Chapter 2173

After settling down the nine elders, ye Xiwen began to enter a closed state.

After entering the house, he found that the nine elders had a lot of wealth, and there were tens of thousands of blood stones. Compared with his men, he didn't know how many times richer he was.

Of course, it's not comparable with him. The nine elders don't know how long they have accumulated. Their wealth is just similar to Ye Xiwen's harvest in a few months.

With these 20000 blood stones, ye Xiwen has much greater confidence in breaking through the seven heaven peak of delusion in one breath.

He has nothing to worry about as long as he rushes into the peak of breaking through the delusional realm.

After entering the closed door, he directly grabbed and exploded the blood gas condensed from a thousand blood stones, and swallowed them all on the spot.


All the boundless energy rushed into his body and ran around in his body.

In his body, the constant explosion!

He started to see the human experience, and changed the way of doing great work. Two kinds of methods continued to work in his body, like a beast of the head, which constantly swallowed up the blood gas and transformed into the essence of his life.

His body devours this boundless energy hungrily. The whole body is a huge blood pool, constantly absorbing the essence blood into it.

Time passed day by day, like a white horse passing through a gap. In a twinkling of an eye, it took two years to leave in a hurry.

Two years is nothing for the long time of blood prison and nothing for Optimus castle.

In two years. Optimus castle has not changed much, nor has there been any change due to the addition of such a new nine elders.

There were several blood demon tides. Countless blood demons have attacked the defense of Optimus castle, but they have not been able to reopen the defense of Optimus castle. After several elders leave the pass, they are easy to settle, and they can't really attack the defense of Optimus castle at all.

Everything is calm, as if many years ago, from a distant time ago, as always.

At this time, ye Xiwen passed the customs. Quietly exit the pass. If there are familiar people, you can see that ye Xiwen is more mellow and the breath control is more stable.

He has successfully broken into the seven heaven peak of breaking delusion, but he has improved in the same realm without stepping into a new realm. Therefore, there was not so much movement and no sharp edge.

But only he knows that in the past two years, his strength has been greatly improved, and there is no fundamental breakthrough, because he can go further. That's the power of the sermon level.

In any case, he can't cross the past.

So he didn't try to cross the past casually. What he still lacks now is to condense the incarnation of Daoism. As long as he can condense into the incarnation of Daoism, he is the first person under the enlightenment.

What will Yao Shengqing do then. What Jing Tianlei, what abyss demon master. It's nothing at all. It's vulnerable.

Unless they preach, they can't be his opponent at all.

However, in order to condense the incarnation of Dao Dao, in addition to the understanding of Dao Dao Dao, the most important thing is to have enough energy, whether it is the source of God or blood stone.

But what he didn't expect was that someone came to the door just after he left the customs.

No one else, just the second of the nine elders. He was a short and fat man with a smile on his face. He wore rich and gorgeous clothes like a businessman.

However, he is also in charge of most of the economic affairs in Optimus castle, but he has always been in charge very well. In the past two years, ye Xiwen's share has not been less.

"Why, it's hard to come?" Ye Xiwen looked at the second elder with a smile.

The second elder looked at Ye Xiwen unexpectedly. He could see that ye Xiwen's strength had become stronger in the past two years.

It is really amazing that such progress can be made in just two years.

After all, at their point, it can be said that every step is extremely difficult. If you are outside, it may take more than a thousand years to take any step. If you are a race with a short life span like the Terran, you may waste your whole life and turn it into a cup of Loess.

But even in the abyss of Huashen, it is still amazing that such great progress can be made in two years.

In particular, he has not made any progress for decades. He goes further, that is, preaching. Compared with that, ye Xiwen has more room for progress.

It's just breaking the seven heavy days of the delusional realm. It's good if he continues to practice. He knows that ye Xiwen's origin must be quite extraordinary. Otherwise, how can he break the nine heavy days of the delusional realm with the seven heavy days of the delusional realm? He has no ability to fight back.

But he won't ask in detail, that is, ye Xiwen's strength is strong enough!

Thinking of this, he became more enthusiastic.

