Chapter 1841

The peak of Shengxuan realm is the complaining spirit of the peak level of Shengxuan realm. Although it was restrained by Ye Xiwen's Mingxin ancient tree, its real strength could not be brought into play, resulting in the twelve Chinese Zodiac complaining spirits being defeated by Ye Xiwen alone.

However, the strength of the peak of Shengxuan realm is not false. If it can be completely defeated and absorbed, for ye Xiwen today, it is equivalent to a person who has made five million in the air and can directly soar his strength to a higher level. Even the peak of Shengxuan realm is expected to save countless hard work.

But if it's the other necromancer at the peak of Shengxuan realm, such as the headless knight before, if he's at the peak of Shengxuan realm, ye Xiwen can only protect himself with all his strength, and it's impossible to kill directly like facing these grievances.

This is the truth of mutual generation and mutual restraint. With the ancient tree of Mingxin, all attacks against the yuan God are floating clouds for him, which is not a worry at all.

"Damn it, the murderer didn't intend to let us go at all. Let's go!" Seeing that the twelve zodiac array has been set up, ye Xiwen has no choice. All the zodiac grievances have been completely desperate.

For them, it never occurred to them that the twelve zodiac array had no way to fight against them. Even experts at the level of death xuanjing, relying on the twelve zodiac grievance array, they were more than enough to ask themselves for self-protection. Who knows, when they met such a * *, their most proud attack means was of no use in Ye Xiwen's hands, Ye Xiwen could do nothing at all. At this time, in addition to running away, he had to run away.


They tore open the space directly and hurriedly fled to the distance.

Ye Xiwen was about to pursue, but at this time he saw the capital abandoned by the twelve zodiac grievances in the distance. He hesitated a little and immediately decided to let go of the twelve zodiac grievances first.

Then he directly turned into a big golden hand and slapped it down.


With a huge roar, ye Xiwen's big hand fell into the king capital of grievances, which immediately caused countless array counterattacks in the king capital and turned into countless grievances to destroy the sky and the earth.

However, ye Xiwen's palm spewed out endless Nanming fire in an instant, burning everything. All the complaining spirits screamed and burned directly into nothingness, destroying all the defenses in an instant.


This king's capital was blown to pieces by Ye Xiwen on the spot, and the wealth of it completely fell into his hands.

"Hahaha, unexpectedly, there are so many!" Ye Xiwen swept his mind directly and knew that this time, there were more than 100000 Xuandan in the king's capital. All these Xuandan were the grievances of the twelve zodiac signs. I don't know how many years they had accumulated. They were originally used to promote themselves to the level of death xuanjing. Now, they are all cheap.

It can be said that although the life span of these complaining spirits is also exhausted, it is undoubtedly much longer than that of ordinary people. In such a long time, the Xuandan accumulated is undoubtedly a huge number, many of which are also accumulated from the abyss of the dead.

"100000 Xuandan, ye Xiwen, now all your problems have been solved. As long as you catch the eleven Chinese Zodiac grievances and swallow them up, you can directly impact the peak of Shengxuan realm!" Ye Mo's voice was a little excited.

In addition to Xuandan, there are also some magic tools. The abyss of the dead was a huge kingdom of God and battlefield at the beginning. In addition, a large number of experts from the mysterious world burst in every hundred years, so a considerable number of magic tools were left behind. I don't know that many powerful magic tools came from * * by these complaining spirits. Now they all fall into Ye Xiwen's hands, Others only produce natural materials and earth treasures in the abyss of the dead, but these are not so good compared with Xuandan.

These Tiancai and Dibao can play a real role only in a specific environment. At ordinary times, it is far less obvious than the role of Xuandan.

At this time, Princess Tianqing finally managed to suppress her injury and flew to Ye Xiwen.

At this time, ye Xiwen noticed that Princess Tianqing seemed to be injured in the aftermath of her battle. She couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. She immediately operated the regeneration of Tianhuang and released a golden light.

Princess Tianqing suddenly felt that she was bathed in a golden light, and then all kinds of injuries in her body were recovering at an amazing speed.

At this time, she realized that ye Xiwen dared to attack such a huge group of grievances, which was not without support. However, she still felt that it was just like a monster. It was terrible.

Her heart suddenly hesitated, and she didn't know whether the plan in her heart could be realized.

"I didn't expect your strength to be so strong, but it's good. For our future plans, the stronger your strength, the better!" Princess Tianqing thought and said.

"Yes!" Ye Xiwen nodded and said that now he naturally tries every means to improve his strength. Only the stronger his strength is, the greater the probability of inheriting the Lord of the dead.

"Come on, let's catch up first!" As ye Xiwen said, he directly grabbed Princess Tianqing's * *, and then a pair of wind and thunder wings behind him expanded directly, and then chased the direction in which the twelve zodiac grievances fled. His wind and thunder field expanded directly to hundreds of miles. Where he passed, those residual grievances were directly hanged in an instant, which would not hinder his progress.

At this time, he had no time to deal with these residual grievances.

The level of these grievances is too low. For him, 10000 may not be as important as the arrival of a Chinese Zodiac grievance. It's useless at all.

At this time, the Chinese Zodiac grievances had escaped as much as Bai Wanli. Until this time, they finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that ye Xiwen didn't catch up.

At this time, the more than a dozen animals complained. They were a little embarrassed and had no attitude of the emperor before.

"It's terrible. How can there be such a terrible existence among human beings? I've killed some external experts who came in while chaos, but I've never seen such a terrible existence!" At this time, the dog head complained that his face was pale. In the battle just now, he was directly injured by Ye Xiwen's skill.

Just now, on the way to escape, he could only force the injury on his body down, but at this time, as soon as he stopped, the suppressed injury suddenly appeared, and the corners of his mouth kept bleeding. It looked very embarrassed and miserable.

"It's just a monster. Compared with us, these external creatures occupy a congenital advantage. They don't have to hide every day. They are like a lost dog. They can only be in the dark abyss of the dead. Even, for us, every promotion is nine dead lives, not ten dead lives!" The dragon head resentful spirit couldn't help but turn pale. He looked at the direction of his escape fiercely, especially with resentment in his tone.

For their grievances turned out by the darkest power between heaven and earth, every promotion is a terrible test. For ordinary warriors, Tianjie is very terrible, and even their chances of survival are very low, but for these grievances, there is almost no possibility of success.

Those natural disasters almost restrained them to death.

Therefore, even though they have accumulated the wealth of 100000 Xuandan pills and made preparations for many years, they still dare not lead to the natural disaster of death xuanjing, because they are still not sure. Even if they have reached the peak of life xuanjing, they still have no grasp. They have a strong hunch that if they lead to the natural disaster, they are likely to die here, So they prefer to muddle along in the past.

Therefore, they will want to give up, seize the flesh, go out and leave the dark abyss of the dead. As a normal creature, although it is still very unlikely to enter the realm of death, it is much stronger than now.

"But what can we do? All our previous lives were corpses who died miserably in this area. From the moment we were born, we have been locked here. Unless it is the rage of the dead, we can't leave at all!" The snake head complained and said, "Damn it, damn it, the twelve of us have lived in this space for countless years, but the tiger head died because of the boy. If I can take revenge, I must let him die without a burial place!"

"Forget it, don't think about it. How can it be? He simply ignores our evil spirit. Our attack has no meaning to him. Once such a person is promoted to the peak of Shengxuan realm, he can really destroy us completely. We'd better go as far as possible first and wait until the death spirit maniac When the tide is over, these people will leave! " The leader complained calmly and said that at the thought of Ye Xiwen's * * general combat effectiveness, he couldn't help being a little scared and trembling. He had never seen such terrible humans in his life. He beat them in the later stage of Shengxuan realm. These peaks of Shengxuan realm almost ran away, and he didn't dare to imagine before.

"Hahaha, I'm so lucky that I met the complaining spirits of the Chinese Zodiac here. Gaga, all of them have become my tonic!" At this time, an arrogant voice came from the sky. (to be continued)