Chapter 663

"Didn't you refine the yellow broken holy pill before? Now you can refine it and sell it!" Ye Mo suggested.

Ye Xiwen suddenly remembered that at that time, in order to break into the holy land, he almost begged his grandpa and grandma to collect raw materials everywhere to refine Taihuang broken holy pill. Finally, he was stopped and overcast by the people of the law enforcement hall, so he had to accept the mission of Beidou and go to the flying star world.

However, it was all decades ago. Ye Xiwen almost forgot it. However, when ye Mo said this, ye Xiwen immediately felt that this is indeed a very good method.

More than 20 years ago, ye Xiwen was just a semi saint. He was almost a big difference from his current strength, which is not comparable at all.

For him at that time, refining a too yellow broken holy pill also needed to be careful, careful and cautious. Just the raw materials for refining the too yellow broken holy pill made him crazy.

But now he is totally different from the situation at that time. With his current strength, even the great sage can be killed alive. His skill has increased by many times. It is almost different from that in the past. It was very difficult for him to refine the yellow and broken holy pill at the beginning, but it is just a small effort for him now.

Of course, it's just because he has mysterious space and ye Mo with the help of Tianyuan mirror. With the help of mysterious space, he can accurately deduce and calculate what to do at each step. Even if he hasn't practiced several times, as long as he is willing to spend Lingyuan pill to deduce, he can quickly become like refining countless times, like a precision machine, Continuously refine according to standard steps.

It is very difficult for ordinary alchemists, even masters of the holy land, to refine pills such as Taihuang broken holy pill. It can even be said that there is a considerable probability of failure. The probability of success is not very high. After all, they are not machines. Their experience needs to be accumulated through continuous failure or success, The wealth they need to spend can make them bankrupt directly, so alchemists often either rely on a big force or simply organize a big force themselves. For example, the alchemist association is organized under this situation.

General pills are like this, not to mention the imported pills. For many Dan masters who have just been promoted to an alchemy master, they can be regarded as entering the ranks of alchemy masters only if they refine the imported pills. However, for many people, the imported pills are only refined by them carelessly, and they may not be able to refine them next time.

In this case, even if the pill refined by the Alchemist is very profitable, the alchemist himself is very poor, because the wealth they spend to explore the pill is also astronomical.

But ye Xiwen is an exception. Failure? That's not in his consideration. Even if he fails occasionally, it's nothing. As long as he can ensure that most of them can succeed, there's nothing left to fail, and he can make a profit.

"You can sell 10 million Lingyuan pills for one too yellow broken holy pill. Ten will have 100 million Lingyuan pills, and one hundred will have one billion!" Ye Mo said with a little excitement. Anyway, this is indeed a very good channel to make money, and the same is true for alchemists. Of course, the premise is that don't throw all these limited wealth into exploring infinite new danfang, which may not be done in a lifetime.

A too yellow broken holy pill needs about 3 million Lingyuan pills, and the huge profits have exceeded 300%. Generally, alchemists have to take into account factors such as scrap rate, so the actual huge profits can not reach such a level.

However, for ye Xiwen, there is no scrap rate.

The demand for Taihuang broken holy pill in the market can be seen from the number of legends. There are more than tens of millions of legends in Zhenwu University alone. Even if the martial artists at the peak of the legend are less than one percent or one thousandth of them, it is also a very large number.

Besides, the needs of legendary martial arts masters in the whole Zhenwu world and legendary martial arts masters in all the worlds in the starry sky can be said to be endless. As long as there are legendary masters who can't impact the holy land, this yellow broken holy pill will always have a market and never worry about being sold.

Legend to the holy land is a huge barrier and the first barrier from mortal to extraordinary. It can be seen that the legend in the past is less than 1%. Even ye Xiwen has to use the medicine of Taihuang to break the holy pill.

At the thought of this, ye Xiwen's eyes suddenly lit up. He didn't even need to be an alchemist to refine other pills. Even with the yellow broken holy pill, he could get rich.

Among the alchemists, like Ye Xiwen, only one or a few can be refined into pills like Taihuang broken holy pill, which is rare and doesn't exist at all. Which one of those alchemists doesn't know how many pills and how many prescriptions can finally refine the imported and exported pills.

