Chapter 1835

"It is precisely because this mysterious pill can make the experts in the mysterious realm make rapid progress, so it is particularly precious!" Ye Mo said, "because for any xuanjing master, even for them, Xuandan is in short supply. They also need Xuandan to help them break through. Generally, the Xuandan condensed by themselves is digested by themselves, and this is also the hard currency among xuanjing masters. Some people also use it to buy some medicinal materials, or natural materials and earth treasures!"

Ye Xiwen swallowed countless pills in one breath before, not only because he felt rich at that time, but also because these pills were of little use to Ye Xiwen today, so he had to swallow more!

"The original output is so low. No wonder neither that ancient giant crocodile nor some other experts in Shengxuan realm have seen Xuandan before!" Ye Xiwen said, "but even with Xuandan, it's impossible to make rapid progress in a short time. It's just like the previous Lingjing!"

"Well, that's right, but don't look at the experts in the mysterious realm from the eyes of ordinary people. They are the people closest to preaching. For them, they don't have much interest in anything that has nothing to do with preaching. In fact, the value of Xuandan is far from the height of dragon pulse, but there is no market for price. This is the reality. It's easy to exchange Xuandan for Dragon pulse, but It's hard to trade dragon veins for Xuandan! " Ye Mo Dao.

"So it is!" Ye Xiwen nodded. At this time, he can understand these things. After all, he has also stepped into the mysterious realm of life and into this class. Naturally, he can understand some ideas of people in this class.

However, this matter still sounded an alarm for him. His wealth has not been so much, and it is impossible to support him to waste it indefinitely. He must find other sources of wealth. At this time, the importance of the underground treasure house has suddenly risen to a new level in Ye Xiwen's heart.

Ye Xiwen's speed was so fast that when he was flying with all his strength, he was in the abyss of the dead. Along the way, all the dead beasts he met in the sky were directly defeated by Ye Xiwen. After entering the mysterious realm of life, ye Xiwen's strength had an earth shaking change.

Slowly, he finally approached the underground treasure house mentioned by Princess Tianqing.

"What's that?" Ye Xiwen suddenly found that a battle was going on in the distance.

However, he saw that he was a 20-year-old young man, dressed in Chinese robes, with a noble and unparalleled prestige, completely shrouded in him.

There was no expression on his face. As soon as he raised his hand and threw his foot, the whole world was rumbling like a complete collapse.

In front of him, he was a terrible nightmare, and he was also the king of nightmares. His limbs were strong, and his breath was full of nightmare fire, Shaochuan everything. However, in front of this 20-year-old young man, he was not an opponent at all, and he was defeated step by step under his battle.

"It's so strong. That Jun Dingtian is so strong. I'm really out of sight!"

Ye Xiwen used a magic power to present the scene in a distant place in the way of divine thoughts. Princess Tianqing was also able to see the scene there through this. Seeing this scene, she was a little shocked.

"Do you know him?" Ye Xiwen asked.

"Well, he is the offering of my eldest brother and the most mysterious one among the offerings. Originally, I just thought he might have some skills, but I didn't want to see him so strong!" Princess Tianqing hurriedly said, "it looks even better than you!"

Ye Xiwen narrowed his eyes. He could feel a terrible and dangerous smell from the young man. He hadn't felt it for a long time, because those who could make him feel dangerous were much more powerful than him, but this Jun Dingtian didn't seem to be in the later stage of xuanjing, but it could make him feel threatened, This hasn't happened for a long time.

During their conversation, the battle between Jun Dingtian and this nightmare has come to an end. This nightmare is very powerful and has entered the later stage of Shengxuan realm. It is very difficult to deal with, but in Jun Dingtian's hand, he can only give in and succumb to Jun Dingtian's power.

Then Jun Dingtian stepped directly into the nightmare and disappeared into the sky.

"This king Dingtian is so powerful. The nightmare at the same level is also a rare fierce beast. Ordinary experts at the same level can't do anything about it. In his hand, he is so vulnerable and almost defeated." Ye Xiwen said.

"Follow him, this gentleman Dingtian must also be looking for Zhenguo artifact!" Princess Tianqing hurriedly said, "if he finds it first, then the big brother is likely to sweep everything and finally ascend the throne as Emperor!"


