Hear the words of the Lord of reincarnation.

Everyone present, including song Qingshu, had a hot meaning in their eyes.

Their ultimate goal of entering the reincarnation lake from the beginning is the treasure house of the Lord of reincarnation.

What kind of treasure has such a detached reincarnation Lord accepted.

The people present thought that the breath began to thicken and the pupils began to expand.

"As for song Qingshu, I'll give you the reward for entering the dry gate later."

"Now, the last pass of reincarnation lake is open."

At this point, the Lord of reincarnation stretched out his hand and clapped his palm.

With a soft sound.

The scenery in front of song Qingshu changed greatly.

The eight diagrams were replaced by old wooden boards.

The eight wooden doors were hidden somewhere.

What emerged in front of the crowd were several doors emitting all kinds of strange smells.

The door was covered with spider silk, stained with countless stains that could not tell what it was.

Just looking at the appearance, the eight wooden doors on the Eight Diagrams just now have countless more styles than these.

Song Qingshu swallowed his saliva and wondered if it was deliberately hidden by the Lord of reincarnation.

But after he launched a sweep, he found that these broken doors were really the same.

Spider silk is real spider silk, and stains are also real stains.

Everything is real, not a fantasy.

"Lord of reincarnation, why did you bring us to this broken house? Where's the treasure house? "

Song Qingshu looked around the house, frowned and said to the Lord of reincarnation.

With the just experience, song Qingshu is really afraid that the Lord of reincarnation says this is a treasure house.

However, facing the doubts of song Qingshu.

The Lord of reincarnation still has an indifferent face, with a light frown, closes his eyes and never speaks.

His brows seemed tired.

It should take unimaginable effort to send song Qingshu and others here.

When song Qingshu hesitated to ask questions.

The valley leader of Tangmen pointed to the plaque wrapped by a mass of spider silk and said respectfully to song Qingshu:

"Lord, look."

Song Qingshu looked along the direction of the valley master of Tang clan.

Under the tangled spider silk, there are three magnificent vermilion characters.

"Treasure house!"

Just as everyone focused their attention on the three words "treasure house".

The voice of the reincarnation Lord came quietly from the back of Song Qing's book:

"There are eight doors here."

"Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen and DUI."

"There are inscriptions on your tokens. Push the door according to the different inscriptions."

"Treasure, behind the door."

Hearing the speech, song Qingshu turned his head and wanted to say something to the Lord of reincarnation.

But the Lord of reincarnation still has his eyes slightly closed and his face is a little pale.

Facing several questions from Song Qingshu, he still didn't make a sound.

It's like deliberately ignoring song Qingshu.

Seeing this, song Qingshu couldn't help smiling bitterly and shaking his head:

"Everyone, go away and find the broken door with characters engraved on your token."

After all the trivia.

Three people, including Pengshan's ancestors who came from casual practice, now follow the lead of song Qingshu.

With the order of song Qingshu, several people answered one after another, and then scattered to find their own treasure house.

Song Qingshu also looked at the inscriptions on his wooden token and walked step by step to the door where Xun door was written.

"The reincarnation Lord's life hiding place is behind this door?"

Song Qingshu waved his hand gently, and there was no reason for the wind in his hand. The breeze swept away the spider silk and countless stains on the door.

Song Qingshu looked at the door with cracks all over his body, and some excited murmured.

Then with a squeak, song Qingshu disappeared in front of xunman.

"Song Qingshu, go and see what gift I have prepared for you."

"It's just that you should hurry up. It takes a lot of effort to maintain the existence of the treasure house."

The Lord of reincarnation opened his eyes, his face as white as snow and whispered.

When song Qingshu just opened the door, a clear light flashed through his eyes.

The light was like the sun, which made song Qingshu close his eyes in a hurry.

When he reopened his eyes, the scene in front of him made him frown and wonder:

"Behind the door, is it still the door? And more doors? "

After the strong light disappeared, four doors of different materials appeared around Song Qingshu.

In it.

There are silver doors depicting the lines of Honghuang Xingyu.

Golden Gate with golden sun floating lines.

And Yumen, which depicts the lines of hazy fairyland.

The three doors exude endless prestige, which makes song Qingshu feel palpitating.

Finally, song Qingshu focused his attention on the four doors, the most humble wooden door.

The wooden door is ancient and simple without any patterns.

Compared with the other three doors, it not only looks shabby, but also very poor.

Song Qingshu how to see, how to have a feeling that he was trapped.

But I only have the wooden token of xunman in my hand.

Even if he repented at this time, he couldn't open other doors.

At this point, song Qingshu had to sigh, and then stretched out his hand to push the rather shabby little door.

Behind the wooden door is another door of space.

Song Qingshu put the wooden token across his chest, and a gap opened above the door of space, allowing song Qingshu to enter it.


With song Qingshu's feet landing.

A burst of dust rose from under his feet, choking song Qingshu and coughing.

"Cough, cough, I'll go. Is this treasure house too shabby?"

In the hands of song Qingshu, there was a wind and a drizzle.

The treasure house behind the wooden door was washed like a spring rain.

But wait for song Qingshu to take a closer look.

Just found the so-called treasure house behind the wooden door.

Actually, it can really be called the same inside and outside, as shabby as a wooden door

There are no soft treasures in the treasure house.

Even the whole treasure house is quite narrow.

As young as song Qingshu, he read everything in the treasure house just in a hurry.

In the middle of the treasure house, there is a dim candle.

On both sides of the candle lamp are two rows of high wooden shelves with only one person.

A few items were thrown casually on the shelf.

There is nothing else.

"One, two, three... Nine."

Song Qingshu stretched out his fingers and counted the items on the wooden platform.

Then he lost and found that it was completely different from the luxury he thought.

Only nine items were thrown on the wooden platform.

Moreover, each one looks a little shabby.

There are half rotten scrolls, like a gnawed elixir, and dark iron blocks.

If ordinary people see this situation, even if they will not be disappointed, they will never be excited.

But somehow.

When song Qingshu focused his attention on a concave copper basin.

He could no longer divert his eyes and said in surprise:
