Chapter 2668

"Kill him!"

The roar of these kings being blown out resounded throughout the universe.

The power of a bi sword can be seen from this.

"How could he be so powerful? I don't believe it. Even a real master who sealed the king's territory can't be so strong!"

"It's no use fighting with him, no matter how powerful he is, there are so many of us!"

The four powerful kings have killed red eyes. So many of them have jointly laid a snare, but they can't even fight ye Xiwen alone. Such a result is not what they want.

That day, the elder of the Tianzu spewed out his essence and instantly turned into a huge ship shuttling through the universe, directly across the whole universe and bumped into Ye Xiwen.

The feather on the feather king suddenly burst into a long knife, cut the stars in the universe in half, and fought with all his strength to kill Ye Xiwen.

The chariot at the foot of the war King ran wildly, turning the world under his feet into one battlefield after another, and countless Battlefield Heroes appeared in good positions.

The void King took out a talisman, which depicts a terrible pattern that no one can understand. It seems to be covered by a powerful force. It is an extremely ancient text, a talisman left by an emperor in the legend. This text is an original Taoist text created by the emperor. If it can be found out, You can understand the infinite secret left by the emperor.

Ye Xiwen stood in the void. At this time, they were far away from the fighting place on the other side. What a terrible thing it would be to collectively explode the combat effectiveness of the five powerful kings. You don't have to think about it at all.

Neither side is willing to play on the battlefield, because there is always one side of its own.

He coldly watched several people attack each other, and the ten thousand Dharma wheel on his head kept rotating. Countless spells burst out in rotation, and the breath became stronger and more terrible. At this moment, all the attacks. It's been culled. Come here.


This time, none of these kings left their hands. They all knew that the terrible young man in front of them might not be an opponent with all his efforts, not to mention being merciful. It was terrible and frightening.

All the attacks fell on the wanfalun disk. In the face of the crazy raid of the four masters who sealed the king's territory, Rao Shiyi's powerful Falun disk shook a little.

However, I'm afraid that a more powerful spell broke out on the ten thousand Dharma wheel. All attacks and all magical powers were restrained, and the real power of the ten thousand Dharma wheel was exploding.

"Continue to attack, I don't believe how long he can last!" That day, the elders of the clan said in a slightly crazy way. At this time, they have been forced to a dead end by Ye Xiwen. They can't do without defeating Ye Xiwen.

All the attacks are continuing. Ye Xiwen didn't seem to see it. He was indifferent and let the experts of the Tianzu attack the Wanfa roulette.


A terrible cry came from the ten thousand Dharma wheel. Then a huge virtual shadow jumped out of it and wanted to escape in the distance.

But he saw that ye Xiwen finally made a move at this time. A big hand suddenly grabbed it out and killed the virtual shadow.

"This... What is this? That's the spirit of the ten thousand Dharma wheel!" At this time, the four worshippers realized what they had done for ye Xiwen.

They are already the top people in the world of heaven. They have never seen anything. How can I not see this now.

Ye Xiwen clearly borrowed their strength. Forced out the spirit of the original Wanfa wheel, and then completely destroyed it. In this way, ye Xiwen will completely control the Wanfa roulette without any obstacles.

Thinking of becoming a tailor and making wedding clothes for others, they all felt like vomiting blood.

Ye Xiwen smiled a little. They guessed right. In fact, that's the case. There has always been a little spirit hidden in the ten thousand Dharma wheel, but his previous cultivation was not enough and did not show up. Therefore, he has always had many problems in controlling the ten thousand Dharma wheel. He is always a little short. Now he has forced it out with several masters who have granted the king's realm, Kill in one fell swoop.

"Next, your death date!" Ye Xiwen sneered. Now the ten thousand Dharma wheel has been completely controlled by him. He controlled the ten thousand Dharma wheel, stepped out one step and directly rushed to the old man of the Tian nationality.

That day, the elder almost immediately felt the horror of the ten thousand Dharma wheel. He had remembered many legends about the ten thousand Dharma wheel.

His eyes were red and hard!

At this time, there is no way not to spell.

His whole body instantly turned into a huge sea of suffering. The whole sea of suffering was boundless, and the waves were thousands of feet, which was enough to completely erase everything.

In this sea of suffering, he sailed a huge ship.

