Chapter 597

However, not everyone thinks so. Some people know that ye Xiwen is not the first time to challenge Mu Shengjie. Although it is only a wisp of yuan God, few people dare to challenge Mu Shengjie, but ye Xiwen has been the second time to challenge Mu Shengjie face to face.

People who know ye Xiwen used to be mu Shengjie are much more calm. Anyway, it's the first time. What's this time.

At that time, ye Xiwen was not even a holy land!

Many people lament that ye Xiwen is really lawless and arrogant. Even Mu Shengjie doesn't pay attention to him. If he has the opportunity to become a great saint in the future, it won't even pay attention to the head of the government.

Ye Xiwen doesn't know what these people are thinking. Otherwise, he will denounce it as shit. He's called lawlessness. He seems to forget that Mu Shengjie is here to provoke him. Should he smile and be beaten?

That's not ye Xiwen's style!

The rules in their eyes, if they want to bind Ye Xiwen and bully Ye Xiwen, how can he be a man of patience.

If Heaven oppresses me, it will break it. If the earth bullies me, it will crush it. If God bullies me, he will destroy him!

Can crush his legs and his spine!

Everyone looked at the bold guy and dared to say that Mu Shengjie's magic weapon was his own booty, which was probably only Ye Xiwen.

"Rampant!" Mu Shengjie said, his tone was cold, Gu Jing had no waves, no sadness or joy, as if he were really looking at a dead body, and there was no emotion fluctuation at all.

Ye Xiwen didn't speak. He was about to continue to do it, but he saw a flash of light in the sky and a figure stepping on the light. When ye Xiwen fixed his eyes, it turned out to be Qi extraordinary.

"Elder martial brother Qi!" Ye Xiwen shouted, but his eyebrows were tight. What did Qi extraordinary come to do at this time.

He has just returned to the Zhenwu world and hasn't had time to get together with these old friends. If it was in the past, he may think more than ten years is a very long process, but for him now, more than ten years may be a longer pass.

Although he has experienced many things in these ten years, it is not long, so he is not in a hurry to get together with them.

However, in a short period of more than ten years, Qi Feifan has also stepped into the peak of the holy land. He sees that he can step into the later stage of the great saint in less than a few years. However, after entering the great saint, even he has to start to endure time like others.

Qi Feifan just nodded to Ye Xiwen without speaking, and then said to the wisp of yuan God Mu Shengjie: "I came by the order of the house Lord. Today's battle is over, and the victory and defeat have been determined. There is no need to continue!"

People suddenly realized that Qi especially came as a peacemaker, but this is also normal. It involves Ye Xiwen, Cao Yuyu and Mu Shengjie. These three people are either invincible experts at the height of the sun now, or super Tianjiao who may also step into this ranks in the future. Any one can be said to be very good.

Zhenwu academy generally doesn't care about the general disciples. After all, countless people enter it every year. Zhenwu academy may not even be able to calculate how many disciples there are.

It is impossible to manage everyone's affairs, but these three people are Tianjiao. Every session of Tianjiao will be remembered by the senior management, and their status is naturally different.

Cao Yuyu fought with Mu Shengjie for many years and made great achievements. Ye Xiwen also made several great achievements. The two people bumped into each other. No matter who wins or loses, it is a huge loss for Zhenwu University.

In such a situation where the outcome is divided, it is always most appropriate to come out and do things.

Everyone understood the master's meaning in an instant, but the two parties frowned one after another, obviously very dissatisfied.

Although Mu Shengjie was only a wisp of Yuanshen, he was very strong. He wanted to take this opportunity to kill Ye Xiwen, an unstable factor, on the spot to eliminate future troubles.

Any Tianjiao is a treasure among the treasures of the University. When ye Xiwen killed the Titan before, it was also because of the Titan. The second God paid a high price at that time that he got the opportunity to fight with Ye Xiwen. Even if he was as strong as Mu Shengjie, he could only make Cao Yuyu and ye Xiwen make an agreement on a life and death war and force the senior management to make concessions, It's impossible to kill him openly.

Even if he is arrogant and domineering, he can't do so. Otherwise, he will touch the bottom line of the University. Do you think Tianjiao is Chinese cabbage? Cut off one batch and another? Each one is a treasure and may become the pillar of the future.

If you don't kill Ye Xiwen this time, you'll have trouble looking for a chance next time!

Ye Xiwen is not satisfied. He also wants to take the opportunity to suppress Mu Shengjie's wisp of Yuanshen. In this way, he can obtain a incomplete holy weapon, which can be completely transformed into a holy weapon if ye Mo devours it.

