Chapter 1045

All the voices in heaven and earth disappeared. Everyone could only see this scene. They could only see the side cloud pierced by Ye Xiwen's sword. His proud white scale could not resist Ye Xiwen's terrible blow.

The penetrating lightsaber swallowed up all his vitality and shattered all his hopes.

In this white light, a blood light swept through and brushed the edge cloud in. It was Ye Mo who started to take away the edge cloud when no one noticed.

With the death of Bian Yun, the battle of life and death related to the three sea areas finally came to an end. Finally, Yunxing sea area, which was not really favored by many people before the war, won a complete victory.

And not only drove them away, but left them all. Ordinary experts, the two sea areas obviously occupied a fundamental advantage, but in terms of top experts, they suffered a crushing defeat, which directly led to their final tragic death.

These people deeply understand that in this world of the law of the jungle, unless the number reaches a terrible level, it is of no use at all.

In the face of these terrible masters in Yunxing sea area, it's no use having more of them.

For a time, those who were still ready to move and had no thoughts suddenly settled down, because they knew that if they were not calm at this time, they would be brutally suppressed.

Now the Yunxing sea area is different from before. It can be said that there are no strong enemies outside, and there are four half footwork level masters in charge. They can easily suppress all rebellions. They don't want to defy the law.

Compared with the experts in various sea areas with complicated thoughts, the experts in Yunxing sea area were very happy at once. Originally, they were all worried and might be killed by Bian Yun who came back in anger at any time. However, since the matter has been done, they can only get on Ye Xiwen's thief ship, but who knows, the result was completely beyond their expectation, Ye Xiwen was more powerful than they thought. He eradicated the people in the two sea areas in one fell swoop, rather than driving them away.

In other words, it is tantamount to eradicating future problems, so that they have no worries at home and don't have to worry about possible retaliation at any time.

They now occupy the whole Yunxing city and can enjoy the benefits of the development of Yunxing city. Their accomplishments will rise steadily at that time. Even stepping into the half step phase is not a dream.

Is seeking breakthrough the fundamental purpose of coming to the blood world?

Now can achieve, that is naturally the best!

And childe Hailong and others are finally relieved. During this time, the pressure in their hearts is much greater than that of most people. Just because they are stronger, they know the power of Bian Yun better. Now they can finally breathe a sigh of relief when they finally see Bian Yun's tragic death.

It also took this opportunity to establish the supreme dignity of Yunxing sea area and see how many people dare to make small moves in the dark.

In a courtyard in Yunxing City, ye Xiwen wandered slowly in the middle of the yard. It was quiet around. No one dared to disturb Ye Xiwen at this time.

Now it has been three days since Ye Xiwen killed Bian Yun, and the whole Yunxing city has restored its original order. Without the threat of Bian Yun, the people in Yunxing city are determined, and everyone finally begins to settle down. Many people start to go out of the city to explore the blood world, look for adventure, or stay in it to condense blood stones, and then practice.

Now that the whole Yunxing city has been on the right track, childe Hailong and others have begun to enter the closed door again. This time, they killed a large number of experts in Fengsui sea area and Taifeng sea area, and seized more than two million blood stones, of which one million people unanimously asked to be distributed to Ye Xiwen.

They all know that this time they can survive, kill all the experts in the two sea areas and monopolize the Yunxing sea area. Who does it depend on? No one else, it's Ye Xiwen!

Compared with them, ye Xiwen is the fundamental. With Ye Xiwen's strength, he can pull up a team and rebuild a city at any time.

Ye Xiwen is also disrespectful, because he really needs these blood stones. Although he has extraordinary combat effectiveness and can kill the experts at the peak of the half step phase at the beginning, he consumes much more than ordinary people. Even if he just wants to step into the eight days of transcendence, he needs to consume a large amount of blood stones, let alone later cultivation, Even if you want to practice half step, the blood stone you need is an astronomical wealth for others.

This is also the price for ye Xiwen to maintain his fighting power.

