Chapter 842

Ye Xiwen surprised those knowledgeable people with only one shot.


The legs of both sides suddenly collided in mid air. Ye Xiwen's legs were not wrapped with any real yuan, but it seemed to have the effect of breaking armor. Where ye Xiwen's leg wind passed, the storm caused by Wu Chenhai dissipated and was kicked away by him.

After kicking away the storm, ye Xiwen went straight to Wu Chenhai's chest.

Wu Chenhai suddenly made a sharp point on his toes and directly retreated to the side of the field. Kankan avoided Ye Xiwen's leg whip.

There was a cold sweat behind him, his expression was slightly stunned, and then he was dignified. He just stepped back instinctively and avoided Ye Xiwen's leg whip. Now think about it, his subconscious action was right.

Just a flat kick can kick the air. This strength and speed are incredible. If you were directly kicked just now, you would be disabled if you didn't die.

He finally realized that ye Xiwen was not a mole ant that could be pinched flat and rounded by him, but a tiger that threatened him.

"You can't be careless for a moment!" Wu Chenhai pretended to be relaxed on his face. His heart has raised vigilance to the highest and regarded Ye Xiwen as a strong opponent. If he just tried his best just because he hated Ye Xiwen and wanted to kick him to death on the spot, now he really has to do his best. "You have the right to let me do it!"

"Just interested?" Ye Xiwen smiled.

Wu Chenhai didn't answer either. He just came up step by step. The thick Zhenyuan scattered. With the towering momentum, he swept out a terrible storm and wrapped himself in it, just like a small walking storm.

When he was less than three feet in front of Ye Xiwen, he immediately kicked a side kick and launched a strong attack. His legs were like the wind. Each leg kicked out was like a hurricane. Each leg was as fast as lightning, but they all had the power to move mountains and seas. The destructive power of storm terror was reflected incisively and vividly in his leg wind.

In an instant, there were leg shadows and storms all over the sky, which sealed all the escape space of Ye Xiwen. He was going to kick ye Xiwen to death as soon as he came up, and was not prepared to keep any hands.

"Wu Chenhai really wants to go all out. Is this the last move in the fierce wind leg technique? Can't it be a storm?"

"Yes, yes, it's the storm. It's said that this move was understood in the stormy environment on the sea. Once you make a move, it's really airtight. Although it's a range attack, each leg can easily kill an expert who is beyond the realm!"

Everyone at the bottom talked and was shocked. Wu Chenhai has become famous for many years. Many people actually know some of his moves, but they just know them. Sometimes it's useless to know them. Even if they know that only yuan Xuehai and Wang Mengyu can withstand the storm, others don't need him to do it at all.

Facing the terrible leg move of Hemo, ye Xiwen didn't even blink. He immediately raised his leg and kicked it out. It seemed that it was just a flat kick. It easily kicked out the air again. Everywhere he passed, the leg shadow was instantly kicked out, and no storm could cross in front of Ye Xiwen.

Ye Xiwen is like a boat in the face of huge waves. It seems that it may turn over at any time, but in the eyes of those who are really experts, there is no danger at all.

Ye Xiwen's leg whip didn't look happy at all. It was just strong and heavy. However, with this leg whip, even Zhenyuan didn't cover it, he kept the whole body airtight. It was useless to let Wu Chenhai attack. It was impossible to really attack him.

Many people are secretly frightened. Ye Xiwen's strength is obviously stronger than they think. The most important level is that of Wang Mengyu, Wu Chenhai and others.

On the court, Wu Chen Haydn, who seems to have been taking the initiative all the time, was also anxious. How can he not understand that although it seems that he has been taking the initiative all the time, in fact, almost none of the storms he kicked can really threaten Ye Xiwen, not even close, not to mention his life.

If he goes on like this, he will be consumed alive. The wind and rain has strong power and a large range, but it also consumes Zhenyuan very much. He is not like Ye Xiwen. He is almost a monster in human skin. His Zhenyuan can't hold up.

And he also knew that this scattered attack seemed to be powerful. In fact, it was OK in the face of group attack, but when facing a person's master, the power was somewhat scattered.

Even when he made a decision, his body suddenly rose up, flew in mid air, turned over the storm, and the surrounding aura was extracted in an instant. He was born in the sky and turned into a huge leg shadow, which turned into a huge storm and hit Ye Xiwen hard.


