Chapter 2489

"But I won't lose!" Ye Xiwen roared and his momentum burst.

Ye Xiwen didn't mean to show weakness. Even if the other party was the real king of the four elephants in mythology and legend, he wouldn't give up. Let alone it was just an illusion. But even if the Buddha stood in front of him, so what? He dared to wave his fist.

The Thunder Dragon halberd appeared in his hand, and countless thunder laws condensed into talismans and danced on the Thunder Dragon halberd.

Although he is not afraid, it does not mean that he will underestimate this legendary character. Any such person is a unique existence in his generation, which puts great pressure on him. He must fight with all his strength.

"White tiger seal!" The palms of the four elephants turned into a huge tiger head, just like a white tiger coming, and Shengsheng rushed out of his palm. The whole scene was very terrible.


The two collided fiercely, and the sound of gold and iron roared. The white tiger of Sixiang Zhenjun printed a white tiger and the Thunder Dragon on Ye Xiwen's Thunder Dragon halberd entangled everything.

The white tiger, among the four true spirits, represents the existence of Gengjin and killing in the West.

Ye Xiwen's Thunder Dragon is even more destructive. It is one of the most terrible destructive forces in the world. The collision between the two sides is just the force of terror, which makes the surrounding space disintegrate, the laws disintegrate, devour each other, and the spreading tide of terrorist energy engulfs both sides. For a time, there is no human shadow.

"Deng Deng Deng!" Ye Xiwen retreated several steps and barely stopped, while the four elephant Zhenjun opposite also retreated a few steps and stopped under the control of the protection formed by a head of mana.

In this blow, the two sides shared equally. It should be said that ye Xiwen also fell slightly.

Ye Xiwen kept panting, and the four elephants in front of him were really terrible. He knew very well that when his combat effectiveness had just broken through the invincible territory, he did not know how much he was strong now. It was no difficulty for him to easily defeat himself at the beginning, but when he faced the real king of the four elephants in front of him, he fell completely into the disadvantage.

His eyes stared at the four elephant true gentleman, and the mysterious space in his body ran crazy, trying to analyze everything about the four elephant true gentleman.

Just a short time of fighting, let him have a feeling that there is no flaw.

The four elephant true monarch is flawless in both flesh and divine power.

In particular, ye Xiwen was impressed by his physical cultivation.

The collision of a blow just now. It made his hands slightly numb. It was enough to make him look at him with such an amazing degree in terms of an illusion. I don't know whether the real body would be more terrible than this illusion. It should be more terrible.

He knows very well that he may be fighting with one of the most amazing people in history. He should be satisfied with such a result.

But he was not satisfied, even if the emperor who did not get the way stood in front of him. He also has the consciousness of boxing.

"It seems that there is no way to be clever. We can only fight hard. Then come on, have a good comparison. See who is stronger!" Ye Xiwen picked a corner of his mouth and said coldly.

He didn't let go of his practice vest, because it was meaningless. The real king of the four elephants in front of him was just a kind of training for him. If you let go of the cultivation vest, it will be meaningless.

He also needs such a top-notch battle to confirm what he has learned and enter the road of emperor selection in the future. Maybe they are all such monsters.


The figure of Sixiang Zhenjun suddenly disappeared. When he appeared again, he appeared directly in front of Ye Xiwen, even faster than the speed that ye Xiwen's eyes of redemption can reflect.


However, ye Xiwen had already prepared. The Thunder Dragon halberd directly chopped down and hit the body protecting white tiger of Sixiang Zhenjun.


A terrible force swept out in an instant, and the infinite energy could not find a vent. It could only form a mushroom cloud upward and rise slowly.

"Hum!" Ye Xiwen only heard a cold hum, but saw a figure tearing the mushroom cloud and attacking and killing him. The power of the white tiger in his hand rushed out and turned into a sharp sword, tearing out the sword awn all over the sky, enveloping Ye Xiwen and trying to chop him alive on the spot.

Sixiang Zhenjun has the power of the four elephants. He is also the most amazing group of people in ancient and modern times. With the help of the power of the four elephants, he can even change the world.

Now it is so terrible just to show the power of the white tiger.

But how could ye Xiwen's learning be worse? He immediately formed a Leidi sky cannon in his hand and blew it out.


A huge roar seemed to reverberate in the sky and the earth. The destructive power of the thunder broke the endless sword light and hit the real king of the four elephants.

The white tiger wrapped around him opened his mouth and swallowed Ye Xiwen's thunder cannon.