Ye Xiwen is definitely a monster and demon.

For ye Xiwen, this is definitely an endless source of wealth. After he is promoted to the great saint, the wealth he needs is astronomical. It is estimated that he can't be provided by too yellow broken holy pill. After all, he can't always refine pills, but that will be a long time later. Now too yellow broken holy pill is the sweet dew of summer for him, Just in time!

After thinking of the way, ye Xiwen was in a good mood. He received many visions around him and went straight out of the closed secret room.

After he left the pass, I heard that now the whole Zhenwu school is making a lot of noise because of him. It's like a pot of boiling water. It hasn't the slightest intention to cool down for a whole year.

Under the explanation of Yang Wenjun and Deng Shuixin, ye Xiwen knew that the master of the eclosion sect, Wei Zhensheng, the master of the martial arts school, asked to hand over Ye Xiwen. Otherwise, he would bear the consequences.

However, the top level of Zhenwu school pushed back with a tough attitude, saying that it was absolutely impossible to hand over their disciples.

They have seen through the intention of the eclosic sect. This is just an excuse. In the end, they have to fully intervene in the Zhenwu world, either earlier or later.

Ye Xiwen frowned. He had expected that the eclosic church had found this thing. After all, the ambition of the eclosic church for the Zhenwu world is almost well known. Now there is no excuse, and the killing of Lao Yi has become a great excuse.

As for saying that Lao Yi shot him first, he is reasonable. It is useless to say such things. No one will care about such things. No matter whether Lao Yi died or he died, there is no difference.

It doesn't matter to eclosion. They just need an excuse, a Mars, which ye Xiwen knows very well.

Even he wanted to escape. If Zhenwu University didn't choose to protect him in the end, he couldn't be arrested. There was no other way but to escape. What he was most worried about was to implicate his parents and relatives. Now seeing that the worst situation didn't happen, the University chose to protect him in the end.

But he still understood that what he would not hand over his disciples was bullshit. If he was just an ordinary disciple, he believed that Zhenwu university would not spare the life of an ordinary disciple, although this was only an excuse for the feather sect.

However, as many people say, it is a good thing to delay for a while, and it is also a good thing to have more time for war preparedness.

Now, since he didn't choose to hand it over to him, he probably saw his potential. He can be said to be broad, ancient and strong. With half a step of the great saint, he killed a great saint Tianjiao.

He can fully imagine what a shock it was to the top when the news came back. Compared with this record, the killing of hundreds of half step masters in the later stage of the great sage is not worth mentioning. It is not a level thing at all.

However, since the university did not choose to hand over himself, ye Xiwen could be relieved for the time being. When the sky fell, there was a tall man on top, and the pressure on the side of the eclosic sect was borne by the top of Zhenwu University. He didn't need to worry for the time being.

"Younger martial brother, you are expected to become a celebrity in the badminton industry. However, younger martial brother, there are a group of people who are very unfriendly to you in the University, jumping up and down, saying that if there is a war, it is because of you, and you should be handed over to calm the anger of the badminton sect!" Yang Wenjun frowned and said that he was obviously quite angry. There were not many people in cangxingfeng, but everyone was very united and had a good relationship. They slandered Ye Xiwen so much that he was very angry.

But those people formed a force, and he had no way.

"Nothing, elder martial brother. Don't worry. Those are just clowns. There's nothing at all!" Ye Xiwen waved his hand and said calmly that he didn't care about those clowns. There are such people everywhere. Didn't he meet many such people when he was in the state of greater Yue?

They just want to sacrifice others to get a temporary peace of mind. In his opinion, such people are simply dismissive. They can't achieve major events or climate. They don't have any responsibility at all. Even if they know that the eclosic religion only needs an excuse, they would rather be so self paralyzed.

"Yes, those are some clowns!" Yang Wenjun didn't worry when he saw Ye Xiwen. Naturally, he had nothing to say.

"By the way, elder martial brother, is elder martial brother Bai here now?" Ye Xiwen asked.

(to be continued)