Ye Xiwen nodded, then turned into a golden light and followed directly.

Soon, ye Xiwen caught up with Jun Dingtian, but in order not to let him find out, he just hung from a distance and didn't rush up directly.

The two sides walked all the way, followed all the way, and walked for a full hour. Only then did they finally stop in front of a huge plain.

"The artifact of our dark country was lost in the treasure house under this plain. As long as you can help us find it back, it will belong to you!" Said Princess Tianqing.

"What good are you?" Ye Xiwen asked.

As the saying goes, he didn't believe that Princess Tianqing would give up a national artifact because she liked him.

"Of course, I have my requirements, but I believe it won't embarrass you. No matter what requirements, it should be cost-effective to exchange an artifact!" Princess Tianqing looked at Ye Xiwen with burning eyes and said that her eyes were extremely hot.

Ye Xiwen thought for a long time and finally nodded.

Ye Xiwen looked, but saw that Jun Dingtian fell directly into a group of people.

That group of people is just like a line of more than 20 people, but they are all experts in Shengxuan realm. Their strength is terrible and frightening.

"That's the prince's team?" Ye Xiwen asked.

"Well, yes, the eldest brother is the father's eldest son, and he is also the eldest son of the emperor. He is a well deserved candidate, whether he is a legitimate or an eldest son. Therefore, the eldest brother has been the future Prince favored by many people since he was just born. Now, after more than 2000 years of practice, he has entered the realm of life, and the leading middle-aged man is him!" Princess Tianqing pointed to the leader of the group.

He is a middle-aged man in a royal robe. He is dignified, not angry, but rich and noble.

The great prince is also a master of Shengxuan realm, which is much better than recruiting experts of Shengxuan realm everywhere. After all, how can the recruited experts of Shengxuan realm compare with their own masters of Shengxuan realm.

Beside the Grand Prince, there are many other experts in Shengxuan realm. However, judging from their consistent clothes, they must be from the same family.

The power of this family is ready to come out. It is the Tianhuang palace. Among the supporters of many princes, Tianhuang palace is also one of the most sparing efforts. In order to enable the great prince to obtain the throne of the dark country, Tianhuang palace has also spent countless resources and attracted many experts in the mysterious realm of life for him, in addition to their experts in Tianhuang palace, There are many other scattered practices in the dark country. Although they are only scattered practices, they have entered the realm of life and mystery, and none of them is a simple figure.

At this time, the whole Grand Prince's team is also a mess. Individuals talk about individuals. Although the Grand Prince has also entered the mysterious realm of life, any one present is stronger than him, and it is difficult for him to really restrain these lawless foreign experts.

"Now we should be the first to arrive at the treasure house. That's great. In this way, we can take the lead in getting the treasure and the town artifact. At that time, your Highness's accession to the throne is almost a certainty. We have finally made a start in the scattered repair following your Highness!"

"Well, hurry up. The dead spirit in the dead spirit abyss is too strong. I feel uncomfortable and very uncomfortable just after coming in for such a short time. If we can't go out as soon as possible, we may die here!" A master of the heaven wasteland Hall said.

"Don't we have to wait for Jun Dingtian to come? If he comes, everything will be much simpler!" At this time, a casual repairman said.

"Hum, what did he do when he came here? He left the team talking to himself. What did he want to do? Is there any organization and discipline?" A master of Tianhuang Temple disdained and said, "not to mention that your Highness the great prince has the assistance of our Tianhuang temple. You don't need this arrogant guy at all!"

"Yes, this arrogant guy doesn't deserve to stay at all, and his highness doesn't need such a person at all!" At this time, the people in the Tianhuang hall agreed one after another. Because the people in the Tianhuang hall accounted for more than half of the more than 20 people, a huge momentum was formed for a while.

"I don't deserve to stay. Do you deserve it?" At this time, a cold and heartless voice swept through the void, followed by a flash in the void, and a human figure with purple flame jumped out.

When they stared, it was Jun Dingtian who was riding on the nightmare. At this time, the people who wanted to attack Jun Dingtian had swallowed a mouthful of saliva and felt that it was difficult to breathe. (to be continued)