"How's your move?"

"I'm sorry, as if I didn't see the depth of your move."

"Do you think you can trap me here with this Tianluo array?"

Song Qingshu's right hand exposed outside his bloody long sleeve is very delicate.

His right hand was hollow and clenched, and the tiger's mouth trembled slightly.

Then the purple blood soft sword came into his hand and trembled with song Qingshu.

He seemed to be holding a struggling dragon, and the purple blood soft sword was like a flying dragon.

Song Qingshu smiled and looked around at the Tianluo array around him, disdaining Tao.

Stop talking.

Song Qingshu took a step forward directly. The purple blood soft sword in his hand trembled even more, and song Qingshu's right hand held the Dragon even more.

With the step of song Qingshu.

Like silk, the vitality of heaven and earth bound on Song Qingshu directly shattered and drove away.

And those hanging spells scattered around the body of Song Qing's book were mottled in an instant.

Like in such a moment, the long river of years has scoured it hard for nearly a thousand years.


The friars hidden around the Tianluo array vomited a mouthful of blood with the soft murmur of song Qingshu.

Between talking and laughing, there was a powerful momentum surging out.

Today's song Qingshu is really strong.

However, no matter how strong it is, it can't make the grey old man's face change a little.

The time of five interest rates has passed two. As long as he is delaying a little time, everything will be in time.

"Tianluo array is the most powerful seal array of the black steel army."

"The one who casts Tianluo array on you is the strongest array mage of heigang army."

"Moreover, Tianluo array is not aggressive. It is a blockade to the extreme."

"So, I really believe that I can keep you."

The old man in grey pulled up his bow, pointed the bow string at Song Qingshu standing in the Tianluo array, and said with a grin.

Song Qingshu shrugged with disdain:

"What you believe is too unreasonable."

"The eighteen Dharma arrays over there in the bamboo forest never stopped me, not to mention the Tianluo array?"

"I didn't boast."

"If I want to go, the ten breath time Tianluo will be shattered."

"How do you stay?"

The grey old man was still silent, indicating his agreement with song Qingshu.

Another breath passed by.

The grey old man finally couldn't help laughing in his heart and said to song Qingshu:

"After two more breaths, the energy on the transmission array will be wasted."

"At that time, song Qingshu will not only kill several of us to vent his anger."

"What else can you do?"

The purple blood soft sword in Song Qingshu gives off more breath.

So more and more cracks appeared in the Tianluo array.

"Two interest time?"

"Sorry, another breath, Tianluo will break and you will die."

"One more breath, enough."

Song Qingshu lifted the purple blood soft sword into the air.

Qingxiu's right hand held the hilt tightly.

Then song Qingshu stabbed out a sword and stabbed it on the Tianluo array.


For a moment, a burst of sparks came from the Tianluo array.

The flame shines in the Obsidian pupil of the song Qingshu.

It was like a star, destroyed in his eyes and reborn again.

A soft snap.

Like the sound of blue and white porcelain vase breaking, it reached the ears of the old man in grey and Song Qing.

With this soft sound, the Tianluo array, which is as strong as fine iron, has a small and inaudible gap.



With this small and inaudible gap.

The array masters who arranged the Tianluo array directly suffered a great deal of energy.

So two people vomited blood and fell to the ground in a coma and didn't wake up again.

Song Qingshu felt a gap in Tianluo array.

He raised his left hand, which had just been idle.

In his left hand, there was a vast wave of vitality.

Then his left hand clenched into a fist and hit the handle of the purple blood soft sword like an iron.

The old man in grey looked at Song Qingshu's clenched fist.

Look at the Tianluo array trembling under his fist.

He knew that the seemingly indestructible Tianluo array could not stop song Qingshu's next punch.

But it's okay.

Beside the old man in grey, there are the elite of the black steel army.

The old man in grey quickly plucks the string and bends the bow.

A killing intention passed through the block of Tianluo array and exploded on Song Qingshu's left hand.

Therefore, song Qingshu's punch with his left hand was slow for a moment, and his strength dissipated for a few minutes.

So song Qingshu didn't hit the lightning flint, and the Tianluo array still existed.

"Song Qingshu!"

"We will keep you and bet on the final glory of the black steel army!"

The voice of the old man in grey has just fallen.

Dozens of Yuan Ying friars suddenly appeared next to the portal.

The vitality between heaven and earth is in chaos, and the long floating clouds on the dome are scattered.

Dozens of Yuan Ying friars held a heavy iron bow in their hands.

The sharp arrow shines with a cold light, and the biting cold rages around Song Qingshu.

They didn't say much nonsense.

As a strange soldier hidden in the snow by the old man in grey.

They consciously perform what they should do as a strange soldier.

So they all pulled the iron bow of their palms to full artistic conception.

The iron bow string they held tightly was trembling, and a strong force suddenly appeared on the bow string.

The archers have just been arranged.

At the side of song Qingshu's body, a group of black armor soldiers who were coming with a vertical sword appeared.

The sword blade swept the vitality of heaven and earth, and the sound of breaking the wind sounded sharply in Song Qingshu's ear.

So today's song Qingshu is really in a rather dangerous state.

There is Yuanying in front of song Qingshu. The strong draw a bow and string.

On his side were sharp and empty swords.

And the body of song Qingshu has not been scattered and annihilated.

In Tianluo, song Qingshu felt a little heavy.

"Song Qingshu, how do you escape?"

The old man in grey looked at Song Qingshu and said to song Qingshu with a grin.

He was very confident that song Qingshu could not escape so soon.

But like the old man in gray, song Qingshu's face was also a shallow smile.

It's like the spring breeze blowing on my face.

Just after the old man in grey said these words.

Song Qingshu felt serious and then said:

"The bowstring is very good, but so what? No matter how powerful tangible things are, they are limited. "

Song Qing never finished his speech. The archers around him shot for the first time.

The powerful bow pulling momentum rises one after another, and the sharp flying arrows shoot out like a rainstorm.

The sound of arrows tearing through the air made song Qingshu's eardrums tremble.

At almost the same time, the black steel army hidden around Tianluo array started the strongest meaning of Tianluo array and launched an attack with a loud voice.

Vitality turbulence gathered around the body of song Qingshu and locked the mind of song Qingshu.