You wait here. If there is danger, leave here immediately."

Ye Fantian's expression is quite serious, which has not entered the secret place of Youlan, but the appearance of this mysterious stone tablet also makes his heart vaguely feel a sense of crisis that has never appeared.

It's a terrible sense of crisis.

"Demon master..."

Bai Siyu is quite worried.

"Don't worry... Although I'm not 100% sure of the war with the Wuhuang level, and the strong Wuhuang of the older generation is even more terrible, it's no problem for me to leave with my secret strength. On the contrary, there are not a few people here. It's difficult to ensure that there are no experts among these people. You should be careful."

"If anyone dares to come, my uncle will burn him!"

The Phoenix plume in the middle of the black cat's eyebrows slowly flickered a strange flame, but this sentence was directly despised by people to Java.

"Let's go!"

Looking at the evil empress with a slightly angry and anxious face, ye Fantian said slowly.

The latter's delicate body is inching, and the body has been blasted out quickly

The appearance of the stone tablet seems to have changed the terrain in the desert a lot. The more you move forward, you feel that the ground seems to be sinking a lot more. Especially in the middle of this period, Brahma even saw that he was hundreds of meters higher than the ground under his feet.

"Is it difficult that the secret place of Youlan is still underground?"


The voice just fell, and a wave of terror came out again.

The earth shook and the mountains shook, which was more terrible than the wave just now. Therefore, the earth split out countless gaps, as if it were the devil's big mouth with a ferocious smile, and gave greedy laughter to the people.


A Wu Xiu's body was quickly swallowed by a crack in the ground.

"Be careful..."

I don't know who shouted, but just after the sound fell, everyone felt a burst of softness under their feet, as if they were stepping on cotton.


Ye Fantian's face changed greatly and his mouth couldn't help crying out.

At his feet, he felt a powerful swallowing force, as if there was a terrible monster at his feet, opening his mouth and breathing in.

The strong airflow made his body fall down

Not only he, but all the people fell completely in this moment.

The softness on the bottom of your feet can't be noticed by anyone at the first time. It's too fast for your body to react.

Countless light spots swim around their bodies, flash and die, and the streamer disappears at a speed not as fast as

"Not sinking!"

The Queen's voice suddenly came from her side. Her body was graceful. Even in the middle of the dark, Brahma could still see clearly.

Ye Fantian's heart was awe inspiring. Indeed, he felt that his body was actually moving forward, and this channel was like a space tunnel, constantly swallowing and guiding them to a certain position.


There was a sudden explosion ahead.

"Be careful!"

Ye Fantian was stunned at first, but the voice of the empress demon came to his ears.

Without her reminding, ye Fantian already felt the terrible pressure in front of him.

I saw a full boulder with a diameter of about 10 meters, as if it were a meteorite, which hit him rigidly.

It's not an empty space. With the emergence of this huge stone, ye Fantian can't help depressing.

The blasting sound in front is constant. It is obvious that there are already strong people fighting against the meteorite.

"Where did the boulder come from!"

Ye Fantian couldn't help humming. When he spoke, he held his right fist and flew out!


The fragmented boulder was fiercely broken by Ye Fan, but there was a slight vibration and friction on his palm.

Ye Fantian was even more afraid to be careless when he felt the bursts of crispness surging on his palm.

It's the first time for him to come to the secret place, not to mention the secret place of a female martial saint. God knows what dangerous place it contains.

But although Ye Fantian has made countless plans, he still didn't expect to have difficulties here.

His physical strength is beyond the imagination of any strong man, and few people can compare with his physical strength alone.

But now the fragmentation of the boulder made him feel crisp and numb. The hardness of the boulder can be seen.



Bursts of wonderful energy, all kinds of beams and all kinds of tricks are displayed at this time.

Obviously, the strong also feel the terrible of this boulder. If you suffer such a blow, even if you won't die, you are sure to be injured.

"Beam? There's light ahead! We seem to be here!"

The strong man who fell first couldn't help showing a cry of surprise.

Ye Fantian's eyes narrowed slightly and soon felt the terrible waves coming from the front.

"As like as two peas of the mysterious stone tablet."

A secret joy in Ye Fantian's heart

Not only he, but also the other powers are so excited.

Finally, it was coming to an end. The eager attitude filled their faces with surprise.

The figure of cangjian Wujun and others also appeared in Ye Fantian's sight.

"It's good to hide your strength and pretend to be a strong man at the king level."

Looking at the empress, ye Fantian said faintly.


Empress Ye Fantian clearly understood what ye Fantian meant. At this time, hiding a little power is equivalent to an extra security guarantee.

Pop pop

A line of landing sound finally appeared, and everyone's clothes were also quite messy.

In that channel, it is so compact, there are many people, and the hardness and strength of the boulder are terrible. It is very rare to survive.

"Less than a dozen martial arts practices!"

Cangjian Wu Jun sighed in a low voice that he had a good friend among these missing martial arts practitioners.

"What we have lost are the strong men at the level of King Wu."

The queen lifted her lips and said faintly.

Naturally, she would not care about Wu Wang level.

However, for this test, it is quite difficult for the king of Wu to deal with it. The strength on the boulder is no less than the fist of a strong king of Wu.

And with its speed, it is even more frightening, and those missing King Wu may have fallen down long ago.


A strange and mysterious voice slowly appeared in this space, and then several figures quickly floated out of the channel they just came out


Seeing one of the figures, cangjian Wujun couldn't help shouting in a low voice.

"Brother Yixuan!"

Tianzhiyu's mouth also shouted.

That Xuan looked like a middle-aged man, but at this time, he seemed to be a fallen corpse. His body had no vitality, and with the rest of them, he rushed in a certain direction

The speed was not fast at first, but in the end, their speed had exceeded everyone's imagination.

Just breathing, they completely got rid of the constraints in space, and disappeared into the void like streamers