Chapter 340

A startling sword rainbow pierced the sky, and a figure stepped on the sword rainbow.

Behind them, a group of martial artists with rainbow light hurried after them.

"Don't let him run away!"

"That's an amazing sword classic!"

"If we catch him, we can achieve boundless future!"

Sword code!

Ye Xiwen quickly opened his eyes and condensed Zhenyuan. He immediately saw clearly and got the figure stepping on the rainbow light. Where is the person? It is clear that it is a thick sword classic.

"Funeral sword formula!"

Ye Xiwen saw these three words and three gilded characters written in the sword dictionary. A burst of Qi of killing came out on it, as if it was going to bury everything.

"Shit, ye Xiwen, hurry up!" Ye Mo shouted quickly.

Ye Xiwen didn't have time to think about it. He immediately followed the rainbow light.

"I haven't seen books run by themselves. Is it a Book demon who has been cultivated?" Ye Xiwen stepped on the rainbow light, and his body was like lightning, chasing after the figure.

"It shouldn't be. Without the evil spirit of the book demon, there is only pure sword spirit. That's why it's a world-shaking sword classic. Ordinary scripts can't be so miraculous!" Ye Mo said.

At this time, the sound behind them is getting farther and farther away, because they can't keep up with the speed of the amazing sword rainbow.

The speed of the sword rainbow was so fast that ye Xiwen couldn't keep up with it. Ye Xiwen opened the devil's wing and chased the distance back bit by bit.

I don't know how long it took. When I was about to catch up, a huge stone tablet appeared in front of me. The stone tablet has been weathered and beyond recognition. Looking from a distance, it was like a cliff, covered with weeds.

A huge cuneiform is engraved on it, town!

Such a word "Zhen" shocked everyone who saw it. It also came from whose arm. It gave people the illusion of suppressing heaven and earth.

I don't know who and when set up such a huge stone tablet to suppress something.

When ye Xiwen was about to catch up with it, that amazing sword dictionary suddenly entered which stone tablet and disappeared without a trace.

Ye Xiwen was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, this sword dictionary didn't enter this stone tablet and disappeared.

"How is that possible?" Ye Xiwen turned around the stone tablet for several times, but he couldn't see where the sword code went. He could only guess that it probably had something to do with the stone tablet.

"Is there anything strange about this stone tablet?" Ye Xiwen said strangely that this stone tablet has not known how many years have passed, but judging from the stone appearance and weathering degree, it has been more than 100000 years at least.

Even if something was suppressed, it should have been killed by the town!

Ye Xiwen doesn't know if there are any creatures that can live forever, but even the martial arts in the legendary realm have only a thousand years of life. The strong in the holy land is stronger, that is, two thousand years. Even the great saint has only a life of five thousand years, 100000 years. All creatures have been wiped out.

In fact, it is true that ye Xiwen stepped on that land, which is no different from ordinary land. It doesn't look like something is suppressing.

At this time, there was a noise behind him. Those fighters had caught up and surrounded Ye Xiwen slightly.

"What about the sword code? Why can't I feel the sword spirit of the sword code? Have you taken it away?" One of them, a martial artist with the appearance of a middle-aged man, came forward and said, dressed up in strong clothes, calm and relaxed, and his strength is quite strong.

"He must have taken it away. Otherwise, how could there be no sword code? Besides, we all saw just now that the sword code is gone here. He is the only one. He must have stolen it!" At this time, a young woman stood up and said that his beautiful figure was outlined in a bright red robe, with bright eyes and teeth. She was very beautiful, with her hands on her hips and angry eyes, and questioned Ye Xiwen.

"The sword code is not in my hand!" Ye Xiwen said impatiently to dozens of martial artists in this line that the sword code disappeared. He still had some doubts.

"How is it possible? We don't believe it unless you let the space ring out for us to check!" Shouted a warrior.

Ye Xiwen's face suddenly changed and let others check the space ring. It's a great humiliation for a person, which is a sign of extreme distrust.

But in the eyes of those martial artists, it is normal. In such a short time, ye Xiwen can't thoroughly refine the sword code. He can only put it away first, so the biggest possibility is in the space ring.

"I said no, even in my hand!" Ye Xiwen sneered and said, "first come, first served. You don't know this truth!"

