Chapter 1240




A roar of a strange animal came from a distance. Ye Xiwen's body was like a light and thunder. He rushed to the place in an instant, but he saw a valley surrounded by cliffs on three sides. The valley was very huge, hundreds of miles around.

At this time, in this valley, countless terrible monsters are roaring one after another. Those terrible roars are straight into the sky, like sharp blades breaking through the sky. At a glance, there are thousands or tens of thousands of terrible monsters, even the worst, They are all at the level of Dharma phase and occupy one side.

Thousands of strange animals at the level of Dharma state gather and occupy. How terrible is it? People who have not seen it with their own eyes can't feel that terrible feeling.

In particular, once those strange animals rush up, the horror scene when thousands of horses rush can almost compare with the great natural disaster.

Where ye Xiwen's eyes could reach, those monsters were divided into two squares. Under the leadership of two fierce beasts with terrible breath, they looked at each other coldly.

One of them is a terrible beast, like an elephant. He is also wrapped in bones. His body is more than ten meters high. Looking from a distance, he looks like a hill.

The other is an ape like beast, walking upright on both feet, with bones turned out, as if wearing a piece of armor.

During this period of time, ye Xiwen was not as ignorant as before in the law enforcement heaven prison. Everyone called him a bone beast for the specialty of the law enforcement heaven prison, because their whole bodies were wrapped by, as if they were wearing armor one by one. It was impossible for people to break the bone armor and hurt the inside.

These two terrible bone beasts are both very terrible realm of Dharma phase and jiuchongtian realm. They can almost be regarded as the peak of Dharma phase. Even compared with people like Ye Jianzhong and Beishan patriarch, they are not inferior.

In particular, the fighting mode of these bone beasts is entirely physical fighting. Because they lack aura in the law enforcement heaven prison, they can't blow out gorgeous martial arts attacks like those human warriors.

But similarly, because it can only be physical attack, their physical attack has also reached the point of terror. With a random blow, they can play the effect that martial artists use their real power.

The whole body of Qi and blood is even more vigorous and terrible. Their vigorous and boiling Qi and blood can be seen almost all over the sky.

This vigorous Qi and blood is the bane of some Yin and evil skills. Therefore, some martial artists who practice Yin and evil skills are completely tragic after entering the law enforcement heaven prison. These bone beasts are very difficult to deal with.

Now these bone beasts at the level of Dharma state make ye Xiwen feel a little frightened. Beside these two fierce beasts, there are also a large number of fierce beasts in Dharma state, and even bone beasts in the eighth heaven of Dharma state are not rare.

It can be said that this is the duel between the two fierce beasts. I don't know what they are for. They even gather here, and it seems that they don't hesitate to fight to the death.

However, what ye Xiwen didn't expect was that guibian shuangchou, who had already left, actually appeared here. The two brothers also ambushed not far away. Their eyes twinkled and looked at the scene in front of them, with a look of greed on their faces.

Ye Xiwen did not move his face. He restrained his momentum with his breath calming skill and hid in the void. Although he could not hide into the secondary plane, it was enough to hide.

With Ye Xiwen's skill and his understanding of the breath gathering skill, as long as he hid, unless he was discovered first, it was basically impossible to find his hiding place. Just now he escaped the pursuit of guibian shuangchou.

"Brother, do you say this is the holy fruit of famine blood?" The ugly sophomore of guibian looked directly at the two sides of the confrontation in the valley, with a look of greed on his face.

"Yes, it's the holy fruit of famine blood. Unexpectedly, it's God's favor to see the holy fruit of famine blood here!" The double ugly boss of guibian also looked straight at the valley, "it is said that the holy fruit of waste blood is watered by the blood of countless bone animals. It is possible to produce a holy fruit. There will be one for hundreds of years. Once taken, the cultivation will advance rapidly!"

Ye Xiwen was shocked when he heard the word "holy fruit of barren blood". It was actually a holy fruit of barren blood. Like guibian, ye Xiwen was also moved.

The holy fruit of barren blood is famous even in the whole law enforcement heaven prison, because in the law enforcement heaven prison, this kind of natural material and earth treasure is very rare, and even there is no way to compare with the aura on the road in the ancient continent. How can natural material and earth treasure be produced in this environment.