"Burst it for me. Is my stuff so easy to swallow?" Ye Xiwen suddenly pinched up a printing formula, and an invisible spiritual wave fluctuated in an instant.


There was another huge explosion. The Leidi sky cannon swallowed by the white tiger exploded on the spot, smashing the whole white tiger.

Sixiang Zhenjun was also affected. His clothes were blown up in many places. He was quite embarrassed. There was no such indifferent look on his face.

The expression was extremely dignified. It seemed that it was not just an illusion, but a powerful existence with consciousness.

"Is it not an illusion, but someone found and condensed the will of the four real kings between heaven and earth? If so, it would be terrible!" Ye Xiwen was secretly frightened and guessed a possibility. If it was just an illusion, it could not be so terrible.

On the other side, Sixiang Zhenjun's face began to become cold, and he really regarded Ye Xiwen as an opponent worthy of a war.

Instead of being entangled with white tigers, he was replaced by Xuanwu, which shows that he began to take it seriously. White tigers are the representative of Gengjin in the West and represent endless killing.

Xuanwu represents endless defense ability, which is very different from white tiger.


With a piercing sound, ye Xiwen saw the real king of the four elephants move. In a moment, a powerful rosefinch appeared under his feet. The speed was fast to the extreme, and he suppressed Ye Xiwen with extremely terrible pressure.

On top of his head, there was a virtual shadow of the green dragon, which continuously poured ethylwood Qi into the body of Sixiang Zhenjun, making him maintain a peak state anytime and anywhere, very powerful and terrible.

The true spirits of the four elephants were all manifested. Suddenly, the laws of heaven and earth resonated with them, as if they could control everything between heaven and earth. He was the emperor of heaven. As soon as he appeared, he went up and down in the southeast, northwest and four directions.

The four elephants are true kings, who command heaven and earth.

Any step has the power of terror, which is not comparable to ordinary people.

Ye Xiwen looked dignified and grasped the Thunder Dragon halberd in his hand. In an instant, his whole body turned into a sea of thunder and lightning. He would not watch Sixiang Zhenjun completely control his power of the four elephants. This is a competition for law, this is a competition for heaven and earth. Who loses will be in a disadvantageous position in the later battle.

Then there was a terrible scene around Sixiang Zhenjun. His whole body and emptiness were collapsed by his momentum, but repaired by the law. This scene of continuous collapse and recovery was very shocking from a distance.

He shot at will. He was afraid that he could kill an immortal master alive. He didn't need to do anything. It was terrible just by virtue of that momentum.

A Thunder Dragon was picked out from the Thunder Dragon halberd and rushed across the sky. Unexpectedly, it competed with the power of Sixiang Zhenjun and collided directly.

"Bang!" An earth shaking crash broke the earth and turned into pieces.

The fight between the two far exceeded the strength they should have in this realm, which made people look very shocked.

Sixiang Zhenjun has few words, but it is an extreme terror.

"Wow!" It was another fierce voice tearing the sky. In the eyes of Sixiang Zhenjun, amazing light burst out. The influence of four kinds of divine beasts was constantly rotating. This force directly broke the sky and roared to Ye Xiwen.

This is an extremely terrible magic eye, which condenses the power of the four elephants into the eyes, so as to burst out. It is powerful and amazing.

Ye Xiwen was also unwilling to be outdone. The power of redemption emerged in his eyes. The power of redemption formed a field of redemption in front of him. This amazing force of four images broke through the air. After entering the field of redemption, it was like a clay ox into the sea, which was soon turned into a dry one.

And the power of redemption counterattacked and killed the real king of the four elephants. It seemed that there was a voice of criticism between heaven and earth.

You're guilty, you deserve trial!

Endless voices are blaming the real king of the four elephants, which is an extremely amazing means.

"Hum!" Sixiang Zhenjun didn't even look at it. The power of redemption directly hit Xuanwu on the spot, but he couldn't help it. He broke up with a dull noise on the spot.

At this time, the real king of the four elephants had rushed over again. At this time, his breath was completely released. It was terrible to the extreme, turning the surroundings into the field of the power of the four elephants. Here, he was the invincible master in the world.

A white tiger sword turned into a long sword. It swept down like a peerless drill, collapsed the void, and then rushed to Ye Xiwen's front door to kill him on the spot.

"Bang!" The collision between the two sides was even more amazing. Ye Xiwen's Thunder Dragon halberd didn't react slowly. Then he put it together. The sky suddenly collapsed and turned into powder, revealing endless chaos. This collision exceeded everything before, which also means that both sides began to really use their cards. (to be continued.)