"Boy, I advise you to hand it in. Hand over the sword code and I'll give you another reward!" The middle-aged warrior said naturally.

"The reward is up to you?" Ye Xiwen looked at each other coldly.

"Boy, presumptuous!" The middle-aged warrior angrily said, "what do you think this is, the cradle of your babies who don't have neat hair?"

Although many martial artists have the ability to keep their faces, they can still judge a person's age from the root bone. From the root bone of Ye Xiwen, it's hard to say whether he is more than 100 years old or 30 years old.

It was immediately judged that this might be a newcomer from the rear.

These are the first batch of talents who entered Zhenwu school by Ye Xiwen and others. The number is also hundreds of thousands. Many of them have studied martial arts for more than 100 years and have strong cultivation. They don't pay attention to Ye Xiwen, who is less than 50 years old.

Many of them are also highly gifted people, no worse than ye Xiwen and others, but their cultivation time is much longer than ye Xiwen and others. Many of them missed the last recruitment of Zhenwu school for various reasons. In their view, those martial artists under the age of 50 are just some who don't have long hair.

"Don't you have all the hair? You deserve to talk to me because you have practiced for hundreds of years and can't even cultivate the Holy Land!" Ye Xiwen sneered and became angry. At this time, ye Xiwen's age is a disadvantage, but it is also an advantage.

Suddenly, the faces of these martial artists changed greatly, especially the middle-aged martial artist, whose face was ugly and iron green. He was over 150 years old. Among the newcomers of this term, he was old.

Although in other places, they can have such accomplishments at their age and can be called young talents, they are nothing at all in Zhenwu University, where talents are like grass mustard.

"It seems that you want to die. You just killed him. Everything in his space ring belongs to us!" The middle-aged martial artist roared and blew his fist at Ye Xiwen. There was a cold breath in his fist strength, and he immediately blew it at Ye Xiwen.

The fist force frozen the air, and even the void would break up. I don't know how many degrees below zero. It's very terrible.

"Want to kill me!" Ye Xiwen sneered, and a big hand popped out in an instant. He didn't see what he did. He just grabbed it with a big hand, and the ice force that exploded was immediately caught and exploded by Ye Xiwen.

At that moment, it was as if the whole sky had collapsed and was grabbed by Ye Xiwen. That ice force was also broken by Ye Xiwen in an instant.

The strength gap between the two sides is clear at a glance. Compared with Ye Xiwen, this legendary seven strength expert is fundamentally different.

"Qiang!" A startling sword in Ye Xiwen's hand soared to the sky, shattered the world and rushed to the middle-aged warrior in an instant.

"Pooh!" The sword idea was like a long sword, which instantly penetrated the middle-aged warrior.

"Poof!" The blood sprayed out. The middle-aged warrior didn't expect that ye Xiwen was ruthless and merciless.

But he forgot that it was he who wanted to kill Ye Xiwen that completely inspired Ye Xiwen's intention to kill.

The murderer always kills!

Ye Xiwen's thinking is very simple. Whoever wants to kill him, he will kill anyone!

"You... You..." the woman in red couldn't believe it. Although they were all cruel and cruel people, and didn't know how many people died in their hands, the point is that they never paid attention to Ye Xiwen. In their eyes, ye Xiwen is just a lamb to be slaughtered. If they cooperate, they can save his life, Failure to cooperate is death.

In this case, ye Xiwen actually burst into trouble and easily killed one of them, which was a great shock to them.

"Get out!" Ye Xiwen said coldly. He didn't mean to kill them all.

Those people looked at Ye Xiwen with hatred and determined that ye Xiwen had robbed the sword code, but they didn't dare to continue the confrontation with Ye Xiwen, so they had to leave with hatred.

Seeing the crowd leaving, ye Mo said, "Ye Xiwen, there is something strange about this matter. The appearance of that sword dictionary is a little strange. No one else has seen it, but we have seen it. It doesn't enter the stone tablet. It seems that the problem lies in that stone tablet!"

"Well, that sword book attracted many people, but it suddenly disappeared..." Ye Xiwen said with a slight frown.

"But if they think you've taken away the sword code, I'm afraid it will still be difficult!" Ye Mo said.

"Whoever dares to trouble me will be killed!" Ye Xiwen said coldly.

(to be continued)