Chapter 1324

They originally wanted to make a time difference. They all knew very well that if those masters of heaven and earth still had some opportunities, they would have no chance. They would only be killed by those masters of heaven and earth.

So instead of thinking about the word fight, it's better to start first, kill Ye Xiwen and seize hundreds of sacred objects on him.

They also noticed that from the beginning, in fact, many experts in heaven and earth also noticed Ye Xiwen here, and they must also want to fight.

Therefore, if they want to make a move, they can only make a time difference. While the experts in the human territory are competing for the fighting words these days, they directly make a move and plunder all the sacred objects in Ye Xiwen's hands.

And ye Qianqian was about to succeed. Even if he had Xueyao sword in his hand, with the power of Xueyao sword, under their collective siege, ye Qianqian kept retreating and being pushed back.

But unexpectedly, at this time, Wang Tianshuo actually appeared, and he still shot directly at Ye Qianqian, which completely shocked the people. If the experts of tianrenjing stepped in, they would undoubtedly fall short of success. All their previous efforts were in vain. Finally, they had to make wedding clothes for the experts of tianrenjing.

Wang Tianshuo and Jie looked at Ye Qianqian with a strange smile. There was even a somewhat obscene look in their eyes. The Wang family and the Ye family were dead enemies. At this time, how could Wang Tianshuo give up when he caught such a good opportunity.

Ye Qianqian frowned slightly, and a look of disgust appeared on his pretty face. This look of disgust was caught by Wang Tianshuo. He was immediately angry. Although he was indeed a little obscene, the dignity of a master of heaven and human environment should not be violated.

"Boom!" He didn't do anything else. Just a big hand slapped down on the spot.

Suddenly a terrible scene appeared. The whole void completely collapsed, and it didn't collapse quickly, but collapsed bit by bit and shrouded Ye Qianqian bit by bit.

The terrible power can be felt even if those masters who are half a step away from the world of man are far away.

Everyone can feel Wang Tianshuo's vicious psychology, which is to force Ye Qianqian to make a choice. Instead of rushing to shoot down, he shoots down bit by bit. Then look at Ye Qianqian's choice.

If she chooses to resist stubbornly, she will die. If she chooses to avoid, ye Xiwen will die and be photographed by Wang Tianshuo on the spot. This is just a monkey trick.

In other words, Wang Tianshuo didn't pay attention to Ye Qianqian at all. He basically played her like a monkey, or he had to see ye Qianqian's complete collapse in this way.

At this time, everyone was sweating for ye Qianqian, even if they were still besieging Ye Qianqian just now. But also consciously, compared with this Wang Tianshuo, he is still more noble, not to mention this Wang Tianshuo shot at this time. It is clear that they are here to grab food. Although they can't compete with Wang Tianshuo, it doesn't prevent them from cheering Ye Qianqian and pinching a cold sweat in their hearts.

Among the attention of the public, ye Qianqian is not as many people think. Leave on the spot. It's important to save your life first. Instead, she chose to fight tenaciously. The Xueyao sword in her hand seemed to be integrated into her body. Then, her body burst into bursts of powerful sword Qi, which swept madly over her head, forming a whirlpool of sword Qi, and then directly turned into a giant ice and snow sword, which instantly fell towards Wang Tianshuo.


The ice and snow giant sword and Wang Tianshuo's big hand collided fiercely. For a time, the whole void completely collapsed, and the ice crumbs flew out completely.

Then a bigger collision swept out the boundless air waves, layer by layer.

"Hua la la!"

Both ye Qianqian and ye Xiwen's clothes made a crazy hunting sound at this time, and the terrible pressure swept over from top to bottom.

That ice and snow giant sword firmly blocked the whole big hand outside. Although the power of Xueyao sword is not bad, the gap between heaven and earth is just like heaven and earth. Rao shiye Qianqian has done his best, but he still can barely block Wang Tianshuo's big hand.

"I like girls with personality!" Wang Tianshuo's face showed a somewhat obscene smile. He said that he increased the input of Zhenyuan. The big hand that had been blocked by the ice and snow giant sword began to press down slowly again.

Inch by inch, and the whole sky is also broken inch by inch. This slow scene is far more shocking than those scenes of rapid collapse.

And ye Qianqian, who was able to hold on, began to tremble slightly under the constant pressure of Wang Tianshuo, just like a weak woman supporting a collapsing city wall.