But ye Xiwen was expressionless. Under his control, the ten thousand Dharma wheels whizzed out, and the torrent of thousands of spells gathered and bombarded out at once.

Two terrible attacks collided with an eternal light.

Although the bitter sea giant boat was extremely powerful, it was not more powerful than the ten thousand Dharma wheel. Countless spell torrents restrained all the counterattacks of the bitter sea giant boat.


Spell torrent completely drowned old man of the Tian clan, and most of the his body was completely blown to pieces by spell torrent.

He struggled to escape to the distance, but how could ye Xiwen give him this chance again? Ah Bijian shot in an instant, and the sword broke through the sky and suddenly killed him.


With a scream, the old man of the Tian family was instantly killed. A master who sealed the king's territory, all his flesh and blood were swallowed by the demon flag.

Ye Xiwen's ferocity made other masters of the Tian family retreat.

"This son is so ferocious. Should we let him grow up and pose a great threat to the great cause of our family?" At this time, the feather King roared, and countless feathers on his body shook up. He rushed to the back of Ye Xiwen and cut down with a knife.

His opportunity was very accurate, that is, when ye Xiwen was out of breath when he killed the old man of the Tianzu, Lao Li had done his best and was not born. He wanted to hit Ye Xiwen hard at this time.


This knife directly cut into Ye Xiwen's body, and he finally caught a great opportunity.

But on Ye Xiwen's body, there was only a faint white trace, and even the broken skin could not do it, let alone hurt him.

"It's impossible. Even if the master who sealed the king's territory took my knife without reservation, he would still die. You can't be an exception!"

The feather king was shocked and said.

He never thought that his attack could not even break Ye Xiwen's defense.

"If I haven't broken through, maybe this knife will kill me, but now, it's far from enough!" Ye Xiwen shouted and stepped out. The sword in the stone suddenly appeared in his hand and fell down with a sword.

King Yu only had time to wrap the whole person with his wings behind him, but before he could react, he was struck by Ye Xiwen with a sword.


The whole body of King Yu began to crack, and his two wings all broke in a moment, revealing his real body. Ye Xiwen's sword power did not reduce, and directly cut off his head.

Golden blood splashed out.

King Yu struggled to escape to a distance. Although his head was cut off, it was not fatal for the experts who sealed the king's territory. Ye Xiwen's sword failed to destroy all his gods. Every cell of him could be reborn into a complete individual, which was very difficult to kill.

But how could ye Xiwen give him any chance to escape? A bi sword cut King Yu's body in half with a sword. In an instant, the body broke and the yuan gods were destroyed.

The power of a bi sword is really terrible. The master who sealed the king's territory was hit with a sword and killed all the yuan gods directly. This is difficult for him to do with the sword in the stone. It takes countless mana to kill all the yuan gods of King Yu.

However, with the fierce spirit of a bi sword, you can do it. Even the experts who seal the king's territory can't escape death.

At this time, the war situation was completely reversed, and the morale of the Allied forces of all ethnic groups was greatly boosted. It was a miracle. I thought there was no chance of survival. Who would have thought that ye Xiwen was so powerful that he killed two of them in succession in the face of four Masters who granted the king's territory. Such strength was almost shocking.

"Go!" At this time, the war king and the void king had no intention of fighting. They were almost scared to death by Ye Xiwen. They had never seen such a fierce king sealing realm expert, but they had never seen such a fierce sage realm. It would be great if they promoted him to King sealing realm.

Although there was such worry in his heart, it was more important to run for his life at this time. As for ye Xiwen, he would naturally arouse more powerful Tian family experts to deal with him.

They were shocked and wanted to escape outside. As for other Tianzu people, they couldn't care.

"If you want to escape, set up!" Ye Xiwen shouted loudly. Suddenly, there was a strong breath around him. Several of them were also the strength of sealing the king's territory. Although they could feel that they were much better than them, there were so many masters of sealing the king's territory at this time, and they were almost desperate.

The whole array was twinkling stars, and countless starlights shone from the distant airspace. The whole array moved slowly and looked incomparably majestic.

This is the big star array in the sky, which used to be powerful in the ancient heaven.


I'm looking for a subscription. In addition, I'm looking for a collection and recommendation for the new book "invincible Emperor Wu"! (to be continued)