Because Tiancai Dibao may absorb different energy, so it has different effects, but there must be a premise, that is, there must be energy. It is impossible without energy.

Therefore, there are very few natural materials and earth treasures produced in the law enforcement heaven prison, and the barren blood holy fruit is one of the best. Its name is unimaginable, because the method of producing the barren blood holy fruit is very bloody.

It is watered with the blood and corpses of countless strange animals. Every birth of the barren blood holy fruit will cause a large number of strange animals to compete. Each time, they are seriously killed and injured, and these dead and injured animals will become the nourishment for the next barren blood holy fruit.

Every time two or three thousand immortal animals are not finished, and even if they can't reach this number, the two alien animal leaders estimate that they will drive those bone beasts under their control to die, so as to achieve the nourishment needed for the flowering and Fruiting of the next blood shortage holy fruit.

The world itself is so cruel. Although the leaders of bone animals are not too smart, they actually have a high IQ. They have lived for thousands of years and have long become elite. If they really treat them as beasts, they don't know how to die one day.

Thinking of this, ye Xiwen couldn't help feeling that the nine turn taixuan golden pill is good, but if he doesn't swallow it when he wants to break into the realm of heaven and man, it will be a waste and send out heaven and things violently.

If it wasn't for the critical time, there was no way, and ye Xiwen didn't want to waste the nine turn taixuan golden elixir.

Lingjing wasted and robbed again, but if the nine turn taixuan golden elixir is wasted, it will really be gone. With this one, can you expect the family to give another one?

If it were so easy, there wouldn't be so many people coming to kill him at the risk of being blamed by the owner.

It's not suitable to swallow the jiuzhuan taixuan golden pill now, but the holy fruit of famine blood is still very suitable. If there is the holy fruit of famine blood, ye Xiwen can say that it's easy to step into the five Heaven of the state of Dharma.

However, these all need careful planning. Not to mention the two terrible beasts, even guibian's two ugly can pose a great threat to Ye Xiwen and even kill him.

In his eyes, all kinds of essence flashed. Thousands of plans were calculated crazily in his mind. With the help of mysterious space, each plan can push the performance results in an instant, and the results that may fail were eliminated by him bit by bit.

As the plan became clearer and clearer, his eyes became clearer and clearer. He looked more and more confident towards the middle of the valley.

When ye Xiwen calculated, many bone animals in the valley began to be more and more uneasy. With the birth time of the holy fruit of barren blood getting closer and closer, the air seemed to be filled with a fragrance with blood smell, which was the taste of the holy fruit of barren blood.

Smelling this smell, the two heads of bone beast leaders were also excited from their entrenched posture, completely without the lazy appearance just now.

"Roar!" The huge bone elephant let out a huge roar, and the huge nose directly threw out in the air and threw away the huge cracks on the ground. Many bone animals on the bone ape side were shocked and bled to death on the spot.

Originally, the elephant's nose was the most vulnerable part, but it became very strong because it was wrapped with bones.

Although there is no fluctuation of aura, this blow is not inferior to that of experts at the same level.

"Roar!" At this time, the skull ape seemed to be stimulated. With a huge roar, the bone animals under him began to stir up one after another.

Then the skull ape seemed to give some instructions, and his bone beasts began to scratch their claws and charge towards the other side.

At this time, the bone elephant on the other side also began to give orders.

Two huge waves of fierce animals collided with each other like two huge waves. The scene was very shocking. Even if ye Xiwen looked far away, he felt very excited.

Because there is no aura, they can only fight hand to hand with their flesh. Therefore, when these two large groups of bone beasts charge, they are like a white bone army charging. Those bone beasts that rush the fastest are like waves. They are smashed in an instant and then rushed to heaven.

There are no other fancy things. It's just a barbaric, ancient force collision. Even top experts like guibian shuangchou only feel their faces change when they see this scene. Under this terrible impact, they will be crushed into pieces in an instant. Only Ye Xiwen feels so excited when he sees this scene, I can't wait to fight. I don't know whether it's the influence of the blood of the giant star beast in his body or whether he tends to fight like this.

In this short moment of collision, hundreds of bone beasts were directly killed, and countless were injured.

At this time, the two heads of bone beast finally began to match.

(to be continued)