Little by little, the scope of the ice and snow giant sword was reduced little by little, which was completely compressed.

Everyone is watching and waiting to see when ye Qianqian can hold on. Although many people know that Wang Tiansuo hasn't tried his best, he's just playing with Ye Qianqian. Even so, it's still a disaster for the experts in the later stage of banbu Tianren.

"Chick, as long as you surrender and hand over this boy, I'll let bygones be bygones and let you go, okay?" The obscene smile on Wang Tianshuo's face was also put away for a few minutes. He didn't expect that ye Qianqian could insist so much. It was impossible for the experts in the later stage of the general half step tianrenjing to stop it, and he was afraid that he would have run away at this time.

Who is this boy?

Is it worth it?

This idea also instantly appeared in the hearts of these masters in the later stage of the half step heaven and human realm. They have achieved success in cultivation for many years. Even stepping into the heaven and human realm is only half a step away.

But it seems that he hasn't felt such emotion for a long time. He pays for a person!

The more advanced the cultivation is, the more you can realize that what is extremely cold at high altitude. Many former partners and friends have slowly left them.

At this time, many people began to worry about ye Qianqian. The gap between the master of heaven and man and the master of heaven and man was too big.

In the face of Wang Tianshuo's words, ye Qianqian didn't answer, but he looked a little dismissive and said, "there will be a good reward for what happened today in the future!"

This sentence is like trying to be brave. Generally, as long as it is wise, people will not say such words. This is often said by the weak, but the weak often have the least human rights, so people often laugh at such words.

But the object is Ye Qianqian. No one feels how reluctant it is. No one thinks it is impossible to achieve it. Everyone sees Ye Qianqian's cultivation and strength. As long as it develops smoothly in the future, it's only a matter of time to step into heaven and man in the future. It's really possible to report at that time.

Wang Tianshuo's face suddenly changed. People wanted it. How could he not expect it? At this time, his face flashed a bit of killing intention. He didn't take ye Qianqian to heart. Even ten ye Qianqian couldn't threaten him, but now think about it. Ye Qianqian can't threaten him now, but can't he do it in the future?

Now, he has amazing potential and unlimited future achievements. Such a person is a great threat to him and the Wang family.

Get rid of her, both public and private!

At this time, the first thing he thought of was not the hundreds of gods on Ye Xiwen. Although these gods were important to him, at this time, the most important thing was to kill Ye Qianqian.

When all the experts of the Ye family free their hands, there will be no chance.

Sure enough, at this time, seeing that Wang Tianshuo was going to kill him, the experts of the Ye family shouted and scolded one after another.

"Stop it, Wang Tianshuo, how dare you hurt her?"

"Wang Tianshuo, do you dare to bully our younger generation like a man? Come and challenge me if you have the ability!"

But at this time, the experts of the Ye family are a little far away from here, and they can't catch up for a while, and Wang Tianshuo doesn't have any intention to stop, so they can only watch Wang Tianshuo press his palm bit by bit, as if they were going to crush Ye Qianqian to death.


The palm of her hand pressed down for another Zhang. Ye Qianqian finally couldn't stop it. Her pretty face turned red and a mouthful of blood gushed out. This was her first injury since she came in, but she didn't regret it. On the contrary, all these essence blood were sprayed on the body of Xueyao sword.

Xueyao sword suddenly burst into endless light, stabilized the situation again, and blocked this big hand.

"Damn it!" Wang Tianshuo was a little angry. Ye Qianqian was so stubborn that he had no sense of achievement or playing people with applause.

In particular, he thinks he has penetrated the hearts of the people. For the first time, he failed on Ye Qianqian's side. He originally thought that ye Qianqian would resolutely give up Ye Xiwen, but he didn't want to. He didn't have it at all.

His big hand turned into a big seal in an instant, and fell directly into the sky. It was like trying to break a big hole in the sky, and fell directly towards Ye Qianqian.

He has lost his patience. It's like a cat has to play with a mouse before eating a mouse. Now he has lost his patience and wants to kill her on the spot, so as to prevent the experts of the Ye family from escaping and dreaming all night.

Ye Qianqian looked at the big seal, and his pretty face was still stubborn.

At this critical moment, a golden light flashed in an instant, a hand penetrated through it, grabbed Ye Qianqian's white and tender palm, and pulled her out of the big seal in an instant.