However, even if only one million is left, it is also a very huge wealth for them. Their combat effectiveness is no greater than that of Ye Xiwen. Naturally, they don't need to consume so much. After these wealth are obtained, they quickly began to close down.

Ye Xiwen also seized a lot from Bian Yun. Bian Yun, as the leader of the original Taifeng sea area, occupied the whole Yunxing city. Although his wealth was not as much as that in the inventory, it was also as much as 500000.

In other words, ye Xiwen, with his original 500000, now has more than 2 million with blood stones alone.

This wealth is definitely an expensive expense for the current blood world.

Ye Xiwen also had to sigh in his heart. Comparatively speaking, the leaders of these great forces are really rich, especially those who don't need to worry about the development of the whole force.

Two million blood stones are enough for him to practice for a long time.

Ye Xiwen, who originally planned to leave, now decided to stay first and step into the eight days of transcendence.

Although Yunxing city is good, stable and his world, it is not an ideal place to improve his strength for ye Xiwen.

His martial arts can only be meaningful and improved if he meets stronger experts and defeats stronger experts. In this Yunxing City, his combat effectiveness is already at the top. It doesn't mean that he can't improve, but the range of progress will certainly decline significantly.

Jianwushuang just left after taking this into account. To some extent, jianwushuang and he are the same type of people. They are completely different from childe Hailong. They both have families and take their own disciples. They can't completely let go. Only Ye Xiwen and jianwushuang are alone, He may leave at any time, which is his disadvantage, but at this time, it has also become his advantage and can be carefree.

However, since there are enough blood stones, ye Xiwen is not in a hurry. He must leave as soon as possible. The blood world is huge and boundless. The more he goes inside, the more dangers and more experts. His current strength may be enough to dominate in this marginal area, but after entering the deep part of the blood world, there will be many experts above him.

The danger is unpredictable. It's better to improve your strength first and then consider leaving. Anyway, it's not such a short time.

But now all his energy has been put on the map in his hand.

Ye Xiwen captured this simple map, which he didn't know when it was, from Bian Yun.

In addition to more than 500000 blood stones and a large number of Lingjing on Bian Yun, this map makes Ye Xiwen care.

"What is the place marked on this map?" Ye Xiwen frowned and looked at the place marked on the ancient map. He was completely unfamiliar with the blood world and couldn't see what it was.

Unfortunately, I didn't know the existence of this map at the beginning, otherwise I caught Bian Yun first and checked his memory with soul searching. However, now people die like lights out, so naturally I can't check his memory again.

However, he only knew that since it was the picture that Bian Yun had to stay around when he was dying, it must be a very important picture. Although he didn't know where he got it, these are not important now.

"This must be a treasure map!" Ye Mo's figure turned out, stood on Ye Xiwen's shoulder, pointed to the map and said, "he has arrows here one by one. I think the place indicated by the last arrow may be the place of treasure!"

Because after absorbing Bian Yun's blood essence, Tianyuan mirror was promoted faster than originally expected and became the top magic weapon of the human level, and ye Mo could finally be liberated.

Ye Xiwen nodded and agreed with Ye Mo's judgment. Anyway, at this time, he didn't know what the treasure map said.

"Wait a minute. Look, does this mountain look like a mountain we passed before we came to Yunxing city?" Ye Xiwen suddenly pointed to the map and said.

Although for many people, the mountains always seem to be the same, there is no difference, but for a top expert like Ye Xiwen, his eyes are like a scanner. At a glance, he can easily see that even if there are only minor differences, it is impossible to hide from his eyes.

If he found something similar, it would be 100%.

"Yes, yes, this is the mountain!" Ye Mo's eyes suddenly lit up, and his reaction was very fast. He immediately reacted. "Wired, ha ha, now wired is the best. I'm afraid there's no clue!"

Although there are only a few clues, as long as there are clues and follow the diagram, we can always find the points drawn in the diagram.

After finding the clue, ye Xiwen was in a good mood. He decided not to waste time and directly entered the closed state. When he broke into the eight days of transcendence, he left here.

Shallow water can't raise a real dragon. He needs a broader sky.

(to be continued)