There is a great holy weapon to protect his body. His safety factor will be greatly improved. The world is so big that you can go. Now the Supreme Master has come forward. Can this battle continue?

As for Cao Yuyu, he doesn't care. He's just a defeated general. It doesn't matter whether he kills or not.

"Hum, you're lucky today!" Mu Shengjie snorted coldly, turned into a streamer, rolled up Cao Yuyu and disappeared into the sky.

Ye Xiwen looked coldly at the direction of Mu Shengjie's disappearance. It's a pity. It seems that the opportunity is not yet there.

"What a pity. Otherwise, if you swallow the demon word monument, Tianyuan mirror will definitely evolve to the Great Holy Land!" Ye Mo sighed and said that he was most sorry that he failed to achieve this thing.

Layers of space, in the small world, Zhao Feige saw this scene, and her face also showed a look of regret. It was a pity that she failed to kill Ye Xiwen this time, but the supreme master made the decision this time, and they dared not question it no matter how bold they were.

Qi Feifan also saw the displeasure on Ye Xiwen's face. Different from everyone's feeling, ye Xiwen was lucky this time. The Supreme Master saved him. On the contrary, he felt that he might be a help this time. This little martial brother has often made amazing moves in recent decades, but which time has he not saved himself from danger, no matter how powerful the enemy is, In the end, he always falls at Ye Xiwen's feet.

Although the opponent this time is the legendary Mu Shengjie, although they are both Tianjiao, as a backward, he heard too much about Mu Shengjie after he entered Zhenwu University.

But after all, it is only a wisp of yuan God of Mu Shengjie. Although it is powerful, it is not impossible to deal with it, not to mention Ye Xiwen, who has always been full of wisdom.

Qi Feifan looked at Ye Xiwen with some apology and said, "sorry, younger martial brother ye, it seems that it's a good thing to disturb you!"

Ye Xiwen grinned and did not continue to entangle on this issue. He said, "why, did this matter disturb the Supreme Master?"

Ye Xiwen knew that Qi Feifan worshipped the supreme leader. It is said that he was very popular. There are even rumors of becoming a candidate for the leader in the future.

However, ye Xiwen knows that this is mostly just a rumor. If you want to be the Supreme Master of the government, you should be able to convince the public. In fact, such a large organization as Zhenwu university has been running for countless years. There has been a set of methods for a long time. It is not necessary that the government will manage it. As long as you have a decision and strong enough, this is the key point.

Qi Feifan's strength to join Zhenwu school is still too short. The holy land is nothing among the competitors who are prone to great saints.

It will be hundreds of years before we know. At that time, the Supreme Master is about to retire to the second line. At that time, the competition among the masters will be fierce.

"That's not true. Mu Shengjie was involved in this fight. Many antiques in the high-rise were shocked. You know, many antiques are very optimistic about Mu Shengjie and intend to let him take over the position of the head of the government!" Qi Feifan said helplessly.

"Take over as the head of the mansion? Hehe, who can say well about things hundreds of years later!" Ye Xiwen grins his lips. Mu Shengjie is a candidate, but he doesn't have to choose him. For example, the great master is extremely popular. He is also a big choice. The only flaw is that Tibet Star Feng is too suck. Only two or three cats can't give him strong support.

"It seems that the master is very optimistic about the elder martial brother. After hundreds of years, the elder martial brother may not have no chance!" Ye Xiwen said with a smile. Anyway, he has no interest in the house leader. If Mu Shengjie wants to be on the top, it's better to let Qi extraordinary be on the top. In that case, how much trouble can be saved.

Ye Xiwen knows the intention of the house leader to send Qi Feifan. No matter who wins or loses this battle, Qi Feifan will always get the gratitude of one of them when he comes out at last. This is the signal to cultivate him.

However, it is obvious that this matter has failed, and neither side has bought it, because both sides feel that if Qi is not in the way, they can successfully solve each other.

Although Qi Feifan saw it, he didn't dare to come out again until he was so angry. In that case, what's the meaning of coming out.

"Hey, who knows what will happen hundreds of years later!" Qi Feifan didn't directly deny it. He was also ambitious for the position of Supreme Master, but he didn't have the matching strength yet. He should keep a low profile, sharpen his minions and wait silently.

"Congratulations, younger martial brother. I haven't seen you for more than ten years. My strength has long been beyond my reach!" Qi Feifan is telling the truth. Although he is also arrogant, he has to say a word of service in the face of Ye Xiwen, who was far inferior to himself in the past. In more than ten years, he stepped into the Holy Land and reached the peak of the holy land. It has been quite fast, but compared with Ye Xiwen, he is nothing at all.

(to be continued)