With a loud noise, the whole challenge arena flickered slightly. These challenge arenas are constantly strengthened by experts of the three families and are very difficult to destroy. Otherwise, the one just now would be enough to destroy the whole challenge arena.

But even so, the terrible blast directly set off the wind and sand all over the sky, and the flying sand and stones swept away in all directions with energy.

At this time, the onlookers could only hurriedly move Gang Qi masks one after another to block out the flying energy and sand.

Although these energies are only aftershocks, some great saints have almost been hit hard.

"What a terrible and overbearing move!"

Countless people were amazed. The power of this move was too cruel. Fortunately, it was directed at Ye Xiwen. If not, if any of them were kicked, they would die miserably on the spot.

"How's it going? How's it going? Is Ye Xiwen dead?"

Someone is anxious to know the answer.

"He should be dead. With such a terrible blow, if it were for me... No, he wasn't dead!"

The wind and sand gradually dispersed, but they saw a strange scene. Wu Chenhai's leg whip hit Ye Xiwen three inches in front of the door and was blocked by his hands. He couldn't get close to Ye Xiwen at all.

"Too strong, ye Xiwen is too strong!" Wang Mengyu was also shocked in her eyes. When she brought Ye Xiwen back, she didn't think that ye Xiwen would be a top expert above their three young masters. Maybe others can't see it, but she can see it, because his strength and Wu Chenhai have always been just between Bo Zhonghai and Wu Chenhai. Naturally, she can see that just now, Wu Chenhai has done his best.

But even if it was a blow with all its strength, it could only force Ye Xiwen to resist.

Seeing this huge gap, Wang Mengyu's beautiful pupils shrink slightly, as if he saw some incredible miracle. How can he not see that ye Xiwen's real Kung Fu should be in his hands, and his kung fu on his legs can only know a few simple basic leg techniques.

But you still use your legs to meet the enemy. This is how confident or arrogant you are. This is to beat Wu Chenhai in the face. Don't you want to beat the Wang family in the face?

Then I'll hit you in the face. Aren't you proud of your legs? I directly broke your leg with a simple leg technique, so that you are no longer qualified to be proud.

So no matter what storm Wu Chenhai attacked, he simply met the enemy with his leg whip.

Although I haven't known Ye Xiwen for a long time, she also knows that ye Xiwen is not a arrogant and domineering person. There is only one reason for doing so. Perhaps, as he said, the man's money and people eliminate disasters. This time, he not only wants to defeat Wu Chenhai, but also severely lose the face of the witch family.

Wu Chenhai's strongest killing move can only force Ye Xiwen to fight. Such a strength gap may be greater than that between Wang Feiyun and Wu Chenhai.

Is he really just half a step beyond the boundary?

Wang Mengyu was a little suspicious. If it was only half a step beyond the realm, she would have the feeling of living to a dog.

On the other side, Jia Qing, one of the witches, was slightly moved to see this scene and finally stopped paying all his attention to Yuan Xuehai.

On Yuan Xuehai's side, he was slightly surprised in his eyes, and then a trace of war swept through it.

The people around him felt so much, not to mention Wu Chenhai in the center of the scene. He almost immediately felt that ye Xiwen didn't give his best. He immediately felt the feeling when Wang Feiyun fought with him just now. That kind of despair was almost breathless. It was the despair in the face of an opponent who was almost impossible to defeat.

"Be less arrogant!" Wu Chenhai shouted angrily. The thought that ye Xiwen dared to underestimate him and didn't show his real strength made him furious.

He changed his shape in mid air, launched an attack again in an instant, swept up the shadow of his legs and rushed towards Ye Xiwen.

Unfortunately, ye Xiwen's speed was faster and his leg whip kicked out again, but this time, it was no longer just a simple defense, but went straight through the boundless leg shadow storm.

Where he passed, the leg shadow storm was flattened one after another. Ye Xiwen's leg whip was like a dragon out of the abyss, and instantly kicked Wu Chenhai's chest.

"Bang!" A low voice came, and Wu Chenhai screamed. His body was like a shell. He flew out directly, fell to the ground and didn't know his life or death.

The crowd was watching that Wu Chenhai's chest was sunken, and it was obvious that all the ribs in his chest were broken in a moment.

"The little beast wants to die. It's a mere competition. You should be so vicious!" Among the seats of the witch family, a terrible figure swept out in an instant.

(to be continued)