"You've been here for two years. We haven't bothered you in the past two years. However, you know that if you enjoy the benefits, you will naturally fulfill your obligations!" The second elder looked at Ye Xiwen and said with a smile.

"I don't know what kind of task?" Ye Xiwen asked.

"Lao Jiu, you should also know that in the past two years, almost 10000 blood stones can be sent to you every year, right?" The second elder said.

"Yes!" Ye Xiwen nodded. His cultivation can progress so fast thanks to the accumulation of up to 40000 blood stones.

"Relying on the income of Optimus castle alone, it is naturally impossible to support so much consumption!" The second elder said. "Our main income is still a inferior blood stone mine 100000 miles away from Optimus castle!"

"Blood stone mine?" When ye Xiwen heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

In the blood prison, it is indeed a way to condense blood stones out of thin air, but it is hard and thankless. What is more important is to dig the blood stone mines deeply buried in the blood prison, which are also the main source of blood stones for major forces.

Otherwise, it is difficult to meet the demand under normal circumstances.

"Well, yes, it's the blood stone mine, but the blood stone mine is hundreds of thousands of miles away from here. It's very far away. It needs someone to sit in the town for a long time. Generally speaking, we take turns to sit in the town. In order to prevent those blood demons from making trouble, not only the blood demons, but more importantly, in order to prevent Feiyun castle from peeping at our blood stone mine, it's very important for Feiyun castle to peep at us For a long time, this is the foundation for us to settle down. Once we fall into the hands of Feiyun castle, the consequences are unimaginable. Then we Qingtian castle will collapse without fighting! " The second elder said seriously.

Ye Xiwen also knows that for forces like Optimus castle, a blood stone mine is the foundation for them to settle down. All the expenses have to rely on this blood stone mine. As for other inputs, there is no way to compare with blood stone mines.

"Now it's your turn to take the seat. Of course, we won't ask you to take the seat for long. Two years is enough. Generally, it's a cycle of two years. I was always in the seat before. Now it's your turn!" The second elder explained kindly.

"In that case, I'll go!" Ye Xiwen also knows that there is no such good thing as taking advantage of nothing.

Two years later, he will soon be released from prison. At that time, he still wants to rush out directly and fly into the sky.

The most important thing is that he wants to refine the incarnation of Dao Dao, which is when he needs a large amount of blood stones. Once he sits in the blood stone mine, it is a good opportunity to guard himself and steal. He can get as much as he can at that time.

He looked at the two elders. Obviously, the two elders also understood everything, but they didn't care, because everyone had a turn and had a chance. Naturally, there was no need to worry about others.

Because he himself is the same.

But I'm afraid they can't imagine how amazing the blood stones Ye Xiwen can absorb. Ye Xiwen doesn't say that making a lot of money is the most important thing at this time.

"Then trouble the good brother!" The second elder went out with a smile. In the past two years, he also made a lot of money. This is the time to go back and digest it.

Ye Xiwen didn't stay much either. After giving a little explanation, he hurried away in the direction indicated by the second elder.

The distance of 100000 Li is long, but it is also short. With Ye Xiwen's cultivation, ye Xiwen arrived not long ago.

"Who's ahead, stop!"

He had just entered, and suddenly there were guards coming forward. All of them were experts in the same mythical realm, and all of them were experts in Optimus Castle who took refuge under the nine elders. They were no different from people in the secular world.

Ye Xiwen directly showed his waist token, and they were immediately dumbfounded. In front of them, this was also an elder, but they had never seen it before.

The nine elders rotate every two years, so those who spend a little longer time have seen the nine elders, but they haven't heard of such an individual elder.

But the waist token can't be fake. At this time, they thought of another rumor, that is, the original nine elders were killed, and the man who killed him became the new nine elders. Is it the person in front of them? When they thought of this, their cold sweat immediately stayed, and they actually stopped the new elders.

For them, the level of the nine elders is almost all the people at the top of the gold tower. They have never seen the preachers. This is the most powerful expert they have seen. It's only a minute to crush them.

Immediately pleaded guilty.

Ye Xiwen didn't bother to talk to them. He directly told them to find the steward, and then went directly into the blood stone mine.